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To Escape from the Bar Walkthrough

To Escape from the Bar

To Escape from the Bar is another Chinese point and click type room escape games by Qihuanyiyang. In this game, you try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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To Escape from the Bar Walkthrough

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Loading -- hoping this is a good one!

it's not bad but short.
hint in book doesn't mean anything...

LOL wish us luck!!! At least it is indual language...

First round have lots of stuff
Threw 2 darts at target -- do I need a 3rd?

Have 3 puzzle pieces (used on box to get green dart), a glass of red wine (not yet used), an iron wire (used in gramophone to get red dart), a bench (used to get high-up blue dart), and 3 darts. Used 3 darts on dartboard to get numbers, but numbers not working on 3-digit safe in same frame.

look for three dartarrows and three puzzlepieces. important is the hook behind winebottle in shelf.

blackfiresong, use wineglass as magnifier

Got red piece from book, green piece under target, blue piece behind bulletin board (with something too small to read)
Have wine glass and wire as well

OK, it's not possible to throw wine at the dartboard... xD Seriously, though, I've tried all possible combinations of the numbers from the dartboard on which the three darts land, but nothing seems to work... and it's definitely those 3 numbers, as it tells me I need to enter 3 digits! What could I be doing wrong?

use wineglass on board beside door

Ahhh, wine goes on the "too small to read" thing to give order of numbers. Hopefully now the clue will work!

Got key from 3 digit safe and now out.

Thanks, Isacus! Somehow missed your messages despite refreshing the page. That was a reasonably easy in and out!

Thanks @Isacus -- I never think of using wine glass as a magnifier!

can't get the right order of the darts for the three digit code!!

anybody here??

Wire is behind wine bottle on stands (right one)
You can only throw darts in certain order (BGR)
Wine clue tells you to look at size of circles (not the values)

@Desly -
wine glass on board gives you small-large-medium
Look at circles for numbers on dart board

can anyone please help with the 3 digit code. have tried BGR as in sizes of puzzle pieces, but no luck!

@Desley -- did you get it yet?

hint: 8 is the smallest circle on the board

@PuzzledinCA thank you so much, was trying combinations with puzzle piece size! Doooohhhh!


LOL -- we've all done that -- glad you're out!

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This game won't load for me. I tried both FF and IE - neither works.

Dang! Totally missed that the clue meant size of circles, not value of #...but sooo obvious! lol
TY, @puzzled!!!! Other that that ...almost out without peeking...lol

LOL, in the closing credits the game's author lists his "E-male" address.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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