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Dark City Escape Walkthrough

Dark City Escape

Dark City Escape is another new point and click type room escape game by GGMagenta . Something happened and the town was in darkness, try to escape the city to see the light again. Good luck and have fun!

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Im here S-T...

me too. found lots of shapes and #'s but can't figure out card suits box. You?

Pfew, keep getting lost. So many views.
But have flower from soccer field. Fish food from next to the pond and used that on the fish bowl to get pliers. And found a ladder somewhere and blue thing with stars on it.

Hm. also took a round thing from the lamp in the park.

LOL well I got the guys eye and found the nose. Lots of codes and key under grate... Lots of other thngs as well

playing behind everyone

Have a bunch of colors and numbers, pliers after feeding fish, and a user name? also some silver item I found in trashcan

Got the same as you ST, plus 2 flowers.
I did not know what the blue thing with stars was and checked again in the store. Note says: magic powder, transform your dreams into reality.

I believe the silver thing is a perfume bottle

you can combine items.
Trade an eye. And got magnet.

also found green flower, magic powder?, black paint, and a place to buy/trade eye and nose

use magic powder on telescope - you will get it and then use telescope on the sky to take a box solution

add 3 flowers to parfume bottle to take the nose

used the ladder in the scene with two trees in the park and got some strange orange eye thing?

combine the round lamp cover and the paint, then use it at soccer field

I used the ladder and got something called a guarana from a tree

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@Cool, I used that guarana to get the eye at the store

also used the ladder in the scene with the painted ladder and tree, went up and got a reversed brick? it disappeared but did not go in my inventory?

now have foot and eye...

used ladder on painted ladder where the black paint was and got a red brick, this time in my inventory

lol have crowbar after unsuccessfully trying to throw the brick through the window

going back for the magnet

what can you attach to the magnet to get the key?

Hmmmm how to get crowbar so I get magnet then take key and then postoffice??

Jo Ann I think brick is magic powder bag???

my #'s stay the same there are lots in different places. I have a magnet but can't reach Key in drain for post office.

magnet alone does not get the key.

for to late in the evening for the code. Will need some help.

no, you get a red brick by climbing the ladder where the painted ladder is (where the black paint was)

Telescope used in star sky for code to magic box

have money!! solve magic box for a dollar bill

got an apple from the tree (in view with lamp)

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ummmm, I bought the cash register with my dollar? although it looks a bit like a battery?

I got no black paint or redbrick in the black ladder scene??? brick disappeared when I clicked it?

I never found the paint ... where exactly is that?


look at figures and numbers

black triangle is 4 then square 6 then circle 8
blue triangle is 5 square 7 circle 9
green triangle is 3 square 5 circle 7


@Leroy, there are two ladders to climb. one takes you to a blue fake brick the other to the red real brick

the red brick is up from the start screen and on the left

connect magnet and fishing rod to take the key

got nose with perfume after adding three flowers to the bottle (one flower up a tree with the ladder)

I need something to attach to the magnet to get the key

also have no idea what to do with the apple? and the pliers? and the cash register?

Jo-Ann it's battery not cash register ;)

clicked something and game is gone......... Does not auto save.

Not starting over tonight. Maybe later.
Good luck!!

@Megi, where is the fishing rod?

@ Megi, I thought it looked like a battery! lol

LOL Thanks Jo Ann completely missed that scene... On I go

Fishing rod is in the box with figures and numbers

anyone? Where is the fishing rod?

@Megi...thanks....now how to open that thing.... lol

ok, no clue how to open the box... anyone? Pretty please?

I don't remenber figures order but you have to use numbers I posted earlier

@Megi, I look at that post, but unfortunately, it didn't make any sense to my brain :(

figures are changing in each game :(

just opened the box

don't rwmwmber exactly all the numbers, bt smthng like:



my was black: triangle 4 square 6 triangle 8
blue: triangle 5 square 7 circle 9
green: square 5 circle 7 so triangle must be 3

can anyone explain the box code? I really don't understand...

I found a green triangle that had a ? under it, no yellow circle or square?

What am I not understanding?

LOL fish stole my cursor for a second

What did unlocking the postoffice do?

use parfume on fish :LOL and you will get teeth

Jo-Anne the numbers for each colors change with a fixed order
lowest is triangle, then square it 2 more then circle is 2 more.
As long as you have one number from one of the shapes you can figure out all.
Example: cyan circle =5, then square=3 and triangle=1

LOL see your dentist...

each game has a different colours and numbers but every time the rule is tje same i think

triangle +2 = square
square +2 = circle

LOL turn off the jukebox I need my sleep...

finally the end :lol

THANK YOU THANK YOU @Cool and @Megi!!! Finally got it!

