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The Spell Breaker Quest - A Prince Ivan Adventure Walkthrough

The Spell Breaker Quest - A Prince Ivan Adventure

The Spell Breaker Quest - A Prince Ivan Adventure is is another point and click adventure type room escape game developed by Abroy. It's upon you to embark on a magical journey with Prince Ivan of Banarkash in his quest to save his sisters. It doesn't end there...You also have to revive their cursed husbands, marry the Sun Princess and defeat a Giant Dragon Wizard in a battle...all this in one adventure! (Note - the game autosaves.) Good luck and have fun!

Update: Developer fixed freezing bug for the game!

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       Anonymous  2/20/12, 5:42 AM  

Ready for another adventure!

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 5:43 AM  

For inventory, click black circle BL.

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 5:45 AM  

- GEAR under bush (right side)
- take brown BOW & ARROW in front
- use bow & arrow on raven
- take stone HEAD
- use b&a again on raven
- go upstairs

After doing the xo thing, My screen froze. i can't go down the hole, and everything I picked up is back where it was (behind red square)... bug?

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 5:47 AM  

- LETTER OPENER (click bottle right side)
- CLIPPERS under bed
- pearl NECKLAGE from drawer

same here - game froze - and annoyingly cant turn off music - giving up on this one

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 5:51 AM  

- pull curtain ropes above bed for BLUE GEM
0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7 x click

lol...I was just trying to mute as well, @swissmiss!

Hi all

key from hitting plant in bedroom with ink bottle

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 5:58 AM  

- open curtain left of vase & solve jigsaw puzzle for LIGHT on bed
- step into light

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 6:00 AM  

- put stone head on beam
- to go back in garden, click sun (?) middle top of screen...

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 6:02 AM  

- FEATHER when open right curtain in bedroom
- use feather on paper
- take INK bottle

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 6:04 AM  

- use letter opener on pillow for book
- put missing pages in it

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 6:06 AM  

- trim bush under headless statue for shape puzzle

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 6:14 AM  

Bummer, that game is buggy... looks very promising, when you have a look in the book (at least it rhymes LOL).

am stuck with the bird/colour puzzle (after restarting when it froze after shape sudoku puzzle!

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 6:20 AM  

Great, reloaded (choose load) & now I can continue thru hole in garden!

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 6:22 AM  

- SHOVEL left of door
- BOWL of grain under barrel

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 6:23 AM  

- gears BL & in window
- give grain to bird

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 6:24 AM  

- pink ROSE from bushes (right side)
- FLINT STONES from roof

found all gears for water mill and now need oil for oil can, which i assume are in the cupboard that i cant open because of those damn birds!!

and can't plant carrots and chillies until i have some water!

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 6:27 AM  

- go left thru garden door
- gear in plant (right side)
- another gear in plant (view golden padlock)
- chilli & carrot seed bags (view golden padlock)

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 6:30 AM  

- use shovel on beds
- take oil from barrel

Hello all !
I'm stuck on birds' cages too and I miss 1/2 silver and gold piece.

going now, so will try this again later, sorry premiere!!

atuck with one part of copper coin, fire under cauldron, net, blue gemstone, chili, blank parchment, two parchments from birds cages, neclace and a rose... someone know what can do with something from here?

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 6:35 AM  

no prob, madliz,
CU! ☺

- open padlock with key from bedroom vase

got it!! use blank parchment something and You will got a map... new scene...

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 6:38 AM  

- net on shelf behind bird cage

Sounds good... going in late :)

AreS Help please ! How did you cages ?

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 6:46 AM  

btw: raven gives hints...!

look at the colours on cupdobard... you've got 3colours... If I remebered good that firts You have to click all green birds, and next You have 2 colours to click in order... than one of cupboard will open... that same You have to do with second

Ok restarting after doing that shape puzzle under the bush, lets hope it works! Hi everyone by the way :)

stuck on bookshelf... :/

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 6:53 AM  

Thx, AreS!

Hi, Jo.C!

- patch work pattern from left CB
- book arrangement from right CB

np, I'm trying to arrange books... it's hard to solve for me... so'll wainting for help :)

Hmmm still missing a gear for the mill, can only find one in the garden and that was the one by padlocked door. Going back to the other places now...

