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Miriah's Space Adventure Walkthrough

Miriah's Space Adventure

Miriah 2 - Miriah's Space Adventure is a point and click adventure game from CDE. Miriah is excited to ride her new space rover, but first she needs to get through the space station. Help miriah find the space rover and get to her flight on time! Good luck and have fun!

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LOL! You've got to be kidding me...
Not for me. Have fun who plays it.

Lol Edgar... in a minute, I will see what you are talking about! ;)

Found three missing parts so far...

Hmmm lol.... well went left, got two items from the cupboards....

Hi Zazie! I got two so far :)

POP found another :)

Hi Jo.C i am stuck, i have two green lights on the left machine.

Ohh and another item from the right scene, unlocking one of the cupboards

Into next room... which ones do you have Zazie??

Found another part in the middle scene in middle locker, stop machine first.

LOL can't even do anything in the next room... apart from switch on some lights?!

Went to the left room too.

Someone needs to give that chicky some redbull and find a broomstick to wedge open the doors

I can´t do anything in the new room.

Lol all the same place??

In the first scene, just above the locked green thingy with the CDE in it, you get something

Just got something from the little cupboard above the little green 'CDE' green screen (no idea how to word this lol).... Think I need to use it at the cupboards on the right screen

Now the panel in the back in first room opens but i can´t take anything.

Got it too, but had inventory colsed lol.


And now what...

It is used in the most right room.

Kept clicking some of them buttons, and the green lights have came on in the second room, but it hasn't done anything I don't think?

And the new thing is used in the most left room.

Ohh there is me saying it hasn't done anything... can now open red cupboards in second room!

Keep clicking the 4rth or 5th button until all lights are green and you can open the 4 panels.

I have the round thigy on the floor and clicked it to make the podium type thingy come up but no idea why as you can only open doors. I also have a green thingy which doesn't want to go anywhere

So now the thing in the middle of the room has raised up, have a green 'thing' to place somewhere, not sure where

Now i opened the round floor part.

Lol RSA... I keep putting the same thing as you just after.... you can click the back ground of the middle cupboards and get something...

Then that gives you the card... third room now :) Still have green thing

aah, middle cupboard at the bottom of the round podium that came up has something on the top of the orange thingy

I don´t know what i did but now the green thing is USED.

Well got to the last bit of the game, backwards and forwards finding and placing stuff for final code. Now some mini game I think before I finish

next to keypad in the new room you get something

Got the swipe card now.

Got the key now and there is a code inside.

yay I finished :) Anyone else need help?

It is the mainframe power pack?
Click on the mainframe after you put it in and you get a key

I see you are both out aswel :)

And out !!!

Or will be in a minute lol

Funny little game, somewhat different :)

Well if anyone needs any help, don't look at me as I have no idea where I got half the stuff or what it was or why it was :)

Thanks Jo C and Zazie

Well finally i died on the moon under the falling rocks lol.

LOL it's hard to explain where you found stuff and what that stuff actually was ;) Nice playing with you RSA and Zazie :D

I don't get anything in the first scene above the CDE....very pixely.

Hi Zoe... alot of it is very pixely, I just kept clicking around and hopefully you find it lol :)A panel opens for a few seconds above that CDE, you need to click inside...

not very nice game ..the things i got in inventry dont know the name of them ...trai & error game ....

after playing mini game i died at the score of 425 ...

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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