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Clueless - First Visit Walkthrough

Clueless - First Visit

Clueless First Visit Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Tomatea. In this game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Urban]

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Clueless - First Visit  Video Walkthrough

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Found the key for the music room

Already playing it. For now i have opened note door

How to get into the game ? I can see the opening picture but nothing to enter the game.

Sorry @zazie, it worked for me
Place for stool in note room to get a key for fork room

Have got into music room, got key from curtain using stool and scissors and now into dining room

Notes are clues for fork room buttons to get hook and key for lamp room

i need hints for all 3 codes in lamp room

Lamps in fork room give hints for cb in lamp room

got all rooms opened. stuck with letters code

Me stuck with hook on stick, used match, matches box, empty glass, and some hexagonal thing

Urban, use hook to get the key in dinning room (above the table, on lamp)

Urban, how did you get the hook on the stick?
I've been trying to do that for a while .... but no luck.

Btw there is a key on the lamp in the dining room. I guess you need the stick+hook there

LOL im stuck trying to find scissors...

never mind .... missed a stick :)

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 5:12 AM  

- scissors in middle basket CB (note room), use hint from book in corridor.

- stick in tall CB (lamp room), hint for code on ceiling lamp (dinner room, click centre button)

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 5:14 AM  

- hexagonal bar goes behind pic puzzle in bathroom

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 5:16 AM  

- tie hint in CB for button puzzle in bathroom, gives shovel
- use shovel on plant pot (note room), after pouring water from bathtub, taken with glass from dinner table.

Well finally out of that other game!! Just starting this one now lol, hope everyone is well :)

Used the 'light' clue on light in hallway for number code?

I don't understand the notes code in relation to the door; can anyone help?

I can't find anything, could you tell me where is the first key please?

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 5:20 AM  

- plant pot gives key to kitchen
- get cooking spoon & bottle

This picture puzzle in bathroom is terrible

That was what gets key for music room by the way if anyone wanted to know lol

Don't get the number clue behind the picture in the library... and stuck with the letter drawer in the bedroom

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 5:22 AM  

Pic puzzle in bathroom:
(click right to open link e.g. in a new tab)


nvm, got the first code

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 5:24 AM  

- use cooking spoon on stuck CB in dinner room for paper
- use burnt match (from tall CB in bedroom) on paper for 4-digit-code

Did you see my post above aridza? That gets you first key :)

Oh ok nevermind lol

Hi! where is the stick for the hook please?

help with letter code, please

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 5:26 AM  

- library key from upper drawer (number code) in bedroom

@stephanie: lines on notes shows which button to press.
@aridza: put white paper under one of the lights

seb, it's in cabinet

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Still have the year plate (1936) and still stuck with that number thing behind the picture of the library... apparently it has something to do with the letter drawer, cause now I can change it (doesn't say: I don't have a clue...)

Hm ... I can't figure out the two button code in the library.
Must have seen a clue, but have no idea where?

Cool: Check the picture in the bathroom again

Not my nite to escape LOL I cant get the light code to work in dining room

Will someone post the button order for the closet in the dining room please?

I could play finally, now i am stuck with a SD. No idea where to use it.

Never mind, I realized the moment I posted this

Are the buttons in the fork room supposed to be the music notes? If so, how does it work?

Thanks Melena but in what room?

Look at the tie in the bedroom closet.
Follow where the end of the tie goes.

Stehanie, click in oreder 142123 like notes

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 5:30 AM  

- nut from under painting
- light candles from date plate


In the library, under the picture. Light the candles first

I have opened the safe behind the picture in the library
Now have a matrix with 9 figures and no idea what to do

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 5:32 AM  

- use nut on hexagonal bar, put behind pic puzzle (bathroom) & use oil for SD

Cool: I don't have any way to get in the bedroom yet.

Must be the clue for the letter puzzle in the library.

in bedroom

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 5:33 AM  

- use SD on date plate under painting for L/R puzzle (library)

Ok , found stick, thanks again Melena (in bedroom)

This game is a mess, think I'm going to skip. Already got a headache from it.

