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Halloween Trick Escape Walkthrough

Halloween Trick Escape

Yotreat - Halloween Trick Escape is another Halloween themed point and click room escape game from Yotreat and OMG Escape. Halloween Time! Escape from the room by using objects and by doing tricks. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


Don't zoom on the door till your ready to go out as there is no back button

Don't zoom into the door, you get stuck and can't get back out again

Echo are us :)

No directional controls in Door view.

got key from jack, gave milk to cat, cheese to rat, found three papers have a fish and five books and stuck

me to Philomena - and Yes DON'T zoom on the door!!!!

You can also take the pumpkin by where the knife was.

Pumpkin goes on the hanger over the cupboard that needs the letter code

Oh dear, its one of those where you have to do things in order. Can get and place the other pumpkin from the fridge now

don't tell me we have to catch that bat!

Flip switch by refrigerator to see 2 letter code from pumpkin

pieces of paper say "halloween book"

I can't take the pumpkin by the fruit or on the fridge

my switch won't flip -- I get nothing

Neither will mine and can't take the pumpkin on fridge either

I had to cut the hanging pumpkin, open the fridge, give the cat milk and put together all the papers before it would let me take any of the pumpkins

Left most switch - place pumpkin first.

Where does the 2nd pumpkin go

have all papers that say halloween book, took two pumpkins, placed one

fed cat and rat but have a plate with a fish on it that I need to do something with

switch doesn't flip for me yet. must have to do something else yet

also have two stacks of books

oh, so now we need chloroform

I'm a paper short _ hint??

second pumpkin goes over table

Got the cupboard open and it looks like we need chloroform for the fish. Going in circles

have to hang up both pumpkins before you can flip the switches.

out .. nice !!

there are hooks in first scene on walls across from each other for jacks

Papers were by the dustbin, under the cat, under the mouse and behind the fruit

have 4 letters but still can't open cupboard tried in order and anagramed

I only hung one pumpkin and could flip 1st switch. I still haven't placed the 2nd one

E-Addict, where is the chloroform?

totally missed the zoomed bin view! ty RSA

books go on two of the shelves in first scene

letters from left to right.

@jo ann hang the pumpkins n flip the switches beside the ref !!

grrrr, this time the word worked

opens the big cupboard next to it

Took a few tries but don't anagram the letters it is the ones on the left then the ones on the right


@E-addict, I did then put in word but the cupboard wouldn't open until I backed out and tried again

same with switches. had to back out and try a few times before they worked

oh sorry philomena !! :D completely forgot !! but was easy to find i suppose !

had to restart the game to get the books on those shelves

haha caught my bat but it was still flying around the room! lol

ok the chloroform in the cb opened by putting the books on the sliders above it !!

buggy game... too bad, it was fun just hate bugs

yeah jo-ann happened to me as well !! nice game anyway !!

What do you do with the fish then

What a fiddly game
to get the chloroform you have to push the two pegs down on the shelf to the right of the cupboard where you got the books from in the first place

ok got it and out thanks for the help

Put the fish on the table to the right in the first scene

Found this very fiddly too - things didn't happen the first time even when the everything was done in the correct order - rather irritating!

Thanks for the help - out finally!

help left with chlorophine / fish and note stuck

put chloroform on fish n then put it on the table !!

If you click on the fish it should come up in the middle of the screen, just pour the chlorafil onto the fish

Bugged out on the door and I'm not going to keep watching C-Spire commercials just to continue playing.

Dang, I hate games with glitches, test these games before releasing will you!!

And bobmeisterb is the 1st volunteer...

Okay, went back to this and finally managed to escape!! (stayed away from the door though until the end).

Hey Avatar, if you mean the first volunteer to test these game(s) for glitches, I'd love the challenge!

How do you push the pegs down they wont move for me thanks

How do you push the pegs down they wont move for me thanks

@ Marisa put the sets of books on the pegs ..& its quite pixel

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You hav to do everything in order

Don’t zoom in to door unless you are ready to escape (there is no back button in that scene)


Get sets of books from shelf
Get paper num# 1 from near dustbin

GO DOWN to next scene
Get KNIFE from fruit bowl
Move fruit bowl to get paper 2
Use knife on the pumpkin on back wall on the left of fridge to get KEY
Use key on fridge to get CHEESE ,FISH & MILK BOTTLE
Pour milk in a bowl on floor..click cat
Get PAPER 3 from the sofa

Give cheese to mouse & get paper 4
join papers in new window …you will get Halloween book written on paper

GO again to next scene
Now you can take pumpkin on the table infront of fruits
Also take pumpkin from the fridge in un zoom view..

Hang pumpkin on the hangers on the rite & left wall

Go again to fridge scene
flip the left switches at the side of fridge

Go back now you can see the letters below the hanging pumpkins
Zoom in to see letters
Put letters in a cabinet (HOST)…click the knob to open it
Open book in a view ,,& if you wanna read it then do so
Put pink blue books on the left peg & other set of book on left most peg …it open cabinet get CHLOROFORM
Pour chloroform on fish
Place fish plate on dining table
Bat will come & get sleepy
Take bat ..now you can zoom to door safely
Place bat ..& escape


nice game

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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