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Suzunari Escape Game 18 Walkthrough

Suzunari Escape Game 18

Escape Game 18 is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game by Suzunari. In this escape game you must search for items, solve puzzles to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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opened cb with curtain hint for flashlight

got scraper using sd

Ah thx SwissMiss.
Put battery in flashlight and have a remote now

Cupboard wont work. BL,BR,TL,TR,BR,TL,BL

Fooled a bit with the rabbit ears and got a key

OK got it with TR, TL, BR, BL, TL, BR, TR

got into laundry room now with key from rabbit

Ypu got the order wrong cartmanis.
Check where the empty spots are on tje curtain. Those are the buttons you should press.

made dough but cannot put it in micro or bradmachine

btw rabbit clue is from tv - using remote

ok joining in opened cupboard put battery in torch and got remote

doing some laundry ....

got the soappower, washing the cloth

Got a mold for a key. Guess we have to put dough in that and then bake it. But how to make dough?

and out - very nice game

even though the mathematical principles have not been taken into account lol

just do the math as it shows

what a shame i have to go , good luck to u all

where to use sd pls? @swissmiss?

cool - you need the bowl, the packet of flour, water and the scissor to open the flour

Great game :)

Holaaaa @SM!!!

Dandelian - there is a cb with a closed drawer above
in the cb is a screw - then the drawer opens

Hello Edgar - yes I loved it too :)

And of course there are no batteries in the flashlight...

hint - dont forget to plug tv in before you can use the remote

Battery is inside the green tube with the number 23 on it.

mmh I wanted to write a WT but now its service temp. unavailable - so I cant restart atm

Thx SwissMiss, out too =]

Ah ... never found the scissors, was struggling to get that %@$%^@ package of flour open :)

Thank you Edgar !
I find almost nothing by myself in this game.

scissors right of washing machine

the 4 numbers you need are on apple (red) tin (green) egg (yellow) and Pot (grey)

The TV gives hint for the rabbits ears
left side in laundry room the pull down gives hint with tissuebox how to move the mirror in laundry
(note the arrow!)

Thx SwissMiss, but I already found it and am out.

I missed the scissors, thank you SwissMiss !

Thanks SwissMiss twice - screw hint and scissors hint - was missing that two views :P

Out now - quite nice game :)

I can't put bowl(with flour water and using scaper) in micro :(


click left of cb and plug in TV
notice the 4 square buttons
turn right
rabbits ears click - no clue yet
note the 4 colored dots
dark under sofa - need flashlight
turn right
close curtain and see hint - go back to cb
and open it (solutions below) get flashlight without battery
go to kitchen
open fridge - note RED apple 65 and YELLOW egg 37
move bottles for SD
check GREEN tin and see a 23 - shake it for BATTERY
click on grey pot on shelf and see a GREY 86 on lid
open right cb for FLOUR and click it again to see a screw
on top - unscrew the drawer for SCRAPER
put Battery in Flashlight and find REMOTE under sofa
use remote on TV for clue for rabbit for a pinky KEY
go into laundry - take PINK CLOTH from basket
and SCISSORS right of machine
note the 3 colours - turn left and pull down curtain -
note the color sequence and the arrow
go back to living room and open the 3-color cb for
a bowl and combine the colorclue and the tissuebox
to take the mirror down in laundry for soap
put soap into machine then pink cloth - turn on and
wait a bit, when laundry is finished take out cloth and see
clue - do the math
get a backpack and take out the MOULD
open the flour with scissors, pour into bowl, add water and
stir with scraper - pour into mould and bake in microwave
wait a while - then take out mould, take out key and
you are OUT


cb tr,tl,br,bl,tl,br,tr
rabbit rrlllrrl
3 colors Pink, Black, green
mirror: TL,TR,BR,TL,TR,BL
math: 37x86-23+65 = 3224

Seb - you put flour in bowl, add water, stir, then you have dough - take dough out and use on mould

Thanks a lot

It won't load service temporarily anavailable :(

Ok, now working :)

LOL I keep trying Gina but no luck loading so far....

Service Temporarily Unavailable

OK, keep refreshing :) I'm in now.

How does the math thing work? I thought it would be 3094 ( 37x86=3182 minus 23+65=88)

@celli, math thing actually goes like this:
37x86=3182 minus 23= 3159 + 65= 3224

Aaah thanks Edgar, now I understand. It would have needed brackets on the 23+65 in the way that I did it.
Stoooooopid me :)

I can approximately understand the general storyline using my poor Japanese and Chinese, but I can tell it's a very touching story about this daughter and her mother. If only I can understand the story perfectly, this game would be perfect. :'( Really hope there can be an English version.

Rough story line for those who wants to know:

(warning : I'm a long winded person!)

Yuka, main character in the game, lost her father when she was young. Her mom had to bring her up by herself, so had to work long hours. Consequently, mom couldn't spend a lot of time with her.. only thing is, she would always prepare yuka's dinner every morning, which would turn cold by dinner time.
When Yuka was in middle school, she was resenting her mom for that, so started to be rebellious and spent time outside and even told mom that she didn't need cold meals, and that her mom should be more like a proper mother and let her kid eat warm meals.

By the time Yuka was in high school, she became more understanding of the situation, and thought she should just not cause any trouble for the mom. But as she wasn't used to spending time with her mom, she ended up still spending most of her time outside, even after she graduated from high school and started working.

Once, when there were a few days' off work, she went to a drinking party and ended up not going home for the whole day, until her friend Mi-chan mailed her the next morning and asked her to go home.

When she got home, mom's gone off to work. The door became locked once she entered the house.

--- This is where the game started ---

When Yuka opened the door, she saw a Furisode (long-sleeve Kimono) in sakura color, and her friend Mi-chan.
Apparently the day before was the "coming of age" day, and her mom prepared the Furisode and waited for her the whole day. Mom bought it in Sakura color as that was Yuka's favorite color when she was young. She kept it a secret as she wanted it to be a surprise.

Finally Yuka realised that her mom had had to work hard all her life just so that Yuka could have a normal life like other kids (new clothes and bag for start of school year, field trips etc)

That night, Yuka cooked for her mom instead, and resolved to spend the next day off with her mom, celebrating the "coming of age" ceremony.. and learn cooking from her :)

       Anonymous  2/12/12, 1:40 AM  

A nuked escape key...!
Another very nice game from Suzunari (already put on my favourite list)!
Thx, @SwissMiss, for the WT & @mhtyhr, for the story line translation.

       Anonymous  2/12/12, 1:48 AM  

- COLOURS on kitchen CB, click:
W 0x/8x (start)
R - 1x
Bk - 2x
Y - 3x
Pi - 4x
C - 5x
O - 6x
G - 7x
- COLOUR/CORNER hint for mirror in bathroom on tissue box:
R - G
C - Pu
- COLOUR/ORDER hint on curtain in bathroom:

- COLOUR/MATH hint on washed pink cloth:
Y x Gy - G + R

alternative link: http://suzunari223.web.fc2.com/game/no18/start.html

A baked key? That's a bit like a balsa hammer.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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