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Sneaky's World Tour - Vegas Walkthrough

Sneaky's World Tour - Vegas

Sneaky's World Tour Vegas is a new hidden object game created by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz. Sneaky is on tour around the world searching for lost items. This time Sneaky is in Vegas! Find all of the hidden objects as quickly as you can for a high score! Good luck and have fun playing!

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LOL is this find the stars, doves etc???

found everything in 4 mins 43secs

yes leroy it is!!

Love these!!!!

Geeze always hard LOL 6 minutes and 58 seconds....

Dang...I'm missing one snowflake, one dove, one emerald and one coin....almost like a skipped a scene, but can't find them anywhere!!

oh, I guess I mean crystal, not snowflake.

hard to spot doves, 1st scene top of clouds, 2nd scene under Trader Bill's sign

thx premiere, you are a life saver as usual :-)

Thanks, Donas and premiere, the dove under the Trader Bill's sign was the only one I couldn't find on my own, and it was driving me crazy.

Summary of what's in each scene
(doves/coins/snowflakes/gems items)

Welcome: 2/1/1/2 cellphone
Trader Bills: 1/2/1/0 compass
popcorn cart: 1/1/2/1 watch
Monte Carlo: 1/1/1/1 Screwdriver, mirror
Taurino's: 1/1/1/1 Sneaky, rope
Viva Vegas: 1/0/1/0
Riviera: 0/1/0/2 disk
Outback: 1/2/1/1 knife
Police: 1/1/1/1 camera
train: 1/0/1/1 lighter

Thanks @Donas for my last 2 doves and @premiere for my last snowflake (in car window, Monte Carlo scene)

TY for the summary, @puzzled....I had totally missed the camera!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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