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Alien Ship Escape 10 Walkthrough

Alien Ship Escape 10

Alien Ship Escape 10 is a new point and click type escape the room game from CafeCafeGames and JuegosDeEscape.Net. You are trapped in a space ship and you need to find objects and clues in order to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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knock knock...echooo =)

Hi, Alkmaar. Lia here!


medal from alien head (use colors from bugs) and a glove behind helmet

he Lia!!! tijd niet gezien? alles goed?

(hello lia!!! long time no see? are you doing fine? )

removed bell jar with glove, but can't take stone

I have 2 medals, 1 glove (used) and a rock

Yes, Alkmar. Been a bit busy. And you? How are you?

another medal from code box (clue= circles in view with helmet)

searching for clue with colors

@Kees: how did you pick up the rock

1 rock comes from another place. there are 3, only 1 you can pick up (until now)1 from table and 1 from wall..needs something more....

Alkmar, look at the light bulps. Also colourcode from the bugs.
Casual, got a rock from the crate and a rock from the cb (trial and error).
Got 3 rocks now.

ALKALINE!!!!! <3 ,3 4 ... can't believe you are here =)

got a rock from the closet with the color bar. using the balls in each vieuw started with blue..

I have 3 rocks and can't take the one from the table... I think I used the glove for the glass, but the stone is stuck on the table... no puzzle left...

SABERTTTT!!!! <3 <3 <3,4!!!!! so do I :P

And a number code from the arrows.
Don't have the 3rd medal and don't know how to take the rock from the table.
O, and look at the bottem of the screen. You can take the rock from the wall.

How you took the rock from the wall? with your teeth?

for the number-boxes: one was solved with the arrows and the other with the round shapes under the color cb and left besides the helmet...

found it!! Thanks Lia

LOL... from the wall? wasn't that the stone i took with the crowbar, that I found in first view on the floor?

And now ...................... completly stuck:(

and out . . . anyone stuck?

3 rocks...and 2 medals...and....how we can take the rock from table...lift the table?

and Alk, did you used your teeth for the one on the table? ;-)

@sgiye..yess...the most of us =))

@sabbertje yes I did. and it works fine for me :P

Ideas anyone?

lol - to pick up the rock from the table you need another "tool" it looks like a pair of scissors with grips on the end.

it's in the view where you will put the 4 rocks when you get them. it's very well hidden.

let me know if you want an exact location

ok... I guess I don't see the stone on that table... THATS YOUR TEETH... you've lost them here by getting the stone :P

oh yes @sgiye... very well hidden... because alkmar ate that too !!!!

@sgiye Thaaank youuu...gowing to check!

Look for black squiggle at the top of the screen under JuegosDeEscape.com

Got it! Sneaky! Thanks Sgiye

trying to solve # code with the round shapes under the color code cupboard. 3402 doesn't work

tjomptjomptjomp...cant find it...tjomptjomp

Needless to say, I'm out:)

got it!!! tjomptjomp

@EnJoy the 0 is a 1 for some reason

@Enjoy... its not the 0... try one more ;-)

Alkmar, look most up right! It's black.

code für die 2 kisten wie ist der? finde kein hinweis dafür

@enjoy...I think the 0 must be a 1 ( if I remember well)

THANK YOUUUUUU SOOOOO MUCH @sgiye... i found that tool ;-)

@Lia...you can say it: out :))

       Anonymous  8/30/12, 11:25 AM  


Arrows on alien head
- hint from bugs:
- click arrows for colours:
Bk (start)

- hint from wall lamps (starting in table view):
B-R-G-B (although R seems more O...)
- click squares for colours:
G (start)

Marita, look at the circles by the helmet and look at the arrows (how much)

Mag ik dat zeggen? Ja, dat mag ik zeggen! (by Mart Smeets)

@Marita, sie brauchen hilfe von @Sabine. Sabine sprecht sehr gut deutch

are you all out now? don't want to leave, because I finally found my alkmar =)

lol @lia , echt mart smeets :D

Sabine, where are you stuck?

