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Birthday Escape Walkthrough

Birthday Escape

Birthday Escape is another point and click type room escape game by Fuwayura. Try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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A livee! :O

I hope someone comes to play because, as usual, I am stuck.

Got girl and dog heads, paper w/ star on it and picture.

Got bottom drawer open and got woman's head

Scredriver between table legs saves the day.

Oh and sd below table!

got boy's head and 4 dig code.

Bunny key from cake

Hm... now I'm not sure if I talk o bunny below table or if I use key on door

Where is the code for the bottom drawer?

Out w/ End 2.. guess that's a better end.. at least it's cuter.

Cyberjar88 get pic using clue when lights are off, then look behind it.

push the corners - stars from the picture above the table, according the picture on the left hand from door having the lights turned off

@Nini: Thanks! Now, who goes where on the cake...

Don't get it Nini?
Behind pic it says 2218, but doesn't work!?

Got 2 endings.
Through the door, and out the rabbit hole.

Any more endings?

Also, what to do with the paper?

Cyberjar88 look at book.. heads hint there..

S-t.. behind pic it's written a b-day : 0221...

@small-tool: it's a 3 digit code.

@Cyberjar88 - I don't know about paper. Maybe it was telling us to put stuff inside the cake?

Cyberjar88 after u place all heads in their correct places.. use paper hint to find out how to get bunny below table and exit key

Hi, i dont see any codes?

Ah, thanks guys. That worked. :)

@new - on the back of the picture is one code.
Combine book and heart card for another code.

2nd drawer code: Get book from panel below table and use transparent sheet on second page.

3rd drawer code: Get girl's pic using hint after turing off lights and then turn pic to see a note w/ 4 numbers on it


Cake code: Open book and see the family photo. Pay attetion to the lil pink ribbon pointing to the middle girl.. put her in the middle of cake and the rest in order.

Me going! Hope my hints help :P
Bai bai!

Bye, bye Nini, and yep your hints worked. Out too now :)

Thanks again Nini

there's a third end where you look at yellow coin in "about item" view and the coin will give you the door key. you get ending 1 but without repairing the tattered bunny.

Ending two is a good ending as the girl is with the repaired bunny

I don't get the order for the cake ornaments.
In inventory: big sister, father, little sister, dog, mother.
In book, little sister, big sister, mother, father, dog. Mom has arrows for pink bow so maybe she goes opposite the bow. Tried the rest in sequential order clockwise and counter clockwise.

(Also tried little girl between the berries because she has 2 red shoes in the picture)

Ah! POP left to right, not circular!

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       Anonymous  3/4/12, 1:37 AM  


- GIRL head behind curtain R

- STAR transparent film
- HINT on pic: corner order (lights off)

- DOG head
- SD behind leg R
- PIC with HINT (code-1)
- unscrew PANEL for ALBUM & DADDY head
- HINTS in album: head order & code-2 (star transparent film on heart)

- open bottom cake drawer for SISTER head
- open middle drawer for PAPER & MOMMY head

- put heads in cake for bunny KEY

- open top drawer for damaged BUNNY & chocolate COIN

1) eat coin for door KEY & open door
2) put bunny in open cake, watch cut-scene & take bunny under table


- click corners in order:
- or

- turn pic to see: 00x2y21z (xyz = Japanese characters ☺)
- for bottom cake drawer
(end: click OK, zoom out & click drawer):

- put star transparent film on heart in album
- for middle drawer
(end: click OK, zoom out & click drawer to open):

(click right to open link e.g. in a new tab)


       Anonymous  3/4/12, 1:42 AM  

- look on paper for cake HINT

- click corners in order:
- or

Makes absolutely no sense. Wish people would think how this would sound if it was totally unrelated to this game and realize what it sounds like to someone that is stuck. It doesn't distinguish if we are supposed to be clicking the picture next to the door or the picture with the colored flower corners. Both have 4 corners, so where does the "5" corner come from when it says to "- click corners in order:


       Anonymous  3/4/12, 3:05 AM  

here's a visual aid for your problem:
(click right to open link e.g. in a new tab)


The picture by the door tells you the order to click the corners of the picture frame.
TL means "Top Left" (sometimes abbr UL for upper left)
BR means "Bottom Right"

@Premiere -- I got Ending #2 by putting the coin in the cake (didn't know it was chocolate!)

The numbers on the back of the picture are, I think, a birthdate (year-month-day).

       Anonymous  3/4/12, 3:15 AM  

Thx, Puzzled,
when I played, the coin was already in the cake (at least, as I remember)...
& seems not to be my best WT writing day today...

       Anonymous  3/4/12, 4:34 AM  

Aha, now I understand LOL!
There's even a THIRD ENDING:
Before you eat coin, put it in cake, then bunny, then abracadabra a living bunny under table & also door key...!

I'm glad you have understood premiere, but I'm not that lucky.
Ending 2) put bunny in open cake, watch cut-scene & take bunny under table???
I can't escape like that!! No way to have the bunny inside the cake WITHOUT putting the coin too!

Ending 3) Before you eat coin, put it in cake, then bunny, then abracadabra a living bunny under table & also door key??? I can't eat the coin anymore if I put it inside the cake. Did you want to say INSTEAD and not BEFORE? And if there's a bunny under the table in this third ending, was there another bunny under the table in the second ending as you mentioned? And why do I read "END 2" if I go out like this if it's supposed to be END 3 according to you??

       Anonymous  3/4/12, 5:43 AM  

feel free to make another WT, where everything is understandable...!
(e.g. if your native language is English - it's not mine!)

Here were my endings:

Ending 1: Eat the coin and use key to leave. GIrl has tattered bunny and a dog on her head.

Ending 1 (alternate): Put coin and bunny in cake. Use key to leave. Girl has repaired bunny and dog on her head.

Ending 2: Put coin and bunny in cake. Go under table, click bunny, then click yes. Bunny ends up outside. Then girl and her mom have the bunny.

Couldn't find an official Ending 3.

       Anonymous  3/4/12, 5:57 AM  

Replayed & had an alternate Ending 2:
- eat coin, take door key, then COIN IS ALREADY IN CAKE!
- put damaged bunny in cake, watch cut-scene, choose yes to take living bunny under table
- whole family at the end

       Anonymous  3/4/12, 6:11 AM  

So, to make it clear, there are 4 endings:
- ending 1
- ending 1 alternate
- ending 2
- ending 2 alternate

Loved this one!

Out with no help (and no, it was NOT always that easy, talk about the birthday cake itself)... toward ending 1!
Thanks for the alternate endings...

Hint for further players:
Do NOT think (counter-)clockwise w/decorating the cake.
Not until I switched to the "other thinking", I had the solution.

POP Puzzled beat me to it (as usual) by saying the same thing roughly 15 posts above mine. Had overlooked it, my bad...

easy game, but the "alternate" endings 1 and 2 confused me. Reading the comments here, I think I got all 4 on my own, but I'm not sure since there are 4 endings labeled as 2 endings, and I didn't pay that much attention.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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