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Puzzle Room Escape 2 Walkthrough

Puzzle Room Escape 2

Puzzle Room Escape 2 is another point and click room escape game from Mix Games 1. In this game, you try to finish the game by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! [Created and Subbed by Aykut]

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let's do this!

bat wing top left has something tucked in it but can't get it yet.

ok i'm game!

I've been around the room several times.
Pressed 2 buttons, have 5 pieces for left puzzle and 7 for right.
Need lever code and color code

and a number code of course.
I'm pretty sure both the skulls and the birds are a clue, but can't figure them out.

one picture piece under corner of rug in door scene

Whoa - didn't notice we were live! Stuck looking for lever code and 5-digit code. Have colour code, but it was a fluke - no idea why it is what it is.

Also have 5 puzzle pieces on left and 7 on right....

i'm exactly where you are cool.

got 2 more pieces for left puzzle. Now need 2 more for each.
What's the color code Bakes?

i have 4 pieces on the left and 6 on the right

and a hint for the colour code?

i found a puzzle pc on the green plant in the room with 8 skulls so now i have 8 for the right pic

by the way i have only found one red/green button to press so far and that is the one next to the door

Colour code is.....


madliz, where did you get the color code?

pressed 4 buttons now after solving the color code.

@madliz - check the skull "pyramid"

and i have razor blade but no screwdriver

and right picture done for another button to press. I just realized I had it in my inventory so I can't tell you where I found it though.

madliz, you have to use the blade to get the other green button.

mafe, i didn't have the code and going off that, i haven't the foggiest where the clue for that is in the game!!!!

bakes, did the skull safe not open after the colour code?

I have only pressed three green buttons - any help on the fourth? Or the last right-hand puzzle piece?

Oh - POP. Nevermind, found the fourth.

mafe, ok got another piece for left pic out of picture!!

@madliz - so sorry, I can't remember. I have just been clicking like mad, really.

buttons behind the clock, from using the razor blade on the right side chair, under the table, behind the skull pyramid and behind the right side picture so far.

ok went mad with razor blade and made holes in things!! only need two pieces for each pic now

bakes did you check one one of the 8 skulls? it just suddenly popped out when i did the color puzzle.

thanks jbg, got 8th piece for right pic and 4th button

So far 5 buttons;
- behind clock next to door.
- behind skull pyramid.
- above right painting after putting all pieces in.
- right chair in scene with pictures (use razor on it).
- Below low table in scene with 2 tables.

5th button on right side of chair under right picture

5 buttons pressed.
Still stuck on tje lever code and number code.
Where's the sd we need so much?

Yeah, Mafe, I did get that one - thanks. Missing one on the right and three on the left. Anyone have any luck on the levers or the 5-digit code?

and razor blade has gone so nothing else to butcher!

razor blade is gone now.

My razor has also disappeared. I'm hoping fervently that it's because I don't need it anymore....

don't know what happened to my razor too. it just vanished!

Thought birds/bat might be a clue for the levers, but no luck.

still missing 3 puzzle pcs. 2 left, 1 right.

mafe i'm where you are

I thought maybe the birds were for the number code. There seem to be 5 sizes. Maybe I counted wrong?

Ooh - clicked on the lamp on the left wall of the levers room, the shade fell off and now I have two more puzzle pieces in my inventory!

i swear i thought those birds were bats!tried different combos of bird positions according to size but none works on the lever.

i thought i only got one piece from that lamp, but i could be wrong

bakes, did you find 2 pcs from the lamp? i got only 1 pc.

I am so totally stuck now :(
I offer a beer to the one who comes with the next clue. :)

Bruteforced the levers.
From left to right and starting on top it was something like;
3, 1, 5, 5 clicks.
Have spray now.

Right picture finished, two pieces missing on left. Was there any great result from having pressed the fifth green button behind the right picture?

small tool, help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also the last button behind that spray.
Have paint roller now.

Spray and then paint roller on the cross on the wall gives number code.

Numbercode gives screwdriver and another piece for the left painting.

Not sure, Mafe - I'm shamefully concerned that I might have had one of them in my inventory all along. Too much clicking. Not enough paying attention....

I think it was 2144 for the clicks.

S-T "something like" does not work

cool, it's hard to discern their the sizes. any luck?

Screwdriver used on the right gives last piece for left painting and left painting gives end key.

out now, but I don't understand the lever or color codes.

congrats s-t!

2,1,4,4 (and 3,1,5,5) not working for me.

Try 2, 1, 3, 3

2144 doesn't work (from the top or bottom) :(

And out.
Thanks all, but I think S-T won the beer .... cheers :)

Just replayed, For the levers start from the top and click 2,1,3,3.

