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The Cow Walkthrough

The Cow

The Cow is a free online brain-teaser puzzle game developed by 30nights, the winner of the GH contest. Challenge The Cow by taking on her 20 levels of puzzles. Now, see if you can earn your reward for beating The Cow! Good luck and have fun!

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Eliking have a screenshot and save the pic, open the pic in gimp, use colour picker note rgb values for red block first, do the math.. and then again rgb for blue square and math again.

I am using www.pixlr.com and the color picker tool on the red and blue in the game
for red i get:
R 179 G 24 B 16
For blue :
R 19 G 28 B 194

I get numerical answers with decimals..am I on the right track?

No decimal. r=180, b=14 for first one.

http://imagecolorpicker.com/ you can use this site too.. but since i do not have the image now, don't know whether it will give correct result or not.

TY Faltu, it gave slightly different numbers also
Once we have the CORRECT numbers, do we then convert somehow?

the link you gave gives slightly different numbers by one...ill try using the assumption that all the numbers are off by 1, thanks faltu

ok so i think ive got the right numbers (when using faltu's link the red seems to be off by one but the blue looks ok)...now trying to figure out what its got to do with the other clues

have you got it yet PurpleLogic?

No I am very stumped
For blue I now have
r 20 g 23 b 196

yea thats what i got, if your using the link faltu posted and cant get a whole number for the red sum then deduct 1 from each of the values...i think. that at least gives you a whole number for the answer.

i have t***** for the answer to the red sum and f***** f*** for the blue but cant find anything on google as teh answer :(

OH I have E***t**n for RED and S**v***y T*o for blue

lol oh, ill check my maths again then...have your number got you an answer yet?

ok now got same as you for blue but still got t**n*y for red....

I am using r 180 g 24 b 14 for Red

oh right, i used r=180, g=23, b=14...either way we still need to figure out what to do with which ever answer is right

I tried alphanumeric, but that did not work
Looking at events that happened as if the 2 numbers together are a year

yea but what about the battery?

LOL so that is what that is!!

i think your numbers are probably right considering the answer to the first part of 13

       Anonymous  6/2/12, 3:26 PM  

What does a battery hold?

lol yeah, its a battery icon like you get on mobile phones...wonder if its a play on words maybe?

ty for the clue lightsnmagic

Thanx for the hint, but now I am even more confused. LOL
We have two 2-digit numbers, a battery that holds a ch**g*
And now I am stumped

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@ purple logic - think about what else a c****e is

...there's a famous one which has a poem written about it

elinking TY Very Much, I waqs so very lost

no problem its only when you posted c****e that i got it - didnt think of that myself so thank you too :)

I had a FLASH crash

maybe it's becuase it's late or maybe it's becuase i'm too stupid but i'm stuck again on level 14 part two. i've found what's hidden in the e**s but nothing else. lil help please?

@PurpleLogic - :( oh no

I am replaying to catch up after the crash

Ok I have caught up. Wish I could save the game

yea know what you mean, at least with URL ones you can come back to them...have you done fourteen part two yet?

I know it is related to the "blue bird's" website, but that is all

ok, have you "seen through" the e***s?

Yes I have seen the letters and a number. They do not anagram. I T**tt*r but cannot find the letter there

ill take your word for it about the name of website, but im not sure which one your referring to...when i google it loads of sites come up

oh is t**tt*r the website?

where TWEETS are online

thanks. i found a m*w* on t**tt*r...

another site has a forum for this game too

cant find anything useful on his page though so maybe its something else

lol yea, i've been looking at that, the only thing i could find which might help us where we are right now is that there should be a secret in the bird's home...page 17 if you've not found it

I cannot find anything on the tweeting site
I dont even know what i am looking for..LOL

well i think we need to look for the "secret" we found in the e***s...but the random f*v* is throwing me a bit

Page 17 on what site? You have lost me

page 9 on gamershood has some clues too but i just can't figure it out

page 17 of the comments on gamershood

I am still looking for the 4 letters and 1 number

might be clutching at straws but do the hidden things in the e**s look different sizes to you?

me too, im looking for them on t*tt*r...

