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Memohuntress Walkthrough


Memo Huntress is another point and click adventure and hidden object style puzzle game. As a young girl, desperate to stop her parents from fighting, Sellar Dore ran away from home. Now, years later, she learns her village has been struck by disaster. Before she can face her home again, she's going to need to raise the money to get there! Good luck and have fun!

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Black screen...

oh dear i wish that girl would get a bit of a jog on

Reloaded and now the screen freezes :(

And now the Newgrounds' ad is stuck in the middle of the screen LOL

Yes, finally in!

@vivious same here

same here - black screen

ok so do not press play on the small box, but how did you get rid of the newgrounds advert, hi swiss

That add is stuck in the middle of the screen.

try here

Just click play on the bottom of the screen, wait for the intro of the game to end, and then click play on the newgrounds ad. It will tell you your progress will be erased, click on 'yes' and you're in. I hope that helps :)

Thank you Bigtank, that's a lot faster

But sorry, this is really not my kind of game. Have fun!

I still have the game loading screen in the middle and clicking on PLAY does nothing. Anyone solved this?

Reloaded x4 and suddenly it's OK. Let' see if it was worth it.

This game won't open for me. Either in FF or Chrome.

Very good game, I love the drawings and the strangeness of the worlds. However, it's a little too pixely.

And AAAARGH I was close of the end and I accidentally refreshed the page! Since we cannot save the game, I lost everything... and I'm not starting over, no way.

i really really love that game and the music. so adorable! the last level is very tricky with all those moving stuff...

Is there another walkthrough for this game? I am missing 1 clean sock somewhere in one of the middle levels of the game and I cannot find it. :( Its the last item on this level.

Pevensie, try jumping to the left of the room where all the socks are. I think that you have the same problem as me when a play thee game, and I found it there. Good luck!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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