2133 but which safe/drawer opens? nothing moved but can't click the levers anymore.

2133, and then something clicked - thanks, small-tool!

got the spray, where was the roller?

Well, even with knowing the lever- and the colour-code I don't see the hints for it :(

@Mafe: it adds items to one of the shelves.

never mind - didn't see open panel


You get the roller after you clicked all 6 red buttons to green.

the roller comes from pushhing all of the buttons. the 6th button is behind the pumpkin on the shelf where you get the spray.

Out now. Thanks for your help, everyone! Seems brute-forcing was the only way to solve some of these puzzles.

The closest thing I can see to the lever clue is the birds/bats in the scene with the exit door. If you count them in groups in that scene you get 2133.

oops - closed wrong tab. Pity (not really)

lol! this was more like another hidden object game. what's worse, you can't zoom in.

And what's with the red 1 with blue square behind one bat. And blue 1 with green square behind another bat?

jbg, you may be right. and to satisfy/console us, we just have to accept it.,,lolz!

st, that too will remain another mystery. lol!

No idea where the color code was supposed to come from even after searching for a while. I think the colored numbers behind the bat wings must have been for something, but I can't figure it out.

well i got my spray, used it but cant break that spot?

After the spray you have to use the paint roller on it.
The paint roller you get from pushing 6 buttons.

@madliz: did you use the roller on it?

well i'm still missing the last piece for the right picture! anyone got any help for that?

i know i've probably missed something!

did you get the piece in the lower left hand corner of the room with the exit door? It is behind the broom.

i think i did get that one, as nothing is forthcoming when i click there

Right pic pieces;

- Lamp on ceiling.
- Broom bottom left (behind little table).
- Behind towels.
- Under top right of carpet.

- From doing colour code.
- In plant on right table.

- Under plant on right table.
- From plant right on the floor.
- From under low round table (use razor).

one is behind the towels. 3 from plants, 1 under the table, one is from clicking the lightbulb on the ceiling, and another is under teh corner of the carpet.

am i doomed to wander these three scenes forever?!!

bingo!!!! from the tall plant far right!!!! probably the only spot i haven't clicked on so far!!! thanks guys!!

finally!!!!! so relieved that i'm out of that now!!!! thanks for all the help guys!

Doesn't zoom, can't even read 1st note. I'm out of here.

Finally....out...tq guys...

Where was the razor blade?

Did you find that razor blade @cheryl? Because I can't find it either.

POP...razor - move the moon.

Ok I tried playing on Firefox and could not get it to load. I disabled adblocker, still did not work. Tried it on IE, didn't work, now I'm trying it on Chrome, still doesn't load. The commercial plays at the beginning, then its just a black box. I let it sit for 20 minutes to make sure it wasn't just slow. Still nothing.
Having really bad luck with games today.

doesn't load for me either.. :(

       Anonymous  3/2/12, 3:02 AM  

At black screen: turn on lightswitch upper left corner to start.

What about 5-digit code?

This comment has been removed by the author.

Can anyone give a walkthrough of the puzzle pcs on the left? I am missing one piece. Thanks.

Is this still live? I need hints for left pieces...

Left pic pieces;

- Behind skulls to the left of the door.
- Using razor on pic on left wall.

- Using razor on pillow left chair.
- Using razor on right chair.

- Behind on of the 8 skulls.
- Behind the books below the 8 skulls
- In lamp on left wall.
- From doing the number code and then behind the radio.
- From using the screwdriver on the right screwed panel and then behind the balls.

at last I escaped, thanx for help

nayana, India 03/03/12 14.23 ist

cant get the number for the code tried counting the birds, nada help

NVM find it out

the lever code from left to right is...........


WHERE is the screwdriver?!? Opened the shelf with the number behind stain on wall and got piece for painting behind radio (I believe) but didn't see any screwdriver anywhere and am getting ANNOYED at having to click everywhere and move to different rooms to discover new stuff when buttons are pushed or levers moved!.... There's challenging fun and then there's sadism.... :-(

Went back to the game (hadn't shut it down all day) and saw the VERY indistinct handle of the screwdriver to the left of the cassette player that had moved to the left to reveal the last right puzzle puzzle piece - but when I figured I had to click the cassette player to move it to get to whatever was behind it and then saw the puzzle piece on the shelf I didn't think to look back again to the left of it to see the screwdriver.... FINALLY out. Not happy about being trapped in this particular house and thank you to all the many comments above from other gamers to help me keep (most of) my sanity! DG

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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