Out now LOL

Ha, got an ear from the jukebox (your delivery from the post office)

how do you use the perfume on the fish?
Mine does not seem to like it much

Megi use pliers you mean to get teeth.. LOL sorry dont mean to correct you

How to get teeth?

i only got 2 of 6 secrets. anyone know what they are?

"why your brother scream like a woman?" Bwahhhaaaahhhhaaaa!!

Awesome game! Will stick around a bit and attempt to help anyone stuck

@Hootie, I only got two as well, I think they were the fake brick and the metal fish I found

you are right ;)

good night all, time to sleep now, bye

What a strange game this was.
Usually I do not like games with loose bodyparts, but these were okay :)

secrets? thats interesting... I only got one (the brick)

Nite Megi LOL I will enjoy my sunday morning..

i escaped

one secret is the reverse brick and another is throwing the crowbar at the window again

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 2:35 PM  

is anyone here i need help

@Ivy, where are you stuck?

Where is the foot?

Kick the soccerball LOL gives a loose foot...

@Emelie, use the black paint on the lamp post globe to make a soccer ball and place it in front of the goal post

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 2:42 PM  

ok so these are the items i have i have a perfume botttle witch has 2 flowers in it,ladder,magic powder,apple,a ball,blackpaint,plyers,an eye,a magnet, and a crow bar and i have no idea what to do next i see numbers andcolors and letters but dont know what to do

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 2:43 PM  

and a foot becuase of black paint and ball

@Ivy, you need another flower (try the ladders on the trees) to get the perfume. Then give the perfume to the nose for the nose

magic powder goes to the telescope for a real telescope. Use it on the stars to get code for box in magic shop for money to get battery at store

Arrgghhh playing a second time to find secrets and can NOT get code a second time.... no clue what I am doing wrong this time.

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 2:52 PM  

thank you ill try that

My pliers don't work on the fish? or is it not the fish in the fishbowl in the alley? pls help

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 2:54 PM  

ok where is the 3rd flower and i put the real telescope on the star drawing and nothing happend

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 2:55 PM  

andre get fish food from the park then use that on the fish for pliers


Combine apple with fishing rod and go to the park

The numbers are:
triangle = 7, square = 9, circle = 11
triangle = 5, square = 7, circle = 9
triangle = 3, square = 5, circle = 7
triangle = 6, square = 8, circle = 10
triangle = 1, square = 3, circle = 5
triangle = 2, square = 4, circle = 6
triangle = 4, square = 6, circle = 8

@ivy, use the telescope on starry sky, not drawing. Go to park.

Three flowers:
-by stars in park
-by soccer fiels
-using ladder in a tree in park

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:00 PM  

ok im in the stary sky now wich way would u read it

@ivy, think of the sky as a 4x4 grid (like the box in magic shop). Use the symbols from the sky to solve the box.

secrets so far:
reverse brick
throw crowbar at window again
metal fish (thanks jo-ann)
and false bottom in trash can

@hootie, a fifth secret is to let the nose smell perfume with only one flower inside.
Looking for last one.

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:07 PM  

i did the combonation of 3 leaf, 2leaf, dimond, heart dident work and i did it backwards to in all bxes and dident work can sombody plz tell me whats the combo and what to do after thst... thxs

@Hootie and Zahra Yay!

will continue to look for another one

best recollection for magic box

____,_____, diamond, ______

____, ____, _____, spade

____, club, _____, _____

heart, ____, _____, _____

____ = blank space

@ivy, it is different in every game.
For the box in the store, you only should click 4 of the squares. Try to "see" the box placed in the sky and see in exactly which squares your symbols are.
For example, if you have heart in top row, first column, thats the square to put a heart in the box.

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:12 PM  

ohhh ok i understand thank you

ok, sorry it is different for every game

Cool you are the BEST

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:13 PM  

i got money to buy the battery ill see what i can do with it :P

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:14 PM  

ok im a faliure haha what do u do with the battery


Who ..... me? :))

later in the game you will get a jukebox that does not work.
Guess what it needs?

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:18 PM  

An Apple.... jk a battry ok now i really suck at these games if u could tell me what to do next that would be appricated


which bodyparts have you got?

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:20 PM  

an eye a foot and a nose

@ivy, you need teeth then. Go to fish in the ocean, use apple combined with fishing rod.

ypu need teeth.
For that, get the apple and the fishing rod, combine them and go fising in the park.

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:23 PM  

ughhh weres the fishing rod...

@ivy, you get it when you solve the shape/number box.

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:24 PM  

well if its in the yellow case whats the combonation because i caint find the number for the yellow sqaure blue squae and light blue square

Ivy the fishing rod is in that box.
You get the numbers as follows.
Write down: triangle - square-circle
for each color write the number under those.
The you see that triangle+2 = square+2 = circle
That way you can find out all numbers you need.