Cool, would you be so kind to give us the code with the 2 buttons in the librabry please?

Thx Cool, now i need the code for the two buttons under pic, but i have to run...i will finish later, maybe you let me a spoiler :)

can't remember where the bedroom key came from Princess :(

@Kees, Cees en Henk
look at the gold things position on puzzle in bathroom. it's LRRRLLRL

You 3 .... look again at the puzzle in the bathroom.
Once you see that it's obvious :)


Please hurry up all.
I am totally stuck with the letter puzzle on the drawer in the bedroom.

letters code pleeeeeease

Toota? We need help with the letter puzzle/library code

opened safe behind picture in bathroom, took screws off on 1936 and solved l/r puzzle there for a 9 number grid

toota HELP

I just can't see the connection between the plate, 3x3 grid and letter code in the bedroom....

Me neither!

I tried the letters on the phone but doesn't work

Hi guys - I'm stuck with the letter code too. Toota, can you give us a hint where you saw a clue for it?

Did the same SwissMiss

I've tried to see them as letters, no luck
Made a grid with letters, no luck
Tried letter 1, letter 9 and so on, no luck

The magic grid is not right.

I think it must be:

8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2

Maybe this helps.

toota seems to be a player who is only interested in letting us know she/he is out - but not helping here at all

kees but it could also be

so I dont think this is it

Very annoying when people do that

SW you're right, but still no clue.

I agree miles - just an ego-trip is all


I haven't got a clue
And no ... the word is not "clue" or "open" for that matter.

Someone said "- scissors in middle basket CB (note room), use hint from book in corridor."

I don't understand this clue, so I can't find the scissors. No one else posted how to get them. Can someone help me with getting the scissors?

Zoe ... in the book there are some names of rooms.
The letter i appears in one of them use that symbol
Do the same for the letters e and r

Anyone knows what ii ee rr in the book in the hall meens?

Zoe, the order is 'dining room', 'sleeping room' and then 'library' ;)

Zoe - look for the rooms on the right side of the book that have the corresponding letters on left side. i.e, which room has two i's

zoe - in the book it says ii ee rr and at right ar the rooms
the basket-sofa in music room needs 3 signs

ii - which room has two i's in it
ee = dito
rr = dito

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       Anonymous  5/21/12, 5:53 AM  
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ii, ee and rr are standing for the order to get the scissors. For example, dining room has two times the letter 'i' in the name ;)

Sorry Cool, I already posted.

My original grid is
I see 1936 in there so am looking for a word from mobile keypad...
probably totally wrong thinking LOL

lol - guess I was a little late! Still stuck with this darn code. I'd like to ban Toota!!

Still no damn clue about the 4-letter code..

dining room has 2x i
sleeping room has 2x e
library has 2x r

Zoe, use the picture from the word with the vowel combo from the left side. ie: dining room has 2 i

Wow - thanks guys!

hahaha - zoe got about 20 hints of the same

I don't even think toota got out for real.

Leroy - the only word I can find is meal... but that's not it

The numbers can't be translated into letters either unfortunately (like the 3 can also be an 'E')

guys look at the shape of the 3x3 grid lines for the letter code....

clio - who is not signed in but I talk on fb with her got the solution

its the letter drawer whatever that is lol



I tried 1 is row 2, column 3 and so on.
That gives wmlv but that's not it either

Are overthinking?

For the word look at the shapes they make.
The first letters is C

I really enjoyed this game! Out now!

SM, how did you found that?

Thx SM!!! Still don't get it, but that's okay

Cluo? LOL was she thinking her name was the answer and mistyped it...

It is, thank you.
But WHY???????????????????

Maybe "and out" meant "otta here, I give up!"

Just take out the number and it looks a bit like





       Anonymous  5/21/12, 6:01 AM  

I don't understand the final letter code.

I guess you start with 1 and follow the rest of the numbers to see a C. Then start with 9, etc. Is that right?

thanks small - for the explanation

Kees - it was not me - but a friend of mine lol

Ohhh! Thx s-t!

