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Escape Goldenrod Room Walkthrough

Escape Goldenrod Room

Escape Goldenrod Room is another new point and click type room escape game created by Paul aka Paskapet for 2keysGames. Rupert has been up to no good once again, and his wife has locked him in the barn. Help him escape! Good luck and have fun!

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You're not the only one premiere, I quit after almost being near the end, I fed all the grass to the goat and the scarecrow didn't fall down so I was stuck and not in a hurry to try again :-D

Tricky game! HINT FOR NAILS: 5 at the hay (move several times the hay left to right and right to left), another at the basket, another on the horse view (right up to the wood post) and the last one on the cow's view (right down to wood post). Try to pull de cow's tail if you can't find it at first. I was almost given up... then I did it and I found it! With the hay too... try to do it several times... UFFF!

Still can't get that pig to cooperate.

Use the umbrella to make him laught. When he open his mouth give him the peanuts.

I can't use the coin.

dumb game ... can't clap for the stupid goat?

SunshineRR4-Thank you,but I can't use the coin.

How can I scared the horse?
I keep feeding and feeding the goat, the grass grows and grows again... and the scarecrow tilts to the left but won't moves anymore... it is supose to fall on the horse... =/

Linda_r_1957 just press the hand button on goat's view after he finish the song. Dont move the mouse or he will stop singing.

Thank you so much Lara R.
Umbrella, nuts, ballon. Voila!

@linda_r_1957 - When you move into the goat view, you must leave your cursor perfectly still until the goat is done singing. Then click on the hands.

hazikrisz Use coin on humbrella to remove the screw. Use the screw to make scissors with the two blades. Give the coin to the chiken, the cork and the wedding ring.

LaraR - You have to complete everything else before you can scare the horse three times. Feed all the gold to the chicken, get the golden egg, then hammer in each nail several times on the horse shoe .... THEN you can scare the horse.

Lara-Thank you!!

hazikrisz - where can't you use the coin? On the umbrella, or on the chicken?

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Both! 1st on the umbrella to remove de screw from the handle. Then feed the coin to the chicken.

Thanks sunshine! But I've already done that! My horse has all the nails and they are placed.. I cant hammer them anymore... The foot horse? Should be up or down? Does it matter?

SunshineRR4 On the umbrella

Worst escape game ever. Buggy, and nearly impossible to solve without help.

Trying to do the game again. Can't think what you are missing LaraR. ... and you were my lifesaver with that darn pig. Wish I knew the answer. I'm still around. Will try to help :)

Succeeded!!-Buggy :((

Thanks a lot... well I'll try tomorrow... I just don't want to kill those bugs again! Arrrgh!

It's some kind of bug... I don't Know. Maby I did started to feed the goat before the horseshoe took in place. Then I'd feed some more...and more and the scarecrow didn't move anymore... LOL Good Luck!

silly game,most illogical ever

How do I get the scarecrow to fall?

I cannot kill the peanut bugs. The game starts with only about 5-8 filled in hexes and it's impossible to trap them. Is there some special method I haven't figured out yet?

Andrea...you just have to keep working at it..I think I did it about 2 or 3 times per bug....
This is not supposed to be a fast game...the genius of the author is that everything has a specific way to do things...no b/f-ing and no shortcuts....very very funny too!!!!!

YES!!!! I am doing the Happy Dance!!!!!
I found one more bit of grass behind Bossy the Cow!!!!
And the three things to scare the horse are, the balloon, the peanut bag, and the scarecrow!

Thanx for the encouragement nokra, but I've done each bug at least 6 times each and only killed 2 so far. May give up here.... :/ I do like Paskapet a lot, they're so goofy and great animations, but they occasionally do throw in some really frustratingly repetitive things. Would rather spend this much time banging my head on a number puzzle.

Andrea - I found success if I started putting blocks down farther away from the bug, and spacing two apart so that there was one space between them. Still - I failed often! It's a hard puzzle.


-Facing barn door read note then put it back on the nail.

-Go right once to the Goat – do not move your cursor until he is completely done whistling. At the end of his song, click on your “hand” in inventory, and hands will clap applause. Take magnet after goat kicks it aside. Return to barn door scene on left.

- Click on the hay pile to move one section of pile to the right. Scan over the hay with magnet until you find a nail. Zoom in on magnet from inventory, remove the nail from magnet. Move over the next section of hay, scan for nail, remove nail from magnet. When you move the last section of hay to the right, retrieve the key from the hay stack using the magnet. When all the hay is in the right pile, pick up the BAG OF PEANUTS in the left corner of barn. Start moving the hay back to the left, scanning each time you move some, until you have retrieved 1 GOLD KEY, and a total of 5 NAILS.

