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Zakari Escape Walkthrough

Zakari Escape

Detarou - Zakari Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game developed by Detarou. Gather items, solve some puzzles to escape this room. There are 3 possible endings. Good luck and have fun!

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Zakari Escape Walkthrough

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


code for discplayer
see books

It's early out here...

going in!

ewwwww who puts a remote in the butt of a rabbit teddy?

can't get codes...

got 6 numbers from symbols...

key, knob(??), remote (clean, i hope) and paper

got video code...


... from top books + paper hint~


panda end... that f$%&$%&/$/ panda...

you need to use the gold key to get into the net room, there you will find a hint for the code

stuck on the colour code after inserting the assembled knob...


Need order to kick (??) power rangers, and to press buttons in last room

And complementing @Traveling Fairy's, for that hint in the second room, Heart value is behind the grey books (to open the lower drawer).

whre you put the knob?

any hints for the power rangers order?

knob goes into console third room right side after inserting gold key and pressing crown

To kick power rangers:
Combine the hint clue from the guy in box (you have to have pressed ears and mouth in the right order first) with the colors of the books in the 5 shelves)

@Edgar: how did you get the order for mouth and ears?

@Rudi, look at the picture with symbols around of it on top of the cabinet in 1st room (bed view).

@Edgar: thanks, totally forgot about that!

When open the exit door, do not go out. Take the knob back to see directions to click pic corners, to get rid of the panda and get Perfect End.

that Power Rangers things is too funny. I almost hear Butthead say to Beavis, "Whoa! They're kickin' asses! That's so cool! Uh-huh, uh-huhuhuh."

Out with "king" end...

Anyone got the 3rd one...

Yes Jon, I did! And (kinda) explained above.

@Edgar: I can see the arrows and press the corners accordingly, but how did you interpret the arrow?

@Rudi, final arrow pointing to the left means repeat the previous directions backwards -so it's 8 clicks total for the pic-

meant: last arrow pointing left

yep, got it, thanks!

I dont get the spade code
Heart is 3+4=7
So I have 7245 not working on the drawer

hope you guys are still there! i don't understand the color code. i've tried the bookshelf color order from top to bottom, the color order of the soccer players, and the order given on the paper.

@tosca, Spade Code has "shield" at the end, which stands for 6 (not 5).

@Tarisa, you mean color code to press the last buttons on the console? Take the colors order from the clue on TV (use remote with batteries).

OK got that
what with the television code ?

i'm missing the batteries.

Batteries you get after kicking asses

ass code : red, black, green, yellow, red , blue, red

What's with the crazy woman and the guitar playing sad bug guy in the hidden views? This game is cracking me up, just perfect for a Monday :))))

Maybe it was ecstacy for the crazy woman

       Anonymous  7/2/12, 3:24 AM  

I don't find the order for the "guy's in the box" mouth and ears.

       Anonymous  7/2/12, 3:35 AM  

Finally, I got it (the left door of the cupboard corresponds to the left ear, the right door is for the right ear and the heart (7) is for the mouth.
I got a paper with a hint that I don't understand.

I always need a WT for these games! The clues are good , I just don't understand them! lol
For instance, the cabinet with man's face tells you how to press the ears and mouth....but , I don't know when to click the mouth...

It did not work for me,the way pacale said...

And ...of course , It did work this time....maybe I hadn't clicked on a number clue before....lol

Now...I can't figure the 3 symbols to get into 3rd room...where is the clue, please?

Ok...just used the spoiler to open the spade drawer...there is the clue!

pfffuj i almost died when i checked the bed :( i do need a drink xD

poor sea creatures... that animal cruelty wasn't needed

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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