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Usawanhouse - Friends Walkthrough

Usawanhouse - Friends

Usawanhouse - Friends Escape is another Japanese point and click type escape the room game by Usawanhouse. Try to escape the room by find items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:




number on back of cellphone

hammer inside briefcase from women's restroom (use number from cellphone)

This will be dificult. langage barrier. Have a cellphone, a wouden stick (was dirty and cleaned up) and a paper with a message on it (can't read).


I opened therabbit statue. use hhe umbrella collors

going in!

bit of a language problem for me
have pig bank, paper, phone (used), hammer, and what looks like a popsicle stick

Got piggy bank under rabbit statue. Break it with hammer and get money. Use money on the drinks machine

hmmm lost of tekst but non I can read...

have stick, cell and see lots of umbrellas I cannot take.

@Philomena Was the "popsicle stick" in the WC. There is a message on it which I can't read

@Mikki see the colors of the umbrellas. Use the collors on the rabbit statute

looking for a hint for the bike.

No clue which sequence I have to push the buttons on the drinks machine

I thought hint for the bike were pink squares under street sign, but they don't work...

Thanks papas

Stuck. No hint for bike nor for the dog and the drinks machine

I used the squares any which way but no luck with the bike. Stuck

there is a number 3 on the pop stick

Can anyone read the paper we found in the bathroom?

The red tiles are the hint for the vending machine.

God dog food from the drinks machine. Hint is on the wall

Need a can opener now for the dog food.

The crayon on the street might be a hint...

wich wall papas?

Have someone found a way to open the dog food can?

key in grass to left of bike opens outdoor cb for hint

totally mist the resembelance of the squares and the machine!

@Mikki the wall on the scene before the vending machine. There are pink/red tiles

also frees cat, gets bottle opener and bike gives number for 3 dig box for dog bowl

Great find Philomena, the can opener is there too.

wood stick --Japanese word pun = 523 for red box
the last password: you have to use the note under the dog --friend's name to match the color

Stick is clue for mailbox...but of course, I don't know what it says! lol

Yes papas look for the key first

Dog is not hungry...

TY, @shuchun...you are psychic...or is it me? lol

Give food to the dog and get a piece of paper.

Aha its a dog with manners lol

Thx Philomena for the key

Maybe the stick is dirty lol

No idea for the colour code :(
Can't read/understand the note.

Need color code for door

now stuck on the languange barrier from the stick and notes

mailbox is open..and....another note

@shuchun thx for the translation of the stck, but still stuck with the colour code

hint for color code is in blue shed behind dog

@Miki: yes, but how to use it?

The torn up note gives 2 colors red and turkoise, the rest I still have to figure out

The characters on the paper(s) don't look like the characters on the colours at all.

then orange and green...

and yellow....door opens

my god!

got knive

the first one is red for う light blue for そ

and out. Pretty weird...

Yep, the character are there after all.
Red Cyan Orange Green Yellow.

OUT thanks everyone for the help

thanks Mikki! out too. was that a kidnapping?

yes small tool, look at the small letters only

quess so casual hahaha

A special tnx to MIkki for the colour code

And you for the umbrellas papas hahaha

@Mikki y r welcome

Where to put color code ??..I must have missed a step! Thanks!

After you have opened the dog food and put in the bowl, give it to the dog and you can move on behind him.

TY, @s-t...lol...I saw the colors on the left building but thought it was just a "view" didn't think to click the other one! lolol

       Anonymous  8/28/12, 10:49 AM  


Bunny statue:
Pi - G - O (setting)
W - Bk - Y (umbrella handles)
- click:
G (start)

- on left house:
- characters from paper give:
- click:
G (start)

plz someone leave hint for vending machine ...

       Anonymous  8/30/12, 7:38 AM  

SPOILER Vending Machine:

- put coin from piggy bank in first (hammer from suitcase in toilet, code from backside of cellphone)
- Red brickets on little wall (1 view to the left of vending machine - D=down, T=top):
- or click numbers on vending machine):

Liked this game!
(Despite the language barrier...but with our trusty Shuchun we can surmount any obstacle! Thanks for that!)

BTW, very nice gangsters they are. They bind you and are so friendly to place a knife directly beside you so that your 'hero' can get you rid of the bonds. Cool huh.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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