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 6:02 AM  

How to get into the game ? I do not see a button with PLAY on it

Oh really ... who'd think of that?

while i was waiting for someone to write the answer i found it myself :) thank you all

Gotcha S-T TY

The lines around where 1 is are C - the lines around where 9 is are L - the lines around 3 are U and the lines around where 6 is are a square - ie a O
Get it now?

I guess someone like Toota! Lol

If you look at the grid lines for each number it gives C L U O

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 6:04 AM  

Final letter puzzle (bottom drawer bed table):
(click right to open link e.g. in a new tab)


Dont you just hate it when its not a real word!

Tough one that last clue

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 6:05 AM  

after 10 minutes up came a button with play on it :_)

SM, that friend of yours is very smart. Keep him!

Thanks everybody. I have to go shopping for diner. See you at the next game. Bye.

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 6:06 AM  

The game was excellent, except the last code.

LOL Kees? He? you mean her....

Way better explanation Premiere.
But strangely enough my method worked too.

And I was so close trying "clue" .... :(

Out, finally. Thanks for all the hints for the scissors! lol! (and all the other hints that helped me get out!)

But - no thanks to Toota. I agree with all those comments. Where would we all be without each other's help? Must be what you said - ego trip....

image for the last code


can't figure out the bathroom bottun code, help please

button * lol


That is the left-right-up-down code?

Look at the tie in the closet in the bedroom. Follow which way the tie turns when making the knot.

yes the l-r-u-d, i'll check the closet, ty

that worked, ty cool

sabrina: spoiler:

left, up, down, right, left, down

Where's the clue for letter code in bedroom (lamp room)?

Tomatea games are not a "mess" they're just challenging! I hope to see lots more of these wonderful games!!!

ty zoe...now stuck with spatula and a bottle of something, UGH ! this game is making me cross eyed lol

grannyrecipe - it's the code from the plate under the picture - 1936. Compare it against the 9-digit grid as posted a couple of times above. Small-tool used X's and O's...at5/1/12 - 6:01 AM.

figured it out, had forgotten about the stuck door

Use the spatula on the stuck cb in the dining room...

make sure you burn one of the matches before using it on the paper.

I hate to be dense but what plate under what picture? LOL

Joining late - stuck in the bedroom - where's the clues for closet - and where's the stick please?

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 6:54 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.

granny - in the library after you light the candles on the mantle there appears a number. The number is a clue for the final puzzle, but you also have to open the panel with the screwdriver.

Do you have the screwdriver yet?

@LNS: clue for closet is in lamp in dinning room, you must click the middle of the lamp for clue. Stick is in that closet.

ty guys!

What a great game! I needed clues for at least half the puzzles...but only needed the spoiler for the last one...That was very different, but once explained...eh..I can see it OK! lol
Oh, yes! I definitely needed the Pic for the bathroom puzzle, TY @premiere!

TY @everyone for leaving just the right amount of hints!!! :-)

1936 = CLUO

toota - we needed your help 1-1/2 hours ago when you said you were out. When you say you are out, but then don't help anyone with clues, it looks suspicious...


