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Nightmare Escape Walkthrough

Nightmare Escape

Bored Nightmare Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Bored. You are trapped in crazy locked room, things are not as they seem. Look around for clues and items to help you escape! Good luck and have fun!

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Found a match under table
A wood tile on table
A HDD under couch, put into Computer drawer
Need user name and password

Book under right side of computer
Has riddle, probably for U/N and PW

I don't know if this game shows hot-spots
as my cursor doesn't change either way :(

Light the wood tile on fire for username and password. Haven't gotten it to work on the computer yet though.

there is a matchbox with battery - left from comuter

Found a battery and matcher left of computer,
behind the green thing

You need to put in the HDD first. lower left of front panel opens on computer for it.

new room after typing pass and username

Second battery in matchbox

Hi guys, joining in. What's with the little skeleton hanging upside down in the sofa's view?

I'm so lost atm. Got 4 batteries (one of them turns in to a fish when I try to view it o.O ), a fish, a book and a pick axe.

No idea what that riddle in the book means.

Megi, Hi,
How in the name of tiny things did you read
what was on the tile ?

Found a pen - or something that looks like one - under pink cushion.

Have a fish, wood tile with pc info on it, the book and two batteries. Navigation in the second room is giving me a headache. Have no idea what to do next.

I cannot make out what it says on my piece of wood -- too dark, too tiny

pass: ZORT

The pen gets another battery from book

use the pen thingee in the book to get a battery.

use net to take a fish from fishtank

Thanks Megi, I need to go to specsavers...


Also have green stick/pen now. Where is the pickaxe?

still cannot find the matchbox...someone said it is left of the computer but where exactly?

Man that was one weird game, but finally got out!

Pretty much random clicking, but still out :)

I Hate Black Holes !

I hate to ask this but where did you find a net? And why is this game so dark???

Miss Brasil
go left from computer then click creature head

Chimaera - care to give the rest of us some hints? I'm stuck with three batteries, wood tile, book and fish. Don't know what to do next.

Zoom in once on computer and there
should be a left Nav bar to get behind
the green "seat"

Thx Megi, had completely missed that view!

there are a door right from table


I think it was behind that door where there was creature lying down.

Oh and ppl remember to check if you can go left or right even when you got opened door in front of you. Lots of places to go in this one and also items are almost impossible to see so just clickety click and alot ;)

you will find an axe there

go left from the door where axe was and use it to take a knife

yup, found it - thanks again :-) Thx KatesKat as well.

use knife on fish


I'm really sorry but I'm very very tired and can't really remember where was what :/

But I'm sure that if I got out of this then surely you guys can too :)

And Megi here seems to be able to help better than me, so good night and happy nightmares to you all :)

use card on small door near creature (left from computer) and out

Found pic-axe, knife and fourth battery,
used knife on fish.
Have a Key card now but where to use it ?

WoW out, Thanks to everyone for all the help,
well done us, lol

in second room go down, then left door

Im missing a battery

T N Marsters
one battery is in the room where axe was

missing one battery too...

in book (use pick)
in room with axe
in matchbox

one battery was in view when we go ones from computer

I would love to help but it would mean having
to go through another click-fest in the dark...
Anyway maybe Mr Pisani will have better
Navigation in his next game !

gee...that was a real nightmare...thanks for all the help!

I bow to your skills Megi.

sooooo, good night all, time to bed now, 1:15am in Poland

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Starting W.T. by thanking all of my friends who helped me to finish the game (real nightmare)---

-zoom the table;
-take the wooden tile; zoom out;
-zoom under the table for a match-stick;
-go left; zoom the laptop once; take the red book below the laptop;
-then go left; take 1/4 batteries;
-click on the head (keyhole like thing behind right corner of the seat); click on the door twice for match-box; open the match-box for 2/4 batteries;
-zoom out (4 times); go left; take a pen-like thing from under the pink cushion;
-zoom under the sofa and get HDD;
-go to the laptop; zoom twice; click on the left lower part of the laptop to open the port for HDD; put HDD and note you need an user name and password;
-fire the match-stick; heat the wood-tile for username and password; use it in laptop (case sensitive),written "system working"; means most of the doors are open now;
-open the book; use the pen-like green thing on the book for 3/4 batteries;
-go to the table's zoom view; go right; open the door; go through the black hole to a room with fallen book-cases; in the book there is a riddle that one is real and others are not; in this room you'll find many pick-axe; you can have only the original one, i.e. 3rd block from top-left row;
-last battery from book shelf (count from left 5th column and from top 4th row where there are 3 books only);
-come back and then go right though the door is open; use pick-axe on the red marked area for knife;
-3X zoom out; 3X left; enter the door and black hole; go down; open the left door and go through; take the net;
-go left; go through the door and come to the table scene;
-go right to the aquarium scene;
-get a fish using net;
-cut the fish using knife; get a key;
-2X go down; use the key and go through the door; take the pink box;
-open the left part of the box; put the batteries and now click the right part for a card;
-come back; go through the door; table scene; go to laptop's 1X zoom area; go left; click on the head; zoom the small door behind; use the card on closed door and escape...(nightmare is over)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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