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Elevator Escape 3 Walkthrough

Elevator Escape 3

Elevator Escape 3 is another new Japanese point and click type escape the room game by 86Game. In this game you must search for items and clues to escape the elevator. Good luck and have fun!

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Ahhhh...... much better so far

Glad you think so Guru. Im stuck with just the poster, and dont understand a thing..lol

i'm here

The poster is for the final code, lots to do b4 that

I put a bear on the chair.
What's next?

Look at the colours (circles)

where did you find a bear?

       Anonymous  12/8/11, 7:46 PM  

What ever happened to Edgar and Ellie? miss their goodness and helpfulness so very much

       Anonymous  12/8/11, 7:46 PM  
This comment has been removed by the author.

I got it!
The buttones (4F) are bears.

Sorry Crook, I still dont know how you got the bear. Hint please.

Go to 4F and push 5buttons(leftside).

i assume i have to push them in a particular order?

Look the shape(like a finger) at each floor.

@crook, are you talking about the 5 black shapes under the poster?

Thank you for your help Crook. I still cant do it, but have to leave for now anyway. Hopefully, you'll leave more clues for me, so thanks in advance.

       Anonymous  12/8/11, 8:21 PM  

anyone else still here?

@jtrangers, it seems there are 19 of us playing this game and at least some of us don't know what to do (that would include me) and those who know what to do just aren't sharing.
@Luin, I miss E&E, too!

I'll try to help, finished earlier

thanks @Donas! Where do I begin? All I have is the octopus poster with a letters in boxes grid on back.

Hi zoz

Go to 5 and play with the 4 green people until they give you a green key, I never knew the order. Use green key on cabinet for a screw driver

thanks @Donas! I've tried playing with those people (on/off ad nauseum) but have gotten nowhere. Will try once more. Maybe a POP moment in store?


I was trying to turn them all white, I think I got 3 white and then pressed 1, then 2


try 3 white, then 2nd, then 1st

I can get the last 3 white by pressing on the first one, but can't get anything else. Time for me to admit that i'm beat. This entire week reminds me of the lyrics from an old Bonnie Raitt song: "Nothin' I do ever turns out right."
Thanks for trying to help @Donas!

Sorry I can't be more helpful

Hi !ZOZ!!!!!!! If you get it will you tell me how?

I didn't finish the last one of these, either....I'll give it a try anyway!

Love the Japanese, can't understand a damn word but they're pretty prolific with escape games :)

I got the key...I pressed #3, then #2?? oh well...anyway they were 1st one green, last 3 white, then I clicked the first one and got a key!

Im still stuck with those buttons. Still dont have a thing other than the poster...lol

Hi nokra

the green people on each floor must be the clue, but I never figured it out

Hey...@clio and donas are still there!

LOL...now what do I do? SD is gone and each floor has different dots next to #...any hints, Donas?


Look at the shapes revealed under the plate, push the buttons under the poster in the order shown, ie 2 is upper left button

TY @donas....that actually makes sense!!!LOL

Ahhhh!!!! I got a "ding"!!!!
Now, where the heck is my bear?????


played again, the button positioned changed, so 2 may not be upper left

It is okay...I understood...and it worked...I got a ding sound!!!!! Now what????????
I hate these games!!!!!!!
Crook was talking about a bear...where is it? how to get it? and what did I do when I pressed the buttons and got a ding!!!!
Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!!!!

Hi Nokra, just press the square button again to get the bear.

you should be able to open the cabinet and get the bear, maybe click twice

Dag! Nabbit!!!! It was behind the buttons!!!that is a compartment...and I just had to click it again to open it!!!!! STUPID!!!!

for circles puzzle in 4th u need the colors of the clothes of the bears (sleeves too). u get gold key

need color hints for last puzzle >.>

Lol floor buttons have colored light when pressed XD. smart
and out!
(word didnt make any sense too me but w/e)

Finally figured out the green people, but games are different. 2nd floor shows 3 people, 3rd floor 1, 4th 2 and 5th 4. Each green man when pushed shows a different number of green people. Determine how many each one shows and push them in order to show first 3 green, then 1, 2, and 4

@Donas, to support you thought, hint on chair at 3F i think says 2F->5F, its for green men puzzle

I have the colors on the paper...and I can't figure it out....very late here...and the computer is agonizingly S L O W !!!!!!

A hint would be nice but I'll take a spoiler too!!!! LOLOL

Hmmm...where are the floor buttons???@ Brogettenks

@nokra, pressing the floor buttons in the elevator pad will reveal a light for each one (the moment its pressed). combine button color with floor number to find the letter. again series of 1F->5F applies

mine was spoiler


by floor buttons i mean the buttons you press to move to another floor (1,2,3,4,5) in the elevator control pad

@Donas, i had the same one

I saw floor buttons...and am thinking buttons...on the floor...I did not know which floor to look on the floor of... LOLOL
Did I mention it is one am here?
I think I'll get it this time!

It's nearly 1 am here too. So I'm off to bed with confidence you'll escape!