- Click above barn doors to jump up on the ledge above the door. Use magnet to get NAIL #6 from basket on right. (Remove nail from magnet). Click bottom of screen to return to hay stacks.

- Go right twice to horse. Use magnet to get NAIL #7 from top of front right fence post. (Note: you only have to wave the magnet around, you don’t have to click.)

- Go right once to feed trough. Pick up BUCKET, pick up first half of SHEARS, pick up HORSE SHOE. Use magnet to get BOTTLE CAP from the feed trough. Remove Bottle Cap from magnet. Use Key to open padlock. Open cupboard door and goat will come steal your key from inventory. Take UMBRELLA and 2nd half of SHEARS from cupboard. With the cupboard door open, click on the bottom inside corners of the cupboard, alternating between the left and right corners of the cupboard until you bounce the cork off the edge and it falls to the floor. Pick up CORK.

- Zoom in on Cork in inventory. Click on bottom of cork with one half of shears. Cork will stand upright, then click again with shears to hollow out a hole in cork. Zoom in on umbrella in inventory. Place cork on umbrella to repair umbrella.

- Go right once to the cow. Wave magnet around on right fence, just behind the cow’s tail, to get NAIL #8. Go right twice to barn door and go up to see there is a chicken on the ledge, with a coin in its’ mouth. Scare the chicken with the umbrella to make it drop the coin. Take COIN. Zoom in on umbrella, open umbrella, and take the SCREW from the umbrella handle by using the coin. Combine 2 halves of shears and screw to get GARDEN SHEARS. Go down to barn door.

- Click on the opening at the bottom of the barn door to peek outside. Use your mouse to slide the outside view over until you see a large tuft of grass. Cut it with the garden shears and take the BLADES OF RICH GRASS.


-Return to the cow. Feed the cow the Rich Grass. Udder sack will fill up. Click on first teat to zoom in on puzzle. Rotate puzzle until you have a connection from the middle to the bottom of teat. Note: You don’t have to worry about the other lines, just one line down from the center. Complete the puzzle for the other two teats. When all 3 teat puzzles are complete, place the bucket under the udders. Pull on the cow’s tail to “flush” the milk into the bucket. Take the bucket of milk.

- Pull the cow’s tail three more times. When the cow moos, quickly grab the CHEWED BALOON from the cows mouth when it moos. If you miss, pull the tail again until it moos again.

- Go right to the pig. Pour the bucket of milk on the pig. Happy Pig! Zoom in on peanut bag. Click on a bug on the front of the bag to open up a bug puzzle. You must block the bug and trap it, then squish it. Complete the puzzle for every bug on the bag. When all bugs are killed, turn bag upside down and shake to get peanuts. Take SPOILED PEANUTS. (This puzzle is not easy, but keep at it!)

- Take Umbrella, and scare the pig. When he opens his mouth give him spoiled peanuts. Grab the deflated balloon and quickly click it on the gas that the pig farts. You should now have a gas-filled balloon.

- Go back to the goat and let’s get the key back that he stole. Scare the goat 3 times with the umbrella until he poops out the key. (Scare him a 4th time just for fun.) Retrieve the key with the magnet, and remove the key from the magnet.

- Return to the chicken above the barn door. If it is not there, walk around the barn for a while until it returns. Place the gold key in front of the chicken, it will eat it. Repeat with the coin and the bottle cap. After it has eaten all three, you can now remove the gold ring from the finger of your hand in inventory. Give the ring to the chicken and you will get a golden egg.

- Go to the Horse. If you click on the 3rd hoof from the left, you will see what a properly shoed hoof should look like. Back out of hoof view, and click on far right hoof twice zoom in on the hoof. Put the horseshoe and all 8 Horseshoe Nails on the hoof. Take the golden egg, and hit each nail 5 times to properly attach the horse shoe.

- Now we need to feed the goat with the Goldenrod Weeds growing around the barn. Take one bunch of weeds by cutting them with the shears, then return and feed it to the goat. Be sure to check the bottom corners of the screen near your inventory when looking for weeds. You can only carry one bunch of weeds at a time and will have to feed the goat at least 13 times. After the last time, the scarecrow will fall over and scare the horse, causing it to kick. If you fed the goat some grass earlier, that is ok, but you cannot get it to knock over the scarecrow until you have completed all the stages in the game to this point.

- Go to the horse and scare it with the balloon to make it kick a second time. Scare it for the third time with the empty peanut bag and …. You are out!