- click right vase on the floor and take the NOTE
- look at the note closer - it says LIGHT, click on it to rotate
- turn twice (left or right) and click the lamp to the right of the door
- turn it on and use the note to see the number
- turn twice and take the chair
- turn left and click the table
- open drawer with the number from the note
- take the Music Room key
- note the rooms list on the table, note the HINT on left page
- open music room with the key
- click the sitting place under the window
- take the HEXAGONAL SHANK from it
- click the middle drawer and open it with sequence of symbols(solution below) and take scissors
- step back and note the key on left curtain (too high)
- use chair and cut the Dining Room key with scissors
- step back and look at the piano closer
- note the NOTES HINT
- get back to the hall and turn right
- open dining room with the key
- click the table and take the GLASS (middle left)
- step back and click the luster above the table
- note the key you cannot take right now
- click the button at the bottom of luster and note the LIGHTS HINT
- step back, click left cabinet on far wall and open it with notes hint (solution below)
- take Bedroom key and the HOOK
- get back to the hall, turn right and open bedroom with the key
- click the wardrobe and open it with lights hint (solution below)
- note the TIE HINT and take the STICK and MATCHES
- look closer at matches and click on it to get the CHARCOAL
- note the cabinet with 2 drawers which need number and letters
- get back to dining room
- combine stick with a hook (you need to open closer view of stick, click on its bottom to get a view with the hole for the hook)
- use STICK WITH A HOOK to get Bathroom key from the luster
- get back to the hall, turn right and open bathroom with a key
- click bath and take some WATER with a glass
- step back, click right drawer
- open it with tie hint (solution below) and take a SHOVEL
- step back and click left drawer
- solve the puzzle to open it and put hexagonal shank into the hole
- look at the puzzle picture to get LEFT-RIGHT HINT
- get back to the hall, turn twice and go to music room
- click flowers on the left wall, use water and shovel on them to get Kitchen key
- get back to the hall, turn right and open kitchen with a key
- click stove and take the SPATULA (fourth from left)
- step back and click shelves
- take OIL from top shelf left
- get back to the hall and go to dining room
- click right cabinet and use spatula to open it and take STICKERS
- use charcoal on it to get NUMBER CODE
- get back to the hall, turn right and go to bedroom
- open right cabinet top drawer with number code and take Library key
- get back to the hall, turn twice and open library with a key
- click the easel and take the SPINNER from it
- click the fireplace and fire the candles on it to see the screwed date plate under picture
- get back to the hall, turn twice and go to batchroom
- open left cabinet with puzzle, use spinner and oil to get SCREWDRIVER
- get back to the hall, turn twice and go to library
- unscrew date plate above the fireplace and use the left-right hint to move the picture (solution below)
- note the position of numbers on 3x3 grid and use numbers from date plate to get LETTERS CODE
- get back to the hall, turn twice and go to bedroom
- open right cabinet bottom drawer with letters code and take the KEY
- get back to the hall, turn right and use the key on the door

And you are out!

MElena - EXCELLENT WT!!!!!


Sequence of symbols
double letters on left page allow you to know which rooms symbols to use
ii dining room "fork"
ee sleeping room "lamp"
rr library "book"

Notes hint
count the number of horizontal lines of notes: 142123

Lights hint
the order of lights is TL-BR-BL-TR-L-R

Tie hint
note the direction of ties end: left-up-down-right-left-down

Letters code
note the lines around ch date plate number on 3x3 grid and imagine them as letters: CLUO
(thanks to SwissMiss, Clio, Premiere)

@Zoe, than you :)

Thank you all for playing our game.
We hope you enjoyed it.
Just to remind you: there is new save option now.
Have a great day :)

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 7:34 AM  

In the spirit of EGDALTWT:
(at least two for a Tomatea...! ;-D)


- Before you can solve the puzzles, you need to find the hints first.
- After solving a puzzle, always click square BUTTON under display...!
- SAVE option available
- SOLUTIONS at the bottom...

- as usual in escape games, the doors are locked...! ;-P

HALL (start screen)
- take STOOL
- take PAPER from right flower vase
- go 2x left or right (according to your hand preference ;-D)

- light right wall LAMP
- turn paper in inventory & put it under lamp (click bulb) for CODE
- go right

- open CB DRAWER under mirror for NOTE KEY
- note in book on CB: HINT (icons)...
- open left NOTE door with note key

- take HEXAGONAL BAR behind left pillow on couch under window
- open middle basket CB with icon hint for SCISSORS
- put stool in front of left curtain
- use scissors on STRING hanging from above for FORK KEY
- note on piano notes: HINT (note lines)...
- note: sth can be done at plant pot...
- back to

- go right & open right FORK/KNIFE door with fork key

- take GLASS (3nd from top, left side) from table
- open wall DRAWER (left side) according note line hint for HOOK & LAMP KEY
- note: stuck wall drawer (right side)...
- note on ceiling lamp: hanging key & HINT (light order, click on button centre of lamp)
- back to