@sabbert, you played all the games? cauze I didnt, lets do 1 together...or..you like a chat? ;-)

       Anonymous  8/30/12, 11:28 AM  

- from 4 circles & their parts under CB
(4 Kreise & deren Teile unter Schränkchen)
- amount of arrows in circles in each view (door=start)
(Anzahl Pfeile in Kreisen in jeder Sicht)

I don't speak deutsch, I only speak sabbish ;-)
Marita, ein zahlencode kommt von den pfeilen und der andere von den einkerbungen in den kreisen unter dem schrank mit dem farbcode, neben dem helm

@premier!! great..you already post a little wt, good work girl !!!

aaaah Premiere -_- you always have to be faster ;-)

       Anonymous  8/30/12, 11:30 AM  

Hoi, alkmar!

LTNS - too much hair to cut...?!

(pssst...sabbert, sabbish lookslike deutch but than more sabbishischer..like alkish )

Need some coffee! By all!

Ofcourse I ment bey

@premier, yep..busybusy times..and some other privatestuff ;-)

       Anonymous  8/30/12, 11:31 AM  

Only accidentally, Sabine...

Bey??? LIA!! bye... you speak liabish...I guess :D

LOL... @Kees, Cees en Henk... I'm already out, but I'm stuck here, because I found alkmar ;-)

       Anonymous  8/30/12, 11:31 AM  

LOL, Kees,
or mayhaps bye...?!

<3 sabbert...

I don't know if I played all the games... tell me what you want to play... I will be there ;-)
aaaaiaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai will always love yououuouuuuuuuuooouuuuu

danke hab 3 steine nun aber der vom tisch fehlt mir,kann ihn nicht nehmen ,glas ist schon weg

øøøøø ....look what I got Sab!! for you ( yep..took it from karsten..)

and Marita? did she get the codes now? or was it too much help... ;-)
Marita, alles klar? hast du die codes nun?

ah... Marita... siehst du den Kasten, in den du die Steine reinstecken sollst? 4 Löcher... rechts oben davon, ganz knapp unter dem Logo kannst du etwas schwarzes erkennen... das ist eine Zange... mit der bekommst du den Stein

Sabine ja danke,mir fehlt nur der stein vom tisch,den kann ich nicht nehmen,keine ahnung warum

LOOOOL... Alkhunni... I will tell that to him ;-)

@sabbertje, you do such a great job to help @marita :))

ah danke ,hab zange gefunden war ja gut versteckt bin nun raus danke nochmal

Marita, das habe ich dir eben erklärt...

I'm not sure, Alk... really nooooot sure o.O

       Anonymous  8/30/12, 11:40 AM  

Hey, girls,
how about refreshing...?!
(wie wär's mit Seite neu laden...?!)

oh Premiere... I'm fresher than fresh ;-) yes, and refreshed too... and I think, all are out now... have a great evening =)

       Anonymous  8/30/12, 11:48 AM  

LOL, enjoy then!

i solved all the puzzle icant get medal from alien head even i saw the premiere hint ...:(

       Anonymous  8/30/12, 12:41 PM  

- click arrows on alien head from left to right (hint from bugs):

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my comments are keep deleted why why someone tell me ?

       Anonymous  8/30/12, 12:49 PM  

& again, Blogger seems to act up by deleting innocent posts (e.g. the one from raasti)...!

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thanx premiere for calling me innocent indirectly ;)

thanx premiere for calling me innocent indirectly ;)

Hate having tools hidden on the very edges of the screen where you're likely to click an ad-link you don't want to follow! -- and this game had TWO.

how come i cant pick up the rock once i remove the glass with the glove?

totally stuck have 2 medals 3 rocks thats it used gloves and metal rod and opened 2 boxes

it ok finerly found the tongs to get rock of table and out.

T O N G S ! where art thou

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LOL Tongs? You got a steak? And a smoky BBQ? JK I apologize for posting in the wrong place

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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