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Tiny Journey Walkthrough

Tiny Journey

Tiny Journey is a graphical text based adventure style escape game, where you control a tiny kid with huge dreams. With an engaging storyline, the game features text-based interaction with the world, puzzle-like challenges, and beautiful art and music. Good luck and have fun!

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Tiny Journey Walkthrough

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lol Im glad I dont play text based games anymore....

Darn funnel!

Did fine until I got to the shoot and navigate part. Cannot do those types of games, no matter how simple. Oh well.

Well, that was just depressing.

it is not a point and click...

no not for me

Most annoying thing was having to hit the enter key over and over to get out of the dialogue.

Very dark, sad story

I agree the "enter" part was annoying, but hit a glitch when I got to the "press tab key"....little box would pop up with message that the site was approved....couldn't get past that....o well, moving on

This was sad and pointless. No explanation, just an absurd depressive story.

how do I get the funnel, grrr

To get funnel, take hanger first.
Then you can jump.

I can't view anything I put into the backpack, because every time I hit the tab key...I tab to a part of the webpage (like the like or dislike button...)

how can I view the items with out hitting tab

Well, that ending stinks.

You lot have no soul :). I thought it was totally enchanting and heartbreaking...must be the goth in me.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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