Nah, they seem to all be the same size

fair enough, i wasn't sure

think i'm going to have to admit defeat, just cannot find the answer :( maybe it'll appear tomorrow

oh it does save :D it has a continue game option when you go onto it...didnt it work for you PurpleLogic?

ok well good luck PurpleLogic, hope you get further than I have

Well, I came back.
Was able to get level 2 on my own, but stuck with the Laurel and Hardy part of level 3. Hints above don't help (though learned some fascinating trivia about Stan Laurel's eyes).

@puzzledinca - think of a famous sailor who said something to do with what laurel and hardy are doing in the picture on his deathbed - the answer is the quote and it has hardy in it.

@eliking and @purplelogic google what you saw through the eggs all as one word along with the "blue bird" site. It should lead you to the answer.

       Anonymous  6/2/12, 7:47 PM  

I was stuck on the first part of 14 for the longest time... all because of an apostrophe.

it should take that apostrophe!

Wow, Okay, that was just mine talking about the apostrophes. Now I'm on the one with the fish and herb. Tried the disney show but it didn't work.

Stuck on the fish and herb too, anyone able to jump in with a clue?

You have to find the right names for the fish and the herb. Google images helps.

Thank you EnJoy. Finally got a a clue that even I couldn't be confused with :)

Dashed along to 14 and am now looking at a champagne bottle from Hawaii and it is far too early here to open it.

For those who may need help with 14.
It relates to a 1970's series and holding up the eggs to the sun will tell you where to go @

For the fist part of 15
There is only one herb with those tiny white flowers and it is the last one listed in the Simon and Garfunkel song. The fish is a type of right eyed flatfish. If you say them out loud and ignore the spelling, you should get the answer

Second part of "stabilise"
No one seems to have had problems here.
I found the first part easy, but don't see any clue for the order to hit the 4 buttons 5x.
Too many ways to brute force. More than I'm willing to do to brute-force ...

Looked at gamershood forum -- look for hidden words in each word.

there are clues in the words.....like UPload....DOWNload...

MIDAS -- dragged the yellow down from the M and got 3 nonsense words. Tried number of letters per word, can't think of anything else to do.

say the words out loud.....


Say the three words very quickly and they sound like a number (3digit) relating to a popular spy

OK -- sound out words (not quite as nonsense as I first saw), and discovered that I only needed 3 numbers (there's a blank)
Then think of a famous movie featuring the character!

Come back to find that the second part of 15 doesn't make much sense. Does it have to do with the fastener company?

what...Zip you mean? ;)

Think I'm going to give up at Blue Movie level -- wanted to use (but didn't expect it to work) the alternate title for Andy Warhol's movie. lol

Made it farther than most riddles I've attempted.


My goodness but you are in a helpful mood today! At least it isn't a red herring again

I presume that I need a location and a date. Somehow that has to tie in with a zip company, a paradox and cullom. As it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Tokyo or Japan, I am not sure where to start.


Sorry to see you go - should you change your mind, think of a movie like The Smurfs but a blockbuster for adults and an oscar winner for FX

Good Morning! Ok I am pretty sure that I have the type of fish, I know I have the right herb, have said them aloud and am not getting it. Any other words of wisdom?

@jbg - thanks for the clue but that's exactly what i've been doing. is there a specific order for what i saw through the eggs?

Yes, put them together in the order that sounds like something a bird would eat and then throw the number on the end. Google the bird and the word you made and it will give you the answer.

ok thanks lizard

@lizard - if your still stuck on 15 part 1 then it might be easier than your making it - the answer is the same as the names of the clues but spelt differently with a conjunction word in between.

Is the fish a F******* or a D** or neither?

its the first one but you need to be more specific...it starts with a P, if you've got the herb you might be able to figure it out without googling

This is bugging me that I can't get this, I thought walking away would give me an aha moment but I think I am making it too difficult.

It is a pa**e?

so the herb is t***e and the fish is a p****e...can't really give you any more than that without just telling you. try searching for f**t***h and looking at the pictures. but like i said, if youve got the right herb you may be able to guess the rest...t***e and ....

no, not pa***e....its pl***e

Ok have both still not getting the answer. I know they are both spelled different but what between?

can't get the time part right for 15 part 2...got the place. do i need to convert the z** into the time?

Ok I am an idiot, got it thank you!

its a conjunction word...a**

lol ok, let me know if you figure out part 2

No on to the second half with more confusion...lol

lol start by searching for what ykk is...theres a hint from jon in the comments above

Got an egg that says that zipcodes are part of it but YKK also indicates the time. Now I know what Y2K was but YKK?