@ivy, for a total spoiler read my post from 3/10/12 2:57PM.

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:29 PM  

ok can u plz put that in simpler terms its a little confusing sorry

for each color the numbers follow the same patern
For example
red triangle = 3 then square is 3+2=5, and circle is 5+2=7

So if you have a cyan square with the number 4
that means the cyan circle will be 4+2=6 and the cyan triangle would be 4-2=2

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:33 PM  

ok thx guys i put together the apple and fishing rod and it said "i'd rather go fishing with tnt" and i did it again and it did nothing

Yellow square should be: 4 (square is 2 more than triangle and you know yellow triangle is 2)

Blue square is: 7 (you know blue triangle is 5 and square is 2 more than triangle)

Light blue square is: 3 (you know light blue circle is 5 and the square is 2 less than circle)

Ivy, take the fishing rod and apple to the park.
Turn left until you see the lake and use the fishing rod there.

USe the rod+apple in the water next to the codebox where you got the rod. You should get a fish in the aquarium.

The numbers are different in every game.

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:38 PM  

i did and i dident get anything from the lake

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:39 PM  

ok there now it said this is my last curser i dont want to take the risk what dose that mean

@cool, no they are not. The clues on the walls are the same in the games, it's just the code box that have different shapes.

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:41 PM  

also i used the magnet+fishing rod in the lake and got a secret(mettle fish)

Ah ... I stand corrected :)

Ivy, is there a fish in the aquarium to the right of the box where you got the fishing rod?

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:42 PM  


       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:43 PM  

i got the key and used it on the post office to unlock the door to

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:45 PM  

and im at the jute box and put the battery in.. still dot have teeth from fish how do i get it

If you click on the aquarium do you see the big teeth at the fish?
Take those teeth with the pliers.

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:48 PM  

hahahah the after messege was funny..no animals were harmed and visit ur dentist reguraly ahaha

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:50 PM  

what is the code for the jute box and if there isent what do i do next

Put the battery in the jukebox and press buttons untill all the lights are on.
I do not remember in which order to press, but I just clicked along and it was rather easy.

For the juke box, you must make all the lights go green. Press the buttons randomly to achieve that, or... if you have them all grey (like from start) you press button 1,3 and 4 from the left.

hope you'll get it from there .... it's rather late here and need some sleep. Good luck.

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:52 PM  

ok nvm i turned it on and someone threw an ear at the machine haha

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:53 PM  

thx for hellping @cool

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:54 PM  

ok so i have teeth,an ear,an eye,and a foot what body parts do i need

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:56 PM  


       Anonymous  3/10/12, 3:58 PM  

now plz tell me one last thing is another guy going topop out of no whwere

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 4:00 PM  

ok thx agien4 helping bye

OMG so far I love this game, it's hilarious! A 99%-off crowbar store! And the trader that's only open during a blackout, he's the bomb! Lol!

No way am I playing this one!
I like flash games, but not flashlight games! (bwahahaa)

Seriously, I'm somewhat ALLERGIC to games where I have to grope in the dark with a flashlight and no chance in getting the light switched on later! ;p

Happy playing everyone ;)

Where did you get the black paint?

       Anonymous  3/10/12, 7:05 PM  

click wall with square/6-triangle/4-circle/8 hint.

MegiPoland, respect, +2 = answer, wow

I'm sure this is a replay.....

Out without help but I'm sure the WT was
posted a long time ago ?

Deja vu

whitstling in the wind.........................

for the life of me I cant get the color shape code for the fishing rod, sooo, I am going to bed.

       Anonymous  3/11/12, 7:45 AM  


- CODES change each new game...!
- game does NOT save...!
- sound ON recommended
- DRAG the items
- 6 SECRETS to find...
- as roads are connected, there are other possibilities to go around...

- follow the CONVERSATION by clicking thru
==> GOAL: find 5 BODY PARTS (eye, nose, ear, mouth, foot)

T-CROSSROADS (start screen)
- go up & click left wall
- note: black shape HINT & painted LADDER...
- take black PAINT
- zoom out (arrow BR) & click blue square on the other wall
- note: CROWBAR STORE...
- go back & right

- note: red SQUARE/9 on road...
- go up

- take LAMP from pillar
- go right

- note: cyan CIRCLE/5 on left tree...
- go up

- note: STARS...
- pick up RED FLOWER
(hover with mouse BL on ground)
- go 2x back & left

- take fish FOOD from round JAR...
- note: CODE BOX, AQUARIUM & free fishing SIGN...
- go 3x back & left

