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Crossword Puzzle Walkthrough

Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle is another free online puzzle game using cryptic, rebus and riddle style clues. Solve all 16 clues and collect letters to get the final word for your reward. Good luck and have fun!

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Play Crossword Puzzle V2

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V2 is a friendlier version as in the first version, when you get a right answer, the game redirects you to the intro page and not back to the grid...sorry, this was my error in the coding of the game....

Jon, is this one of your riddles, where we are allowed to ask proper questions, and get proper hints?...(fingers crossed)

Yes, this is mine....ask wherever/whatever you want ;)

A decision you may regret....but...yayyy for me!! lol

First hint please. Which clue do you think would be a good starting point for a riddler of my calibre?

lol....look at them all....treat it just like you would a crossword :D

Hi clio - have you got anything yet?

Stop laughing...im stuck. (ok...im laughing too, but more in embarrassment). With Clue 1....there are like a bazillion star wars ppl. The only one i think i can behead, is Anakin...to make akin..but that doesnt relate to a bulls-eye.

I have not even seen a starwar - so I try some others clio

Nope, not yet Swiss. What about you? Do we tackle it one by one...or just pick a random clue, and try to solve it? If we get 3D 4D and 5D....that should help us with 2A and 7A.

in what sport might you try to hit a bulls-eye?

and think of the major bad-guy in the clue....

My thinking:.. 3D is a 3 letter word...so...if we are lucky...we might guess it. Shall we try that?

clue3....start with 6 and you can bruteforce it very easily ;)

So...darts, and darth...and if darth loses his head..hes arth..so...arts??

7, 8 and 9 are rebus clues.....they are always fun...

Darth....without the Head (H is the first letter of head) = dart....hence the bulls-eye....

I dont get any - perhaps I have not my riddling head on lol

there is also a character called Golda - whicj also works!!

hint for 13 please _ have first and last letters, but stuck!!!

omg...i read it as being without the head...meaning take away the first letter. oops...

you were supposed to think that Clio ;)

for 13, what do you have LNS?

13...paulschou has all the answers.....

sorry been checking out cars!!! I have S*Y

Ok..well my riddling brain has left for the night. Will continue tomorrow. For future players, if you go up to the top of this page, on the extreme right, you will see 'chat'. That is where i am headed now. It is great fun, and i would encourage any visitors here, to go there. Swiss, I'm going to chatbox, now. Hopefully, see you there. Leave loads and loads of hints everyone, please.

okey clio - might pop in there for a minute

No worries Swiss. I know you...i bet you wont!! I bet you keep playing quietly and then email me with how far you have got!..hahahha.

3 letter word for periodic table?

Unknown, you need to use the periodic table to find the answer...check the source code

Joining you all! Have clue number 1 so far :) I may not be much of a riddler, but I love a good cryptic, so will hopefully be able to make some headway without intensive chat box assistance ;)

Hi BFS :) Hope you enjoy it

Thanks for posting it here. Nice riddle, hard but enjoyable. Finished it at last.

Hints from my side (hopefully not too obvious...):

1 - 'Head' might not mean what you think it does!
2 - What object is equivalent to a thousand words?
3 - What's another word for 'try to win' that fits in with the other bits of the clue?
4 - Source code is your friend.
5 - All you need is in the clue... just look closely!
6 - What do 'borrowed ears' and 'salad' have in common? (not rabbits, as I initially thought xD). Use your answer to translate another word in the clue.
7, 8 and 9 - Rebuses - what you see is what you get!
10 & 11 - Like 5, everything you need is in the clues on the page. Don't write off words 'cause you think they're obscure :)
12 - Another cryptic... think about the name of a Titan and go from there.
13 - Source code is your friend once more!
14 - Probably the hardest one!
15 - Source code holds the key. Think about the last line in terms of the languages it could represent, and apply that to the clue. Remember that one is 'very new', and one is 'old', but not 'very old'...!
16 - This one is completely random. Ctrl-A is a red herring. You'll get it eventually, through a lot of thinking...!

Once you have all the clues, anagram the shaded letters and type the answer into the answer box for your reward :)

Total Spoiler!!!!!


1. star wars character...many to choose from.....Darth Vader....Darth: loses His head, the first letter of His is H: Darth - H= DART....bullseye

2. 1000 words = picture.....UN (check source code...not united nations) UN = UserName....avatar

3. 6 = VI Each, the symbol for each is e = vie

4. Google the names and check source code....numbers to letters, friar = TUCK

5. Princess....inside, the word RANI is hidden in the text

6. Caesar SALAD, lend m your EARS from Jusius Caesar.....ceasar cipher....MOLY, note the underlined number 6....purple hell will reveal Moly to be SURE in the 6th line.

7. BEE + a con (convict)= Beacon

8. Each picture has a number. 1=ARM 2=A 3=MEN 4=Tea......ARMAMENT

9 Picture of a CAR....and some S's CAR SSSS=Caresses

10. IN ' salSA, I'M fat....saim is lard, hidden in the text.

11. LAST ONE: take the last letter of the poem: ALAR

12. Titan gets time....finally. the titan is Atlas, time is t in physics....Atlas....t (2,4)=at last = finally

13. lots of codes....use pauls chou, I included the link in the game. decode everything in the source and use what you find in a peridic table to find the answer.

14.dollar = $(s) vii = 7 (leet speak = T) say for (four) 4 (leet = A) doomed romance - juliet = Romeo (Nato = R) STAR

15. Give weapon (ARM) to try (TRY) to die for faith: martyr (anagram)

16. this riddle, on paper is a CROSSWORD. Check source code...use the last one...the last cipher is Vigenere.....select all text to highlight ECIW, use the cipher to reveal the answer.

The shaded letters from the answers anagram: ambassadorial

This entered into the input box gives the fireworks :)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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