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Poopo Escape 4 Walkthrough

Poopo Escape 4

Poopo Escape 4 is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Poopo. In this game, you try to get into the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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hey! so far I found a key (used), glasses, paper with japanese writtings, a bag and a note with piano hint (used)

glasses on colored board for bag code. used spray on writing, but can't understand it :(

i've found key (used), glasses (used, still in inventory), bag (used), bottle of ... lotion, maybe? and the note for the piano hint (used) and i'm stuck. :/

Trisana: use spray on paper you got from piano. I started to bruteforce the fruit drawer and it took me only one (!) try. that should count as a hint ;)

and out. nice, but short

the spray gives a clue for the desk...

and out, the only problem was the desk clue. hmmm, i wonder about that now...

       Anonymous  12/2/11, 4:59 AM  

Out !!! Brute forcing Fruits Drawer

Someone please write the fruit code, I'm probably having a blond moment but I cannot brute force it.


Yep, that (what Urban posted) is the fruitcode, but it only works after you used the spray on the paper.

Thank you Urban, but it doesn't work. I've tried all the combinations and none works :(

Small-tool ok, but how can I take the paper? (is paper the one under the map on the wall? I cannot take it)

@misspepy: paper is in the piano, clue for that is on wall under window

...and that's the end of my blond moment :D I didn't understand the piano hint, now I've got it.

Hello all...Pls MissPepy, what is the piano code? I also have a blonde moment( i'm blonde. lol)


put paper hint piano on pink numbers under window and note order 123456 to clic on piano

Thank you seb...got it :)

Thanks for the hints everyone. Took me ages to work out how to use the paper clue for the piano.
I jsut clicked and hoped with the fruit code.

And out ..phew...

In late... so far, glasses (used), got glue/ paint out of bag and onto paper (know idea what it says), and piano clue (used)... now? lol

POP, once i bruteforced the fruit drawer it was easy :)

       Anonymous  12/2/11, 7:47 AM  

but why oh why is it BOC?

Good game with an easy BF, thanks

       Anonymous  12/2/11, 12:35 PM  

LOL, solitaire applause!
Had to peek in comments, that we have to spray paper to read hint (still don't speak japanese ;-P) for fruit drawer...

They should have disguised the number code a bit better. Frankly, I squinted a bit and at least I was sure about the first two figures, so maybe I could have guessed the shape of a third and eventually brute-forced the fourth one. I'm sure it would have worked (unless there was the requirement to use the $ITEM to reveal them)

got it! boc!
paper means "measure of count?"
can't speak english.. write? :(
husa/ko/pon(in paper)
bunch/small/thin and long
so boc

did piano code by my self but cant find spray or number hints.

       Anonymous  12/5/11, 4:47 AM  

SPRAY is in BRIEFCASE (view desks with chairs above). You need 4-digit-code, that you can see with GLASSES from locked big drawer:
- go right (little arrow between desk)
- click little black hole left on brown bar for KEY
- click turn arrow
- use key on long big drawer for GLASSES
- go back & 2x left or right
- take BRIEFCASE under desk
- use glasses on coloured wall to see CODE
(about item & click written brown square above glasses)
- put code in briefcase to get SPRAY

Game link doesn't seem to work anymore.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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