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Birthday Escape Walkthrough

Birthday Escape

Birthday Escape is another new Japanese point and click type escape the room game by 86Game. In this game you must search for items and clues to escape the place. Good luck and have fun!

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       Anonymous  1/6/12, 8:31 PM  

Isn't this convenient, today's my Birthday! lol

Been waiting all day for this LOL

LOL this is looking like a headache for you and me. Happy Birthday by the way

Happy B-Day Audge :)

Thank goodness the cavelry has arrived. I am totally clueless

Opened the birthday sign using the numbers on the outside of the box and now have a colour code.

shapes under the candles seem to be clue to opening puzzle (plus size of white square)

use colors behind HAPPY sign to arrange letters on the drawer and open it to get a handle.
Happy B'day @Audge!

Happy Birthday AudgePaudge88.

OK opened drawer got lever

This is when you wish there was a language barrier so you'd have some kind of excuse!

Thought that the squares and lines next to the shape puzzle was for the second drawer code but B=T; I=H; R=D does nothing

Gave clue for 3 letter drawer but cant get that either

ah, got second drawer open. Use TRH clue with the sign in the first view with the arrows exchanging letters...

RSA Momma you're on the right track. What would TRH translate to?

RSA centre could also be S but doesnt work LOL

lit candles for number clue but not getting anywhere with the symbols?

Thanks Zoz - good to know I'm not a complete fool :)
The box on the square thingys gives a number clue now

on the blank sign with arrows:

So reverse that to see what TRH would become

Any clues about the changing background on the shapes? And where's the dang screwdriver?

zoz look at shapes under candles and maybe use the logic like the 3 digit puzzle (just guessing lOL)

zoz I thought background is size of squares above the candles?

Use your match on candles for orders

you get the screwdriver from behind the shapes puzzle.

Use SD and out.

and after that it's easy. Out now.

A clue ?

I tried making the shapes correspond to the numbers above each candle; for ex. 1= rectangle, 4= triangle, etc. Then press each shape on the sign in the order 1234, starting with the white background narrow, then getting wider. Did that make any sense to anyone, lol?

Birthday clue in game was AWFUL

Matches on candles gives order, the sizes of the candles give background and the bases give the shape.

You have to change the background behind the shapes to the right thickness before you click the shape. The order you click the shapes in is given by the candles.

match each shape with corresponding background and prees that shape..1st one is rectangle with large background and so on

Thanks @faltu! My brain had simply reached a deadend!

Okay, that gives me

1 rectangle
4 triangle
3 half moon
2 square


1. rectangle.. big
2. circle .. middle
3. square.. small
4. triangle..little

imaginative little game, that one. And made just for AudgePaudge88, apparently!

@RSA, my code was 1423, so 1= rect, 2= crescent, 3= square, and 4= triangle

I'm going for another cup of coffee.
Obviously I'm not all there today. Can't figure out the shapes at all

Sorry Zoz,
Dyslexia rules KO. Mine is too.
Tried that about a dozen times. Do you push the button between each entry or just keep putting the same entry in?

LOL @RSA, It's just after midnight here, so no coffee for me. But @faltu gave a SPOILER for the shapes and background at 9:02.

@GuruOne, you may not have liked the BIRTHDAY clue, but I still think it was better than the diabolical wheel in room T of the Asylum game today!

RSA push the button to change the background and then tha shape button, for the first one change the background to largest and push rectangle button, then change background to middle and push half circle button and so on.

@RSA, I pushed the button between each shape in order to change the background size. When you get it right you'll hear a faint click.

Thanks Faitu ! Got it now. I was just pushing the buttons instead of changing the sizes !

did we lose @Leroy and @AudgePaudge88? Hey, guys, there's birthday cake and the teddy bears will share!

Well with that dismal performance. I think a whole POT of coffee is in order for the day.

Thanks all :)

       Anonymous  1/6/12, 10:24 PM  


- click: start, paper, LID

- turn box left

- Pi/1-G/2-Pu/3-O/4-B/5

- click HAPPY pic CORNERS (hint: numbers in front)
--> colours: Pu-O-G-Pi-B
- open upper drawer for HANDLE
--> combine numbers with colour hint & use it on HAPPY
(click right to open link in a new tab)
(with aid for colour challenged pple)
- turn box right

- put lever in slot (right of pipe pic) & pull for LETTERS in vase
--> T-R-H
- turn box right

- exchange letters in BIRTHDAY (hint: arrows on wall)
(click right to open link in a new tab)
- go to

- open lower drawer for MATCHES
- go left

- light candles with matches for ORDER
- go to

- put in candle code for SCREWDRIVER
(click right to open link in a new tab)

--> use SD on screwed corners for a



Thanks for the PT, premiere :D
I needed help with the candle! Was thinking too much and couldn't get past that one

Again I can't play a game because the screen says "missing plug in" but there's nothing to click & I don't know how to get the missing plug in :(

What an adorable game! Only needed a nudge from Zoz on the 3 letter drawer!
And Happy Birthday to @audgepaudge88!!

What was with the fan?

       Anonymous  1/7/12, 2:38 PM  

on one box side, you saw the backside (fan) of the pipe pic, where you put lever to blow flower petals away, so nothing more to do with fan.


In case you were talking about that letter changing puzzle, I fully agree with you!
Chances are high for it to get ambiguous: e. g. do you always have to do the letter changes with the ORIGINAL word or with the word already changed once or twice?
That's why 5th position and 5th position need not necessarily mean the same thing.

I needed help to get the candle/shape clue. Thanks!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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