YKK is a company that makes zips...its the clue to tell you how to convert paradox and cullom into numbers


:) oh you youngsters that don't remember the useless paranoia of computer operators in 1999.

So Y-=k?

Well I found two zip codes for the two words and subtracted them to get another zip code for a place
Put in the place and got a hint that said that is the place now put in the time

oh i see what you mean, i thought you meant that it was part of the answer lol i'm not that young

@lizard - thats where i'm at

@lizard - actually it doesn't say anything when i put in the name of the place...maybe i have the wrong one. is it w********n?

It is a specific address in that place. Think most famous building there.

thanks lizard

the egg makes it seem like the time comes from YKK...

I put in the place and added y2k to the end and it said the answer should be obvious from here but clearly it isn't...lol

unless it's using YKK as a euphemism for z**...

Could you give me a clue as to which continent the zipcode refers to? There seems to be a lot of places with that zipcode - or I got the numbers wrong.

@rsa - think star-spangled banner

@rsa - not sure what zipcode your using to search, you need to find the ones for the places in the game so you can get the numbers to take away from each other which will give you the zipcode you need for the place answer

was there a specific time Y2K was going to happen?

The ones you need are in CO and IL

Thanx. So I'm in the land of the bird who resurrects in a spout of flame and looking for a famous building. I really don't see me finishing this

rsa - how did you get the time?

Yes please do tell!


Yea. All the computers were supposed to have a dose of alzheimers at midnight on 31 dec 1999 - it had to do with the original programming not having the 19... prefix.
As much as I was looking forward to my mortgage going belly up, it was the dampest squib in history

Okay, I've screwed something up a I have the number at 480 which is nowhere near colorado (not that I would know).

yea i know that so ive tried all i can think of around midnight for the time...is that what it is? should i keep going with that? cant think of any i havent tried though. do we write it like on a digital clock - so, for instance, 2am would be 02:00?

Oh for goodness sakes, are we talking about Y....w S,,,e and the eruption?

For the place you take the first word in CO and the last word in IL get the zip and then do the math it will give you a new number that is a zip for a specific building. But the time eludes me

I can't even find where I am supposed to be!
Retrying to get some numbers that make more sense and hopefully I will have an idea of what happened in that area. That may even give me a hope of getting a time or date for whatever happened there

oh sorry RSA, thought you had moved on to the next level.

if its any help this is the site i used to find the zipcode - http://www.zip-info.com/search/zipcode.htm

Once you have your number google it with zip code and you should have your place.

Maybe that bottle of wine we had at lunch wasn't a mathematical enhancer - I'm going to come back to this when I'm less full :)

If you get it, leave me a hint that can be followed - Please.

will do RSA - just to clarify then you need to "take away" cullom from paradox: so you need to turn them into numbers. the answer will give you the number for another place but you need a specific place in that city for the answer.

or you can do it like lizard says and once you get the number from the sum just google "zip code" and the number

It says the time should be obvious but it so isn't!

i know! as i said before i've tried all the logical times that i can think of connected to Y2K. i've looked on gamershood as well to see if it's any help but there's hardly anything on there about it so it must be easier than we're making it

lvl 3 laurel and hardy , any help ?

@ting ting - there's a lot of clues posted previously but if you need more then its a quote from a famous lord on a ship who asked hardy to do something and the something is being done in the picture of laurel and hardy

Look for a saying that has hardy in it and is related to what they are doing in the picture.

Place = WH
Time = Y2K
Combine these to find a person...

thank you so much 30nightsofviolence!

Should we be able to read the fine print in the next one?

Fine print is not important.

Excellent riddle 30nights, I am confused again. Very much want to finish. Can you give me a hint? Am I looking for a location?

Thank you Lizard. You are looking for a location firstly but that is not the final solution. A clue would be that if the coin was 10 cents Canadian it would be a Canadian Dime... So use that reasoning to apply to the coin you see. This should put you in right area.

@lizard - you need a name, but to find that name you need a building. the question has a few eggs, try putting in what you can see

Still can't get the time - have got the W***& H*****

You need a person minxi

Still lost I have put in m*** which gave me a hint. Put in c******* put in F**** still nothing.

for 18 is the question a clue to the cipher needed? becuase i just get numbers when i use it.