       Anonymous  2/26/12, 12:20 AM  

Is there a way to finish the game if you fed all the grass to the goat before doing the bit with the nails?? I Have literally NO GRASS LEFT and the scarecrow is leaned over, and I have used both the peanut bag and the balloon on the horse...argh! I am not starting over, is there a way to get the scarecrow to fall?

       Anonymous  2/26/12, 12:22 AM  

Nevermind, there was one behind the hay I didn't move back over. That game was so brutal.

is anyone here?
why can't i take the nails from the horse and cow? i did everything in the walkthrough and i still can't get them :(

i got the nail from the cow now i'm struggling with the one from the horse

does anyone know where the golden egg is? and what should we use to hit the nails with?

I liked the look and idea of this game, but I agree, there is no way I would have been able to complete it without the walkthrough. Clipping the grass in the front corners was a pain. I believe I had to clip all clumps of grass except the one at the right front corner of the goat scene.

@gmm..from what I remember, you have to find every bit of goldenrod grass and feed it to the goat...only then will the scarecrow fall over enough to scare the horse....

@Oana, the chicken makes the golden egg from eating bits of gold...you need the coin, key(after using) a bottle cap, and the ring you get last... from the *hand*!
The golden egg is used to hammer in the nails on the horseshoe.

What a great walkthrough you made, @SunshineRR4!!!!!

My favorite part of the game was *milking the cow*!
I really laughed big and out loud for that one!!!!

Thanks to everyone for your help in this game. Even with the hints and the walkthrough I was going nowhere fast. Not a fun game and having seen that I need to feed the goat so many times I've decided to go and do something else instead :(

Please could the designer consider using arrows for movement between scenes? Three times I clicked just outside the game's frame and, thus, found myself loading another site. After thrice beating those damned bugs I'm not going to attempt a fourth squashing.

@nokra - when I played the game again, I didn't feed the goat until the very end, and I didn't use all of my grass. I think that if you've used it all up earlier on, then more appears randomly.

@mrspeel - you were on the home stretch! You should have kept going :)

I love these games and have literally been waiting for this one to be released. They just get better and better. I could NEVER complete one without help and they are always a group effort. I go to the TwoKeys site and replay the old games frequently. Great games!!!

'I love these games and have literally been waiting for this one to be released.'

Why 'literally'? Either you're waiting for the next game or your not. Personally, I won't be adopting the latter option.

"Personally, I won't be adopting the latter option." So you won't be not waiting?

And by "literally", I mean that I knew Paskapet was releasing THIS game, THIS weekend, and I was checking my computer often, (and literally) looking for this specific game. Thanks for the grammar lesson though. :/

       Anonymous  2/26/12, 11:17 AM  

Such a phat game!!! Very funny, great graphics & storyline, only 5 bugs...!
Had a very hard time as exterminator... also tried to figure out a pattern, that natch I didn't find LOL!
But perseverance always wins (also good practice for my impatient side)!

A bit pixely sometimes & a save option would be very appreciated...
Great WT, @SunshineRR4, TVM!

Btw, what I discovered:
- put shear blades together first, before you can take screw from umbrella with coin
& don't miss the outro after credits LOLOL!

I have no gas in my balloon and the pig refuses to fart again. After all the efforts I am not bothering to restart again.
Although there are some funny parts it is not my favourite game, sorry

@Marie-Louise - I was stuck at the same spot. You need to:
- scare pig with umbrella
- put spoiled peanuts in pigs open mouth (this will make him fart)
- grab gas with the balloon - you will actually be able to see the gas.
And you need to do it quickly!

@Sunshine.. thank you for the walkthrough! Had to use it every step of the way. Liked the concept of the game but it wasn't very logical! I would have never figured it out what so ever!

       Anonymous  2/27/12, 3:03 AM  

Well I'm in, late as usual. I can't do the bug puzzle. Doesn't matter which bug I try. It's a no no for me.
Very nice game but I decided to pass this one.

Im Out! But the end of the game not suprize at all.

Cute game but getting frustrated!! Had to move hay 8 times to get 7th nail...and STILL CANNOT get nail from cow scene:(

the goat WILL NOT eat the grass!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!

The Cow eats the grass from outside the barn door.
The Goat eats the goldenrod weeds from around the inside of the barn. Put the weeds right on his mouth.

Hope that helps.

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after restarting the game to find the nails, I thought I would be able to finish, however, i have fed the goat around forty times and still the scarecrow is standing!!!

after restarting the game to find the nails, I thought I would be able to finish, however, i have fed the goat around forty times and still the scarecrow is standing!!!

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