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Logic Puzzle Escape Walkthrough

Logic Puzzle Escape

GamesNovel - Logic Puzzle Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games Novel. In this game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Weird game LOL trying to figure clues..

I give up LOL found stars with numbers and letters but no idea for the codes....

im going totry my luck ...

in paper hint sqaure of 2 should be 4 isnt it ?

i quit ...

I'll give it a go...

The first 2 notes (from the drawer and behind the toy car) are for the same 3-digit safe.
We have the numbers 1, 5 & 9. Following the notes we do:
1 = 1² = 1x1 = 1
5 = 5² = 5x5 = 25 = 2x5 = 10 = 1x0 = 0
9 = 9² = 9x9 = 81 = 8x1 = 8
Code is then: 108

There are then enough clues to solve the 4-digit drawer. You shouldn't have more troubles.

and by the way @raasti, you are completely right about the author's mistake in the 'squares hint'

Thanks so much Edgar, especially for the explanation. But 108 is not workin for me... I've tried several other combinations of those numbers too

@AlpacaKay, Probably this is one of those games where you should see all the clues before the code works... IDK... have you seen all the three numbers? Try clicking on them also if so...

Yes, I've seen every number and clicked on all. The 1 and 5 light up with star, but the 9 behind the leaf picture won't do anything :(

And I've also clicked the p by painting, w behind teapot, and knocked over nailpolish revealing a d. But that darn code won't cooperate lol

Just re-played. It is not enough to KNOW there is a 9 behind the leaf pic. You have to actually SOLVE the puzzle to make it move aside to reveal the number 9. Have you tried that?

Yes Edgar, I have solved it and everything, but it won't light up... I've restarted the game several times already. I'll try restarting again lol

found an L. The title of this game should be Illogical Puzzle.

hmm... I've restarted it for the 3rd time now and still cannot get that 9 to light up. But I did notice that before have the chance to swap the last couple stripes in the leaf puzzle, it automatically solves and slides to the right revealing the 9. Still cannot click it. Very frustrated by this

wow... finally it worked... So, you have to click the 1, 5, and 9 (9 doesn't light up), and look at both notes. I swear I did this the first time, but it wouldn't work. Now it is working, very wierd

And played for the 3rd time. Now I can say for sure:
Code works only if you have the puzzle solved, if you have clicked on the other 2 numbers to see them around stars AND if you have enlarged both paper hints.
If it still doesn't work, then I don't know what can be wrong.

For the 4-digit code it is 4 letters you need to find (L, D, P & W).

alpaca, the 9 didn't light up for me either.

I think I went through all combinations of 4, 3, 7, and 5 (d l p w) and the safe hasn't opened :( Did I miss something?

Yes @Andrea, you probably haven't clicked on the pic right of the door to see the final hint (order for letters).

Out, Thanks so much Edgar! Definitely couldn't have done that without ya. Although the clues in the game were very logical and good, it was very frustrating to have to click on the different letters and numbers. It was a little misleading too when some didn't light up.. Haha I clicked on that 9 and d over 100 times I'm sure!

Thanks Edgar, but that doesn't seem to have helped. Tried SP4O5I3L7ER and in reverse also just in case, neither worked.
Is there any significance with the sparkly thing to the left of the door? Clicking it just takes me to the picture on the left.

@Edgar where did you get th order for 1,5,9?
I got a blue 9 from picture puzzle and a white 1 in star in left scene (chair) but there's a lot of other numbers and lots of letters ...
finally found a 5 on the wall in left view

Only found 3 letters that highlight so far, but no clue for order (pwl)

Oh, I take it back. I tried it AGAIN and it worked this time. Thanks Edgar!

Thanks for the picture right of door -- sure that only worked after finding all 4 letters.

What was clue for the order of the first 3 numbers?

Andrea, did you click and get the p, l, and w to light up? And as Edgar said, if you click the painting to the right of the door, it should move and reveal the order for the letters

Puzzled, I don't think there was a clue for the ordering of the numbers... You just start with the lowest number (1, 5, 9). And for your last letter, try zoomin in on the white cupboard and clickin a few nail polish ;)

@AlpacaKay -- thanks -- I managed to get out. Hate low-to-high for number clues ... there are 6 possible orders so why pick that one?

I couldn't see any clue for the order of the three numbers either, but luckily my first try worked fine (lower to higher).
The lack of such a clue and the error on the note (pointed before by raasti) made this game not completely logical as the author said...

finally out from that game ..thanx to @ Edgar..

@ edgar y u picked up 1 , 5 , 9 in the first place ?

@E-Addict, sorry for the late reply. It's been a long and busy day for me...
You pick letters AND numbers that either light up inside a star after clicking (like the 1 under the chair and the 5 on the wall) or were hidden before you solve/click on something (like the 9 behind the leaf puzzle).
I hope this helps you.

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