Thanks Ares ! I got it

Never mind POP lol, missed the (obvious) one behind the bed :)

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 7:02 AM  

- missed last gear in bed... 6 GEARS in total
- put gears on turning wheel left of garden beds
- use filled oil can (oil in barrels)
- put gears in place (puzzle)
& game froze, so reloading...

LOL you missed the same one as me then premiere!!

For bookshelf,
Look at the color in each shelf and match it with the colors of books.

Blue and Black are not hard, but I can't remember the solution for ones with numbers.
The books with letters go alphabetically alternating right and left and moving to the center.

Where's the bookshelf????

Once you have the map - you can get to 2 new scenes Silver lake and Copper Forest

Re-loading aswel... how annoying!! But other than that it's a good game :)

@LNS, Bookshelf is in 'Gabriella's Library'
Where are you?

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 7:06 AM  

- plant chilli on the left & carrots on the right bed & take them
- give carrot to mule (barrel carriage)

hmmm blue, black and green books i think I solved but dunno what to do with red ones :/

pop! got it! thanks Edgar

I can see library on the map, but it won't let me go there. I've lit the fire and found half of the die. solved the cages and planted the garden

@AreS, Red books have numbers, right? Put the highest in the middle. Lesser ones (6&9) go to the edges, but can't remember the order. Keep moving them around.

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 7:10 AM  

- take AXE after carriage is away & PARCHMENT on road
- use axe on wooden door in road for WOOD pieces
- go thru door/hole in road

OK beat the gambler - give him half the copper die and win a complete one

Can't solve the meermaid door. Is there a hint?

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 7:14 AM  

- silver POT behind rocks
- 1/2 copper COIN behind left statue
- copper POT behind flowers BR
- gold POT behind flowers in the background
- put wood under beaker in front of statues
- light with flint stones

@sawa, how's the mermaid's puzzle?

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 7:19 AM  

- put parchment on fire for MAP
- 2 new locations on map

I'm still trying to work out the bird cages, I read the clue above but can't seem to get it right..

Wow another POP... suddenly it worked lol :)

@edgar, it's behind the silver lake. The door by the mermaid fountain.

Hooray - found the library. mermaid lock trial and error!

use only the colors/birds to open 1 door in the cupboard at a time.

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 7:24 AM  

- copper LEAVES BR from cup player
- give player 1/2 copper coin & play cup game
(for me: ball under most left cup)
- take GLOVES under table

@sawa, but i need you to tell me what the puzzle is like, for me to remember how is to be solved.

hmmm got a lot of indegrients... bone and other items dunno what to do... there's must be something with colored waterfall but trying many ways :/

Ok have the coin placed, need something to go in the slot under it.

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 7:28 AM  

- lift copper leaves curtain
- make stairs in wall & climb over
- solve grey tree puzzle for 1/2 gold COIN
- waterfall COLOURS: R-B-W-Y-Pu

got first potion, grow plant... now seek for using it

Buggy game!
Lost both my son and moon coins and I'm starting a new game...

used it by waterfall... next problem to solve :/

How do I cross the river? Do I need to 'melt' the leaves to get the copper?

Hi: I'm just starting. How do you go back to a previous screen? I'm in the room with his sisters trapped, and I don't know how to get out of the scene to go and get the stone head.

Apart from all the buggy bits, I like this game. Different from the usual Abroy ones :)

@Zoe, try clicking on top of the screen. There should be sky with clouds maybe?
If not, maybe you should restart.

Stuck on those wretched books!

@Jo.C, do that exactly.
Go to the 'Strange Machine' and use the copper leaves on the copper pot to melt them into a copper coin.

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 7:37 AM  

- catch green FROG with gloves
- put whole copper coin in slot
- give right statue copper pot
- put copper leaves in copper pot
- collect COIN (under slot)

There is a gap at the top Zoe, I think you click that to get out :)

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 7:38 AM  

- give copper coin to guy
- cross lake on turtle

@Edgar - I clicked on the sky and got back to the first screen. I agree, it's a little buggy, but it's an interesting game!

