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Hold Your Horses Walkthrough

Hold Your Horses

Hold Your Horses Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by TimeFall. In this escape game, some horses are lost and your job is to find them to escape the room. Can you able to find all horses and escape? Good luck and have fun!

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hi pickaxe behind cushion used on horse ..

sd in plant

sd not working do we need another part ?

no# hint on tv give hand saw ...

You need the handle.

cant get the coloured square hint from big cabinet ?

bolt cutter is behind cushion also

where is the sd handle please


Look at doors for color and number of panels.
Look at floor in TV for code.
Look at Horses in picture for color code.

Easy out. Need help?

no one playing yet, where are you premere

You get the handle by solving the squares puzzle.

Clue is the multicolored Cabinet doors.

BTW the colors are blue and yellow. Be sure to count the panes in the doors.

i dont get that colour& no# puzzle ..may be im color blind

Mighty1 i cant get it...:(

Y6 B6 Y6
Y8 B8 B8

ohhh now i get it thanks... :)

pop got it
yellow 6,blue6 ,yellow6

yellow8,blue8,blue 8

Ting ting
Look at doors at cabinet. The one on top have 6 squares and the bottom have 8.

Some of the puzzle are pixle hunts.

The 4 shades of brown puzzle clue come from the 4 horses picture.

The 6 boxes puzzle clue is the blue and yellow doors. The yellow looks like green to me.

mighty already post the answer..:)

and out ...screw driver handle looked like a battery...?

thank you everyone for your help :)

one thing more crowbar is also behind cushions ..

       Anonymous  4/24/12, 12:21 PM  

WIW-THROUGH (Where Is What)

HORSES from (order clockwise from 12 o'clock)
- RED: letter puzzle
- BLACK: triangle pic puzzle
- BLUE: cartoon horse (leg, use crowbar)
- YELLOW: horse on table (use hammer)
- GREEN: exercise bike (use whole SD)
- WHITE: sea horse (use bolt cutters)
- PURPLE: plant (use hand saw)
- ORANGE: golden horse (CB, use wrench)
--> SLOTS: tall CB (glass door)
--> gives escape KEY, use it on door

- HAMMER (couch)
- bolt CUTTERS (couch)
- CROWBAR (couch)
- SD head (plant)
- hand SAW (number puzzle)
- WRENCH (colour puzzle)
- SD handle (square puzzle)
- put SD pieces together

- LETTERS: on painting (race)
- COLOURS: picture (horses)
- SQUARES: glass door cabinet (right of sea horse)



4-3-2-1x click

- clicks

- on painting:
EQUUS = latin for



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I see the shapes but definitely do NOT see those colors in the cabinet, plus top row is a different color from the lower rows. Very confusing clue!

And thanks @premiere -- I found the 4 numbers after I found the puzzle and didn't realize I had never entered them! lol

Thanks premiere for the WT , i needed help with the squares (Y,B) didnt understand them

Thanks again for the WT premiere, If it werent for the WT I would be way behind. Always look forward for them

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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