- note: pink SQUARE/8, painted TELESCOPE with STARS & KEY in DRAIN...
- go left

- read some game instrutions on wall POSTERS
- go up & click left side to enter

- note: green CIRCLE/7...
- take LADDER from right wall
- take FLASK from open BIN
- drag bottom of bin away for SECRET-1/6
- feed nasty FISH (piranha?) in AQUARIUM with fish food (oops!) & take PLIERS
- zoom out, go back & click right wall

- note: yellow TRIANGLE/2...
- put ladder on painted one & take blue reversed BRICK (SECRET-2/6)
(doesn't appear in inventory)
- 2x back & up

- note: green SQUARE/5 & TRIANGLE/?...
- click wooden HUT & follow conversation by clicking thru
- note: MAGNET, BATTERY & EYE...
- back, right & click blue SQUARE on left wall

- note left: STAR BOX with buttons revealing CARD SUITS...
- note middle: house with NOSE...
- put red flower in flask & let nose sniff green secret ESSENCE (SECRET-3/6)
(another flower gives same essence)
- take right: MAGIC POWDER with STARS...
- back & click PASSAGE left side

- note: blue TRIANGLE/5...
- take green FLOWER
- paint lamp black & put fake soccer BALL on penalty spot on ground
- take appeared FOOT
- back & down (as directions have turned..!)

- click DOOR & follow conversation (goal: find key for special delivery)...
- go down (aha, we were here already...!)
- go down again & left

- use (drag) magic powder on the painted one for a real TELESCOPE

WT PART 2 follows

       Anonymous  3/11/12, 7:47 AM  


- climb up TREE with ladder for APPLE

- climb up both trees (use ladder) for blue FLOWER (left) & GUARANA EYE (right)

- use (drag) telescope on stars to see HINT (card suits)...
==> hover with mouse over the stars

- open code box according coloured shape hints seen on your way for FISHING ROD
(click green round button at the end)
- put apple on rod & catch a FISH
(drag rod on water)
- click fish more than once & go thru funny game comment (oops!)
- use (drag) pliers on TEETH for MOUTH (click once more)
- back to T-crossroads, 2x up to post office & left

- open star box with telescope hint for MONEY (click box at the end)
==> click squares till the correct card suits appear in correct place
- put green & blue flower in flask & let NOSE sniff the perfume
(click at the end & it will jump in inventory 8-D)
- back to road, 2x down Click left wall (shape hint)
- put (drag) ladder on painted one & take red BRICK
- 2x back & click blue window (right wall)

- throw red brick on window for CROWBAR
(click thru funny game comments)
- throw crowbar on window for SECRET-4/6
(click thru till crowbar is in inventory again)
- go to

- buy BATTERY (drag money on it)
- trade guarana eye for EYE
(drag eye on eye & click thru convo)
- lend crowbar for MAGNET
(drag crowbar on magnet & click thru convo, crowbar also back in inventory)

- put magnet on fishing rod & use it on water for METAL FISH (SECRET 5/6)
(MacGyver time LOL!)
==> this action must be done BEFORE you go & get key (otherwise, magnet's gone)...!
- go back to

- put magnet on fishing rod & use it on drain (zoom) for KEY
- go to

- open door with key (convo)
- go back to

- here's your special delivery: a JUKEBOX (use crowbar on crate)
- zoom & put battery in slot bottom left
- click BUTTONS to turn jukebox on
- back & click jukebox (oops!) for EAR
- walk a bit around (click 2x) till GUY appears

- deliver the body parts for CABLE
- go to

- click hut & follow conversation till


(as codes change each new game)
- click right to open link e.g. in a new tab
- with aid for colour challenged pple



JUKEBOX (solution)
- click buttons 1-3-4 (numbered from left to right)

- for more details, see above
1) false bin bottom (passage)
2) blue reversed brick (wall painting)
3) green essence from 1 flower (magic shop)
4) throw crowbar (crowbar store)
5) metal fish (pond)
6) ??? (didn't find it...)

I like an escape game with a sense of humor.

oba, jogo brasileiro! yay, brazilian game!

premiere. LOL, only missed 1 secret...

       Anonymous  3/13/12, 12:33 AM  

LOL GGMagenta,
now that explains everything...!

Btw: I liked your game very much - that's why I made a WT...!
(I only made WTs for games I like or I'm really challenged by, LOL)
& no prob for me, that this one is a flashlight game...!
Looking forward to your next one - muitíssimo obrigado!

premiere Im happy you liked(I think this is the only place my game get more than 3 stars...)
the game was fixed.
and dont worry, more escape games are comming, i can't say soon because im training as3, so i made more types of games not only escape games, but have sure the next one have puzzles and stupid jokes, and if i have luck better graphics!!!
anything can ask =)

6th secret:catch evil fish using rod & fish food

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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