Ohhhh yeah lol, thanks Edgar and premiere!

Mermaid puzzle, numbered 1-6 from left to right,
click on 1,2,3 and 5.

So that mermaid nicked my pearl necklace for nothing really.... Cheers for that lol. Ok onto mermaid door

Hint for those books pretty please - get the coloured shelves, but is it small to large or vice versa or neither???

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 7:45 AM  

- give mermaid pearl necklage from bedroom
- solve mermaid puzzle

doesn't work for me...

@LNS, have you read the hints?
Blue rises.... etc.

hmmm have You found more than 2 roses? I've got pink and red...

Edit to previous comment:

Mermaid puzzle, numbered 1-6 from left to right,
click on 5,3,2 & 1.... in that order!

TY edgar, totally missed that !

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 7:50 AM  

Ah, now it works, @Edgar!
Muchas gracias!

Oh blimey, onto the books now! Hopefully it is not as confusing as it looks...

@AerS there is a stone rose above the mermaid fountain

Don't get the books order
upper left: blue books from small to high
upper right: black books from high to small
lower left: green books (B-G-Q-X-W-K-E)
lower right: red books (6-2-54-68-43-37-9)

But this isn't the right order.

@sawa big thanks for help! I now can do next potion!

@sawa, hope you are not missing the color of the shelves.

Red books order is as follows:

Darn, not able to play. Took bow and arrow and gear. After that I can't do nothing. Also nothing in my inventory. Played in FF and Opera. Both NADA

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Has anyone an idea about the golden keys? I'm stuck there. I know, I'm much further in the game than most of you, but maybe someone else has already released the princess...

Hi guys - where are you making your potions?

I've placed the silver die, but the statue won't take the vase - what am I missing. BTW Ty sawa for the stone rose

@Edgar thanks for the hint with the color of the shelves

@ca3na, game is buggy. Refresh.

- put whole copper coin in slot
- give right statue copper pot
- put copper leaves in copper pot
- collect COIN (under slot)


I dont know if I missed a comment, but can't find where to mix the potions

Really stick :/ Can't make any potions. Only have blue gems, so can only have blue light, but I don't have white water to make that potion (and the bucket won't collect it at the coloured waterfall). How have people been able to make potions already?

Hi @Edgar, did that several times. going to try now IE.

@Divinyl, you should have got the yellow gemstone in the Library, after books puzzle.

I see the bubbles on the shells, but still can't open them

I'm missing a part of fountain... has someone found something whick can match to fountain?

Oops! Obviously I mean 'stuck'!

@miles1, the 'Potion Factory' entrance is by the 'Underwater'

Thx - Edgar. trying to get the shell open and trying to get rid of the seahorse

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 8:10 AM  

(highlight link & click right to open it e.g. in a new tab)


Hi all,

I have the yellow gem, but can't put it in the potion machine, help?

used chilli on octopus and got a tear LOL

Clickerdyclack no luck for me, neither in IE.

Pop! placed the yellow gem

Ah, thank Edgar...I hadn't cleaned the mirror. Hopefully moving on now :)

Still trying to work out these books! (Thanks Edgar for the shelf colour, didn't notice that at all lol).
I have the blue books going from smallest to tallest, black books the opposite (going down), the red books as Edgar put above, must be the green books (or the other ones are wrong)

still can't place the silver pot - refreshed etc - ideas?

Oh premiere you star! Thanks for the image :)

@LNS, do you mean the silver pot for the middle statue?

Anyone have a hint for the conch shells?

yep - and POP now it works after another restart

       Anonymous  2/20/12, 8:19 AM  

- also GRAPE & stone ROSE (pull right liana)

I'm going to have to come back later...hopefully I can get a clue about the shells. I see the bubbles, but the order isn't working for me

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this looks great , i too will have to play later

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 1:34 AM  

Hi late as always :)
I'm so stuck at the birdcages. Opened all the green cages but when I click blue and blue or yellow they all open again. Cb doesn't make sense to me.

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 1:48 AM  

POP: Finally got the cages right!

Bubbles work!

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Grow plant potion to the dead tree.

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 2:30 AM  

How do I clean the mirror in the library?

