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Chikarou 2 Walkthrough

Chikarou 2

Chikarou 2 is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Dghgbakufu. In this game, you try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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haha first!

I startet and i am stuck....no idea what to do here.

ok retaard help us out of here, i suck at these

@bigtank, me too :)

I turned around couple of times and looked at hints. Now will try turning left.

Turning left doesn't help.

lol @urban makes you just as dizzy

Going to give this one a go... Hi everyone :)

Found out, that there is 12 letter hint and 12 arrow hint, but what do they represent?

through first door ur ul br ur ur bl

Lol what's going on in this one then...

Thanks daz, there's a start lol

tried letters by alphabet 1621921036192172011 ? but no go ??????

sorry should read 1621921136192172012 .. but still not work ??

K = 11 and L=12, but it doesn´t work either.

Move each letter over three, then read top to bottom to get three digit number.

last one should be 12. I tried that and tried adding the 2 digits together for
721223612823 didn't work either

Indiedog 12 please explain better. Not sure what you mean move letter over 3

Indie - very good - got 3 digit letter but no place
to use them

I opened door with machine which has a 9 grid with lines!

Indiedog i don´t get it...

Thanks daz, used the code, heard something move, but can't no door opening! which door?

zazie - P + 3 = S
B + 3 = E
S + 3 = V

Annnnnnnnnd Out...... Nice puzzles as per usual

Wish these were longer tho'


Line up the colours on the x/y axis to match the 4 symbols

nvm, finally understood. bad day today.

lamb777.... open box with arrows ,,take gem . put gem in slot 1 ... then take key

Do not understand much today apparently. How do colours match symbols?

SP7OI5LE2R .....

Thanks again, daz! was expecting door to magically open after entering code.

Thx SM, now i have got it !

I dont understand how to correspond colors with this 9 grid

Me either SwissMiss

These games are not for me lol...i am always too blond.

Ditto, SwissMiss and evans

I don't even understand the 4-corner solution @_@

oh.. adn I just got the 4-corner box solution *lol*
very slow today!

mhtyhr - the clue with arrows - just take the top two and compare with the puzzle
one triangle pointing right, the other up
press first button
next sequence top triangle turning left, buttom up
press matching button , etc.
you have to press 6 buttons

Maybe if I actually knew what "line stuff up on an x/y axis means it could help LOL

guru - are you still there - we need a bit a better explanation lol

I will play the other new game now, GL all !

Oooh I got the color puzzle!

Look at the first symbol... the one with half red and blue/green.

You get that by drawing horizontal line from Left Red to Right green, and Top red to bottom Blue.

That corresponds to button 6 if we are looking at

mhtyhr if that makes sense to you and works could you please post what #'s to push cause I don't see it.

solution pleas mht

789 6185

Thank you daz!!!


Sorry for the very crude picture... I only have mspaint :D

Alright daz! Thanks for the code!

thank you - I normally like those games
but that last puzzle still does not make sense to me

@Swissmiss, thanks for the explanation.
I actually thought at first that the hint for the 4 corners is on the color box.

and out....my head's spinning, I think I'll find a nice quiet matching game to play for awhile. lol

We have to combine the four parts , one from left, one from top, one from right, and one from bottom, to make the same pattern as the 4 squares.

The lines we draw to do that, are reprsented on the buttons we have to push.

apparently this author wants to keep changing it so the puzzles are always new....but...I had no idea what to do here, even with the spoilers...no fun for me at all!!!!

nokra, I know exactally how you feel

I understand the clues for the numbers, but do not understand how to enter them in

nice game, mostly logical, but i missed the hint for the letter-stepping.

Usually I don't need help on these games, but this time I was stuck by the letter puzzle : thank you Indiedog12 for your help !

addendum to Guru's hint:
(took me at least 10 minutes to get to it myself but it was worth it, remember you have your head for more than just protection from rain pouring into :P)

Think of the big triangles as if they were composed from two smaller ones.

(I hope I did not spoil too much now!)

@Unknown there WAS a hint for letter stepping: it's the sign with the arrows on the back wall. 1 arrow = one step. One letter per row.

i undestand the line cross point to fit the triangle color, but how to put in arrows buttons? ex:last triangle colores are unit in center point, how to press that button if only is for angles ? i really cant understand the explanations here. sorry

ok i got it.. the colors puzzle is for other room puzzle, not for angle arrows.. nvm

To arbeitslooser:
Your addenda are almost becoming part of tradition.
Often needed, though, so don't stop =D

Another very nice game from Dghgbakufu, so to them - thank you.
[I just wish I could pronounce it]

@Rookwings yes!

I will only post them if I think something is totally obvious for one half of players, but the other got a total blonde moment!

Plus, I believe if my addendum is worded well enough, some of them will no longer spoil their fun by looking at the WT but just take my hint to surmount the obstacle.

P.S. You know what my pet hate is? Users that post off-walkthrough and tell direct code numbers without being asked to. THIS is annoying.

Very nice, always like this guy.
I spent a bit of time being confused by the 3x3 grid hint and trying to apply it to the letter sequence.

I actually restarted, and did the single-gem puzzles in the opposite order (green key first, then red), which helped a lot in clarifying that the grid and the letters were separate puzzles.

After that, I was fine.

Out with no help. Great game.

       Anonymous  1/21/12, 4:27 AM  

Finally I've got more spare time & quite a free head/brain to play this one...
First tried to put all hints from 1st room together, before I realised, that there are separate ones for the other rooms - doh!
Thx, L&G, for your hints!

       Anonymous  1/21/12, 4:34 AM  

Visual aid for ARROW puzzle (gives GEM):
(click right to open link in a new tab)


       Anonymous  1/21/12, 4:36 AM  

LETTER puzzle (gives 2 GEMS):
(click right to open link in a new tab)


       Anonymous  1/21/12, 5:11 AM  

Visual aid for coordinate BUTTONS (gives 2 GEMS):
(click right to open link in a new tab)


(with aid for colour challenged pple)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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