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Nakusita Escape Walkthrough

Nakusita Escape

Nakusita Escape is another new Japanese horror point and click type room escape game from Zerosiki-kai. In this escape game, again you are locked in a place and you try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Language barrier may be a problem. Good luck and have fun!

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Language a big barrier here. Skipping it.

language barrier but am trying anyway.
Figured out 2-digit code.
first digit: 5, 6, _ (count up)
second digit: 5-1, 9-6,__ (count down)

got switch from girl, lightbulb from 2-digit code, and placed them both on the candle.

Turned on light and plants lit up but no hint for 3-digit code. Stuck. HELP!

monochrome?!? Wow, that really recalls those old Speccy times back in '85...(and I'm feeling old too)

Nobody around to help? Will come back later. Hopefully somebody can help translate in order to figure out 3-digit code (if translation is even needed?)

Tarisa, for the 2-digit code, are you trying to describe the year of the Munich Olympics (without 19..)?
If so, this number doesn't work on my side, so it might be different each game.

OK now I got your number too (due to being forced to restart, this game tends to hang now and then. My number was .. Four Seven (like the term that stands for "every day of the year"))

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OK. I'm back.
@arbeitloser.. sorry about the clue. Didn't realize it was different for each game. Guess I got the lucky the first time.
Now I'm stuck on 2-digit code. arghh

Sorry about what? ;)
I'll tell you what: there might just be TWO possibilities for the 2-digit code.
Just restarted 5 times (didn't play further than to the 2-digit code box though) and once it was "your" code, once it was "mine".

...Unfortunately I can't help you with the 3-digit code though. What's that lamp thing for if you can't click anywhere else (not even at the ceiling). Very peculiar...

I have given up. There must be a different escape game that I can play without gettig frustrated. Right?
Thanks for trying to help.

In order to solve the very first puzzle, you have to know the order that hiragana comes in, sorta like the ordering of the 26 letters of the alphabet. They keyboard-like thing that you see at the very beginning? Yes, that is how to arrange the hiragana.

Please look at this:

な=21, い=2, ふ=28, so 21+2+28=51, so ないふ will be 51. Understand?

The second puzzle is very straightforward but the solution of it changes every game. When you light up the light bulbs, it will display numbers in japanese. Here are the numbers:

いち = 1
に = 2
さん = 3
よん = 4
ご = 5
ろく = 6
なな = 7 or しち (I don't know since I didn't get this number)
はち = 8
きゅう = 9

And possibly
れい or ぜろ = 0 (I wouldn't know since I didn't get this number either)

Last puzzle:

なにもない (there is nothing)
それがこたえ (that is the answer)

What does that mean?








Connect the zeros! You should get a picture of three obvious numbers. (The numbers are sorta glued together so you will have to try to figure out where to "cut" the image.)

Solution for those unable to understand my previous hint (spoiler warning):

thanks "red and white". I'll go back in and try to play using your translations. Wish me luck!

Translation of intro:

だいじなもの を なくして おかあさん に おこられた
Mother has gotten angry at having lost something important.

いっぱい いっぱい おこられた
Gotten angry very much, very much

おかあさん は じぶん の へや から でてこない
Mother does not exit from my room

もう あさ なのに
Although it will be morning

まだ おこって いるのかな?
Is she still being angry?

おかあさん を おこしに いこう
Let's wake up mother

いっぱい いっぱい あやまろう
Let's apologize a lot, a lot



Go, shall we?

The japanese symbol keyboard helped tremendously!! Had to look closely at the keyboard symbols. Some of them look very much alike.
Now I am trying to find where the lighted plants are displaying the japanese numbers. Can't seem to view the ceiling, the right side, or turn off the lights.
What am I missing?

Translation of ending:

ドア が ひらいた
The door was opened

おかあさん おきて あさだよ
Mother, wake up. It is morning.

ごめんなさい おかあさん
Sorry, mother.

わたし いいこ に するから
Since I was made a good child

もう なかない から
Since I will cry no more

おなか が すいても ぶたれても むし されても
Although my stomach has gotten empty, got hit, and gotten ignored,

もう なかない から
Since I will cry no more

おかあさん おきて
Mother, wake up

なにか おはなし しよう
Say anything


わたし を みてくれる だけで いいから
Since it is good just for me to be seen


If I can

あたま を なでて ほしいな
I would want my head to be caressed

いっぱい いっぱい なでて ほしいな
wanted to be caressed a lot, a lot

わたし だいじなもの を なくしちゃった わるいこ だけど
I, a bad child, have lost something very important, but


だいすき だよ
I like you a lot

○ Month, x Day

In a certain mansion there was a foul smell that had created a disturbance

The police, according to a report, rushed to the room to confirm

The residents, a fatherless family, both the mother and the young girl's corpses have been discovered.

There are evidences of violent abuse on the daughter's body

They think she was killed by the mother.

On one hand, the mother's corpse has been found in the bedroom, but the cause of death is unclear.

Merely, its seems that the expression on her face has been suspended in an expression of panic.

Furthermore, the daughter's corpse's head has been decapitated, but it still has not been discovered.


Wow! You translated the entire thing?!
What a sad story.

The numbers are the shadows of the plants. The numbers are stretched out VERY MUCH so you have to sorta squint you eyes to see the numbers.

Here are two examples:


Got it! But couldn't have done it without your imageshack views. Thank You!
Now I'm on to the last puzzle.

and out!
The last puzzle used english numbers. Yeah!

Thanks for all your help! Coud not have done it without you!

YES! It rarely occurs that anyone would go such much in-depth in helping with the language!
You got me speechless, Red & White! Thank you very much (in behalf of everybody)!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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