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 2:37 AM  

Stiegl: where did you use the code from the bubbels?

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 2:41 AM  

you should find a pink cloth on floor, after girl is gone.
& bubbles are from shells underwater (mermaid's fountain, after she's gone with necklage from bedroom drawer).

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 2:45 AM  

@premiere: thank you soooo much. I've been playing for more than 1 hour. Struggling through with your help above.

Finally could clean the mirror!

I've just found the Gallery, solved the pattern puzzle. Made Orange potion... Don't know where use it!

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 2:58 AM  

I have all kinds of things but can't make potion. Where or how can you do that?
I have blue and yellow gem, net, 3 roses (one is stone), patchworkpaper, half gold coin, frog, grapes, teardrop, berries, pink stuff and a silver fish.

Catqueen, use bubbles code (order) on shells.

Skill spell to the spider.

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 3:01 AM  

Stiegl: do you mean the shells Underwater? Nothing happens when I click them with code from bubbles.

click the shell with two bubbles, then three, four and five.

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 3:15 AM  

@Vicious: when you click something you get a sound. But I hear nothing when I click the shells. Maybe because I'm playing in FF?!

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 3:21 AM  

Have to go. c u l8ter guys.

And thx to premiere :)

I'm playing in FF too...
I don't remember exactly, but maybe you have to click the shells when the bubbles are coming out? I didn't heard a sound either, but it worked... just don't click the left most shell! the blue gem will appear there

Anyone know where to get the sweet water from?

Gah, been at this for ages and can't make a single potion! Have 2 blue gems and a yellow gem (placed), net, 3 roses (pink, red, stone), patchwork paper, half gold coin, half earth coin, grapes, 3 drops (pink, green, eight eye), blueberries and the silver fish. Where can I get aromatic water for the plant potion?

Oh, and a bone and an orange too. Also, I got to the gargoyle screen and can see a lot of tantalising coloured water, but no idea how to collect any of it or get past it to the gallery...

Hmmm...this disappeared completely from EG24 yesterday. I played on for a while and got quite a bit further, until it started to get really buggy and I had to give up. I'm trying again today...but when I opened the game there was no 'load' option and I had to start again right from the start :( Anyhoo, I have now got as far as the drawbridge again, but I can't remember what I did to lower it last time. I have the sun, moon and earth coins, which I remember are relevant once I get some kind of puzzle to come up. But how to access that puzzle? Anyone?

sweet water - honey at the mountain witches hut

Hahahaha, just realised pink water was perfuuuuume and therefore aromatic. How silly of me!

aromatic water is in the pink flask on the cupboard in library

Use the sand the maid leaves in Daniella's butterfly garden on the water and the bridge appears.

Does anyone know where the red water is?

drawbridge - throw the spear at those crocs to scare them away and access the puzzle in the brown bowl

thanks solitude01! but don't i need to to make the flying potion to get to the mountains?

Blackfiresong...aromatic water comes from clicking on the pink perfume bottle in the library (where you got the yellow gem). Hope this helps move you on :)

the red water - grab an icicled twig to get the iced drop for a potion. look again and notice a red spot on one icicle and collect a drop of blood

no, you have to put the carpet on the spot, where the wise sage once sat. it will absorbe the magic, that he left behind, so you can fly on it

aaaah! awesome! thanks :)

Thanks solitude01...have got rid of the crocs already, but nothing happens when I click on the bowl or the drawbriodge :( Another bug? I don't recall having any problems at this stage yesterday...

i got stuck at the last riddle... how do i have to arrange the pictures?

the sun stands above and then i have:
falcon-fish-silver girl-gold girl-red girl-bear-green boy

but that wont work :(

Ah, ignore me, I was just being silly...I had the things to make the sun, moon and earth discs, but hadn't actually forged the coins. It works now!

did you mint the sun, moon and earth coins?

Where I can find the green drop?

Thank solitude01 and Divinyl :) Right, made good progress, made and used green and pink potions, but now stuck with orange potion and other stuff and no idea how to activate the carpet to make it fly...

@Gama: put frog from Silver Lake in the bucket of water in old woman's garden and you'll get a green drop.