- turn right & open right LAMP door with lamp key

- open tall CB with light order hint for MATCHES & STICK
- note in tall CB: HINT (tie directions)
- note in bed table: number & letter puzzle...
- go to

- put hook on stick (click 2x) & take DROP KEY from ceiling lamp
- back to

- go right & open left SHOWER door with drop key

- take WATER from bathtub with glass from dining room
- solve PICTURE puzzle on shelf for hexagonal HOLE (inside CB) & HINT (left/right)
- put hexagonal bar in hole
- solve DIRECTION puzzle according tie hint for little SHOVEL
- go to

- pour water from glass in plant pot under left window
- use shovel on soil for ROLLING PIN KEY
- back to

- go right & open ROLLING PIN door with rolling pin key

- take OIL BOTTLE most left on top shelf
- take SPATULA from above stove
- go to

- use spatula on stuck wall drawer for PAPER BLOCK
- go to

- light a match
- use burnt match on paper block for HINT (number)
- open top drawer from bed table for BOOK KEY
- back to

- go 2x left or right (ya know: hand preference ;-P)
- open BOOK door with book key

- take SPINNER from under painting on easel (right side)
- light CANDLES above fireplace for screwed date PLATE...
- go to

- put spinner on hexagonal bar behind solved pic puzzle
- use oil from bottle on spinner & turn it for SCREWDRIVER
- go to

- unscrew DATE PLATE with SD
- remove plate for Left/Right BUTTONS
- note on date plate: HINT (number order)
- solve L/R puzzle according L/R hint from pic puzzle in bathroom (golden pearls) for 3x3 number GRID with HINT (letters)
- go to

- open bottom bed table drawer according plate & grid hints for escape KEY
- back to

- go right & open door with escape key to escape


Great game Tomatea as usual! thanks a lot :)

and thanks alls for help

beautiful game thx every1 who posted!that helped me a few time especially with letter code :)

Thank You TomaTea. Excellent game


I was processing the video to download it on YouTube

Wow! Nice wheels at the end of this game. Come on, girls... Let's grab the wine from Selfdefiant's parties, throw out the chauffeur and go for a burn around the country lanes, breaking just about every law of the land or eco-directive we can think of XD.
By the way - I'm driving! =)

P.S., I bet that thing's got walnut dashboard and leather seats and no seatbelts ;D

Tomatea are some of my favorite games, but that last drawer was a bit of a stretch for mortals to figure out. Great job to the ones who did, and thank you SwissMiss for posting the answer for those of us unable to figure it out. :)

       Anonymous  5/21/12, 12:20 PM  

Amazing game.. oh so loved it... ummm except that last puzzle, which I would have never gotten by myself. Great help with that though thanks ever

Thanks TomaTea for another excellent game!!
Thank you all for your comments and premiere and melena for the WTs.
I did it all by myself but in the end ...that pearl code and the "cluo"......

Thanks, @Ruboja!!
That last clue was really tricky!

And now I get to escape in a beautiful white roadster ...

Thank You.


Fantastic game!!!

(Tomatea = Quality)

Happy to say I solved most stuff by myself, and that is a reason to be proud, because the game was NOT EASY! (if you remember Tomatea's last, it was a walk in the park)

Help needed for...

- "right usage" of shovel (because nothing will budge if you did not remember to do something with the plant first ;))

- R/L hint hidden away in slider puzzle pic (whoa NIFTY!!!)

- final code (Surprise, surprise huh!)


Let me apologize for the rude comments in behalf of the others (just because no one else did but instead just gave you some rude comments, "should be banned" etc.).

It's easy to react like this in absence if you don't know whether the other has just bailed out or is preparing something useful like a video WT.

fantastic game! Needed to cheat for the last code though - that was tricky. thanks Tomatea!

Thank you for the video walkthru, and the comments above to figure out the ridiculous last clue (the letters on the puzzle should have used a square letter font). Nice quality game, though some unneeded pixel hunts and hidden objects (like the stick).

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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