Thanks everyone for all your help....
Tonight Blogger is taking 3 or 4 minutes just to post a comment, so while I was asking the question, you were answering it!!!!
.....but, this was fun...and Goodnight!!!!

I give up. I cant get my bear. I understand what im supposed to be doing, but it isnt working for me. Not to worry. I might try again another time.

Congrats Nokra, i bet you're out by now. lol

..and you are.

play a version of tetris on panel after you get out. i haven't gotten past level 4 yet thogh

cleared tetris...guess its just for fun

I had to quit too. Couldn't figure the green man puzzle, and got bored trying.

I am baaaaaaccckk!!! LOL

Okay...@donas is right...the greem people have to be clicked so you see ....
3 greenies, 1 greenie,2 greenies and 4 greenies
Firdt, the guys are all green, then when you zoom that are all white!
It is a bit tricky ...but clicking #3 will get 3, then # 1 or #4 will get 1...then #2 to get 2 ...then #1 or #4 will get 4 !
I have played it several times and the 3,1,2,4 is always the same...the getting there just changes! DANG!!!! Makes it near impossible to write a spoiler!!!!

How do i click the black squares to get a bear please?

@wolfie...when you get the key , it give a SD that you use on the elevator pad!
There you see the place that was coveresd reveals shapes next to the numbers....each game it changes so no spoiler will work!
The shape for floor one, you click first, shape for floor 2 click second...and go on till you hear a ding...then click the middle and get the bear!

Ugh, another math test. No thanks.

You can play tetris after you win.

thanks @nokra.

cute! out with no help. loved the tetris after, but I was never very good at that game lol

Press the arrow button to start the game
Zoom on the elevator panel to the left of the doors
Go to levels 2-5 and note there is a sign on each floor’s back wall to show a certain number of people
Go to level 5
Zoom on a “people puzzle” on the back wall
Click to enter the correct numbers
Solution below
Back up
Use this key on the drawer on the 5th floor and get the SCREWDRIVER (yay!)
Back up into the elevator and zoom on the elevator’s control panel
Use the screwdriver to uncover the left side of the panel screen
Go to each floor and note the odd shapes that show up in the control panel screen associated with each floor
Go to the 4th floor
Zoom on the jellyfish poster and click to take the POSTER
Underneath there is a panel of shapes
Click them in the correct order
Now click the puzzle again to open it for BEAR
Solution below
Go to floor 2
Place the bear in the empty chair (ha! It rhymes!)
Go to floor 4
Now that the bear is in the chair, the circle puzzle is turned on (has a blue button on the top right side)
Click the large and small circles to make them the correct shades of gray or green/blue
Solution below
Go to level 3
Use this key to unlock the desk drawer for the COLOR STRIP
Click the jellyfish poster in your inventory and then hit the about item button
Click the poster in the about item view to turn it over
Place the color strip on the space to the left of the letter grid
Go to level 1
When zoomed on the control pad, click door lock to keep the doors open
Enter the correct letters
Solution below

To play Tetris
After getting the End, click on arrow button by End. Now click on the elevator control pad. Note there are now buttons for left and right, and for up and down. Click the door open and door close buttons to turn on and off the game. Use left and right to move in those directions and use up and down to speed the piece up or rotate it. If you get to level 5, you do get a CLEAR on the screen, but I couldn’t find another official end to the game.


People Puzzle (5th floor)
Each floor except the first has a sign on the back wall (under the floor number sign) with a certain number of people symbols. 2 has 3 people, 3 has 1, 4 has 2, and 5 has 4. On level 5, there is a puzzle panel where you can light up (turn green) the people symbols. You need to turn the “people” green in the same pattern as the floors 2-5. So make 3 green, 1 green, 2 green, and then 4 green.
Shapes Puzzle (4th floor)
Once you have used the screwdriver on the elevator control panel’s screen, you will see shapes associated with each floor. These are the same shapes as the puzzle. So click the corresponding shapes for floors 1-5. It changes each game, but mine was
First is middle, second is up right , third is up left, fourth is down right, and fifth is down left
Circles Puzzle (4th floor)
Once you placed the teddy bear on level 2, you can change the large circles to different shades of gray and the small circles to either blue or green. The color order comes from the bear’s arms and bodies. So from left to right, the colors should be blue, medium gray, green, blue, light gray, green, green, dark gray, blue
Letter Puzzle (1st floor)
Each button for a floor lights up a different color. Fifth is yellow, fourth is green, third is orange, second is pink, and first is blue. So in the first column of the letter grid, look at the letter in the blue row = E. Second column needs the pink letter=E. Third needs the orange so R, etc. So my letters were SPOILER.EEREA.SPOILER

end of spoilers

       Anonymous  12/10/11, 9:43 AM  

It took me such a looong time till I saw the similarity of the tetris shapes for the floors & those behind poster...
#2 was clear, but didn't get the others first... Suddenly a big CLICK in my brain while clicking on the shapes...!
Thx, KKF,
for your WT guidance!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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