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Ziga's Robbery 2 Walkthrough

Ziga's Robbery 2

Ziga's Robbery 2 is second part of Ziga's Robbery point and click room escape game created by Ziga. Explore Zigas room, solve puzzles and collect keycards to unlock safes and obtain valuable ring. Good Luck!

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Code isn't working

anyone playing

what is the code ?

where does fuse 1 go ?

My regular screwdriver won't work

code is with 9 but there isn't 9 in the codebox.

ting ting, I think fuse one goes in the kitchen

Got the code, but it does not work for me either.

Ting ting fuse one goes below the wash bassins I believe

ting ting,3rd scene ,click small arrow

tribble there are 3 panels that each need a different screwdriver.

right well im stuck have found the 3 fuses dont know where fuse 1 goes have no clue for the code ..will come back later good luck to all playing..x

something odd with the code or something i dont get lol

finished without help - a first!

opend every keypad, stuck with number letter code??

different SD´s for every screw...
fuses go in door scene, in bool cupboard and in down scene with the blue "thimgs" and sinks in back

what is the code hulio?

change the order?

I don't get the code either

In and out! Easy one :)

I reloaded and now my screwdriver works :)

oh,cool, why does eveyone is out? lol

and why do they say it's easy?
I can't get that @%$%@$ code

code please

is there a hint and i underestimate ziga?

GamesO on safe there are 4 switch for numbers and in the middle is one for the letter.

yes,chimaera,but not a 9

Oh please .... someone get us out of out misery ...,

what 9? my code was 6857c o.O

mine is 6957c and 6857c isn't working to

I ll try gamershood and see for that later,maybe someone explains

I have 6957C
What is supposed to happen when you fill in the right code, because 6846c does not do anything either.

same here ipi

im done with that stupid game.

pop cool,same for me

When you fill the right code safe will open.

Okay, I played again and it seems there was a bug in the first version. Now it says 6857c and it works.

No chimaera, it does not open if you started early.
Looks like there was a wrong number for those who started first and even filling in the right code does not work. You'd have to start again.

is the code

nobody has posted the new gotmail game yet? i can't load it in other sites.

@mafe ... that's true, but that does not work if the code above the door says 6957c, all you can do in that case is start again.

is everyone out? am i the only one who can't find anything?
i need the cards for level 6 and 7 keypads and the SD for the cross screws

nevermind, i found everything and i'm out

Out, this was pretty easy one (: .

Out without help. Gongtats to all :)

Only found level 1 2 3 keycards (all used) and 2 screwdrivers (used) and placed 2 fuses. Can't find anything else, I'm stuck! :(

POP! Got it now I'm out! :)

odd navigation, but easy game.

Dead link and virus warning.

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