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Escape from the Cards Room Walkthrough

Escape from the Cards Room

GamesNovel - Escape from the Cards Room is another point and click room escape game developed by Games Novel. In this game, you try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Game of snap anybody?

never heard of it @Leroy but if you make up the rules I'll play

LOL Im trying to get 5 digit code.... Is it reversed? And is it the clock hands or the 5 numbers around the place?

I'm where you are Leroy - found 5 numbers, a clue to reverse them and the clock hands. Found nothing to indicate order??

okay so - 0 behind curtain, 2 above door, 1 on cabinet, 1 on vase, 2 in trash, same numbers as on clock. But what order? I think I've tried them all. Or do they become 9s, 8s and 7s by the clue under the desk?

LOL i tried all that including various clockhand orders

       Anonymous  10/10/12, 7:47 PM  

The numbers around the place AND the clock are the same numbers (single digits). Use the code under the desk and the clock for the order of the numbers input into the glass case.

Actually, you take 10122 and reverse the numbers according to the rules under the desk. I don't remember using the five numbers I found for the final solution, though I did try them on the cabinet too.

lots of 0, 1 & 2, can't figure out number code :-(

I know I tried the clock hand order before - now it works. After that it's easy out!

       Anonymous  10/10/12, 7:49 PM  


A hint: If 9=0 then 3=6, (not to give anything away).

Maybe I hadn't seen all the individual numbers when I tried it before.

Thanks @Becks I was on the right track but wrong order

and out! a bit surprised there was nothing more to do

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I dare call this a BUG.

If you have checked out clues in this order:

- Clock hands
- Numbers in locations #1 - #5

it won't work. It will only work if you either check numbers first, then check clock *OR* if you use the order above, make sure that you, after viewing all numbers, check the clock AGAIN.
Otherwise the cabinet will never open.

Clock tells you 22hrs10m0s. it could be 22hrs10m1s.

found all numbers,placed 3 shapes,the spoiler 89877 aint working is there some thing i not done

omg dony know how i missed it but didnt click trash can to reveal a number

no such bug for me - checked clock first, then the numbers from left to right, then entered code - worked fine for me...

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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