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 3:49 AM  

fill bucket in old woman's garden with water & put frog from silver lake in it.

orange potion - blueberry, red rose, a drop of milk and blue light... if i remember correctly

for the carpet see my comment at 3:38

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 3:51 AM  

can anyone help me find the white fruit?

i've been having problems in some of the puzzles, sometimes when i pick up a puzzle piece it sticks to my cursor and i can't put it down, just have to restart the puzzle.
and every time i go to the golden mountain, i can pick up another piece of sun die, and then the lady at the fountain is back and i can pick up everything there... it was making my inventory fill up, but that was how i got both yellow gems. i probably cheated a bit there.

Ahhh, ignore me. I thought I needed the carpet to get up to the mountains. Didn't realise I could click on the gold walls to get through to another view.

white fruit - throw the mango out of the window in the witches hut. go outside and collect the snow covered mango

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 3:55 AM  

thanks, solitude. i suspected that mango, but i hadn't thought to through it through a window!

Ok, I *think* I'm back up to where I was yesterday. As far as the 3 seasons doors, but can't remember where I found the ring, and don't know how to move on. I have the 'bring stone to life' (red) potion, but don't know where to use that. And where do you break off a snowy twig? I don't seem to be able to pick one up through the snowy/winter door...

nestraya, i did it by accident... wildly clicking around the hut ^^

Now where is that precise flower arrangement!?

the ring is under a stone in one of the season rooms

the red potion is used on the sun princess after dressing her up

you have to collect an icicle off the tree in the snow mountain view. you will cut your finger by doing it ^^

Never mind, got it and caught those butterflies. Onwards! xD

and i'm still stuck at the orb room with the last riddle *sigh*

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 4:14 AM  

start at the right, not the left, solitude. hawk on the right, boy on the left

Ah, thank solitude01...now have the ring again. But I don't have a snow mountain or sun princess view...am I missing some way to move on beyond the seasons rooms?

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 4:18 AM  

divinyl, you get to the princess over the dawn bridge that rises from the water. click around on the bridge/palace instead of going down to the drawbridge

divinyl, cross over the dawn bridge to enter the castle, there is the sun princess
get her dressed up with her five missing items and use the red potion on her
after that click on the princess to show another dialogue
after that, you will come to the wise sage, who asks you some questions you have to answer correctly

thx to nestraya i'm out now...

nice and mostly easy game

white flower??? or green flower?? :) anyone know where they are?

Thank you so much nestraya! I had completerly missed that! :)

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 4:29 AM  

yeah, i mostly enjoyed this game. i got desperately stuck a few times. it would have helped to have hotspots on clickable things, or to know when i had found everything in a room. but then it might have been too easy? my only real complaint is the bugs, and at least i didn't have any that broke the game.

white flower - the snowman at the witches hut has it

green flower - do the slot machine again and pick it from the display

Hi. You all jump so fast. I'm stuck! Please help me. I have stone rose, net, fish, bone,orange,half earth die,tear drop,carpet pieces,water,apple,bear,orange potion and a green drop. The last place I visited was potion factory after under water world. I do'nt know what to do next. There are a lot of rooms I have to go in to. Who wants to help me?

Hmmm...no wise sage yet, but I have got a dungeon maze, and a door I need to find the code too :/ Thank you for being so helpful you guys :)

Keevs...green flower you can get from the slot machine...

Trying to catch up. But stuck at the shells with bubbles.
I click them in the order 2-3-4-5, but nothing happens. Do I have to use something to click on the shells?

yesterday the game was very buggy, but today it is much better to play

in case of a bug the autosave function really helps a lot


       Anonymous  2/21/12, 4:37 AM  

As this is another huge game (comparing to Zaron - swordfights, remember? ;-P), plz feel free to add stuff I missed or to continue the WT (can't do more atm...).

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 4:37 AM  


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       Anonymous  2/21/12, 4:38 AM  

wow, i was thinking any walkthrough would be very long and complicated...
smalltool, you just have to click the shells in the right order, no tools or anything. sorry i forget what the order was...

       Anonymous  2/21/12, 4:38 AM  

LOL, s-t,
I should have known...!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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