I can't believe this! I've been on this site for years and have finally figured out a way of posting. Thank you all so much for all the help! But still can't finish level 15

@lizard - what is another word for how much the coin is worth (often used by americans)? once you get three key words you need to search for them in google - it will give you a result for a building

@minxi - 30nights posted this clue:

"Place = WH
Time = Y2K
Combine these to find a person..."

do you have the place? if so who lived in it in that year?

So is the building the final solution, I have the three words and what I am coming up with is not working.

For 18 - numbers are right, but now you need to convert again, keep the Roman theme.

Thank you eliking but I've tried Bill Clinton and it won't work.

minxi - well you have the right one, don't know why it isn't working...have you tried without capitals?

ok thanks 30nights

it worked!! Thank you eliking

np minxi

still stuck with 18.

i know that i need to find a p********e in the p***, and i know i need to use the numbers within numbers for the a/s/l but i don't think i'm doing it right...any pointers? are we still looking to answer the original question from the first part?

sorry lizard - no your looking for a name...the clue is the icon next to the answer bar in the game. what name would be associated with a building?

@ lizard - are the words you have: m*** f****h and q*****r?

Ok I got it. Put in the wrong person associated with that location

it should bring up a wiki page for a building called the n** o***** m***

ok well done, you can come help me then lol

LOL what clues do you have thus far for this one?

ok well you need to use a cipher for this one, and the clue for which is in the question.

then 30nights gave me a clue - convert again using a roman theme

that should give you the answer to part 1

so stuck on 18 part 2. it is j**** c***** we're supposed to look in isn't it?

@eliking. I am finished with the riddle, tell me what the level is about and I will see if I remember..

thank you EnJoy - its the caesar one the second part needs a palindrome. i've converted the numbers given to r***n n****ls and i think i need to find the a.s.l. for the palindrom in the play j**** c***** but i can't seem to find it. i think i need to do something else with the numbers otherwise what is the point of converting them (plus there aren't enough acts) but i'm not sure what to do :(

If I remember correctly you get numbers something like 6.8.56 (cant remember exactly) then write those out like such: six, eight five six (just an example) and remove the roman numbers -

six= has IX in roman numbers. If you do that with all the numbers that you have it will take you to the act, and which line etc. I don't remember exactly but I do remember the answer. If you want a spoiler let me know, and I will send it to you

oooh lol thank you EnJoy that makes more sense :D

phew finally got it, thank you EnJoy :)

no problem. I will check back a little later to see if you need more help :)

ok need some help with 19 part 2 please

its the one with the envelope which says "which word appears above the second line"

Ugh.. trying to remember. Did you pull the stamp back yet?

lol no, thanks EnJoy

is the answer a person?

No. Did you see what was under the stamp? Google that. It is a place in Scotland. Read the Wiki page and see what you unearth. Look at the pictures on the wiki page too

oooh it didnt bring that up when i searched, i got a person instead. thank you

sorry to be so slow EnJoy but the wiki page which comes up is for a c******y is that the right place? it only has one picture though

I might have been wrong. Go to the inventor and you know that the hint under the stamp was a cem----y, so look at the picture on J---- Ch-----s wiki page

:D thank you again EnJoy

I am stuck at the riddle about the astronomer.

@ Lizard. You have to describe the level to me. I am finished and can't go back.

@lizard - your looking for a job done by someone who looks at stars but is also irritating

Got it. Onto the next one.

GTG.. will check back later to help more

I am assuming I have to get these letters into numbers somehow?

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Got an egg for the coin
Got another for the symbol
But cannot get the egg for the POLO ring like a candy
Please nudge me

@purplelogic - what kind of sweet is a polo?

POP, onto 17 now

@lizard - yes, you need a cipher to do so. the clue to which cipher is in the question. for ciphers you can use this page: rumkin.com/tools/cipher/

what colour is luigi's hair supposed to be for level 20 part 2?


...same as his hat?

look at here: http://www.doink.com/clips/liked/1077995

everything the same except the background stays blue

cheers EnJoy, thanks for all your help


Stuck on 18?
On the palindrome poem and numbers
I am just not seeing it
What is the number under the 8?

@Purple can you describe it more. what are you seeing on the page. I need to refresh my memory

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