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Sneaky's Adventure Walkthrough

Sneaky's Adventure

Sneaky's Adventure is a new point and click adventure game created by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz and Yizzim. Sneaky is always up for a new adventure and this time he is set to find a rare gemstone that is hidden somewhere in this beautiful beach mansion. Come along and help solve puzzles and find useful items so Sneaky can get the rare gemstone and take it to the museum where it will be safe! Good luck and have fun playing!

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Another SD going in!!!

Yes!! Going in.

thanks SD! found 5 black marbles for silver key. but couldn't find a map yet...

screwdriver in room with colored flowers on ceiling.

duh, found map in J (after entering the house)

       Anonymous  10/16/12, 10:20 AM  

Oh! I am playing early! Hello everyone!

3 SD on a day its a record!
Thanks Selfdefiant.

Hi everyone. I have only 4 marbles. where is the last one?

Just missing an asylum!

Black key from J (use hint from O)

I still need the last marble...

Oh wonderful! Try to catch up...

Missing Orange and pink gems

wow ..SD hattrick ..going inn

sorry Blackbush, don't remember where they were, since I found the map really late

loading :D

Switches in B,H,K,F,S & Q.
Knife in N
White Key in K - Use knife

Need help with the dial puzzle in O. Know the clues are the arrows on windows/wall, but putting them in as is isn't working.

Blackbush: go back to the first scene on the ground by the gate.

but how to get the knife? SD doesn't work and that's all I have in inventory ;-(

marbels in A,D, E,B,C

need last marble to. the grill is empty?

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thanks Casual. So I'm still searching :-)

Restarting! My computer has crashed down!

thanks raasti, but till now we have no map. but i try to take the normal way of the map....

thanks yvonne. I've got it.

@samtdunkel: map in first room of the house (go up from swimming pool)

SD in V & hint for gems

Bottom row of knives second one in isnt stuck

stuck with screwdriver. can't get that ball in L off or take the knife from N

thanks @hairbone!

knife in N used in K on sofa to get WHITE KEY

       Anonymous  10/16/12, 10:38 AM  

Hi AIVro, I am having the same issue in room O. I know green is down or 6, red could be 7 or 8, and yellow could be 4 or 5. I can't get the right combination.

@casual i cannot enter the house without a key. and for the key i need the last marble. AHHHH where is it??

@Casual, need hammer for the ball in L. In N, second knife from the left on the bottom row comes out.

googles in F

4Red, it must be something else. I even tried looking at the red and yellow from the outside of the house -- no go.

       Anonymous  10/16/12, 10:40 AM  

Anyone find goggles?

       Anonymous  10/16/12, 10:40 AM  

Dial puzzle: Green 6 (down) Red 7 (pointing left) and Yellow 5 (pointing right)

gold key in H

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@samtdunkel: look the fist scene at the bottom left

got it...heart is calming down....

Just missing Pink gem.....

       Anonymous  10/16/12, 10:42 AM  

Goggles in F

green gem from O in dial box

Sneaky coin in P

@ alvro arrows on the wall are hint for dial box

Anyone find pink gem? Only one I am Missing

anyone found blue key yet? and where to use SD?

box in J give black key

       Anonymous  10/16/12, 10:45 AM  

LOL, I need to learn to refresh before I post questions!

Anyone find the pink gem? All I've got left is a screwdriver (used once) and an empty grill.....

Use SD on screwed drawer in R. Can't remember where the blue key was....

yellow gem in S

Yes, where is the PINK. Been checking all the AC vents.

safe is in T

thanks @AlVro! that's where the blue key is.

only found 49 coins :(

SD used in R on cab to get BLUE KEY behind bottles

There was a gem in a ceiling light somewhere, not sure if it was the pink one.

Blue key was behind jar in cupboard after opening with screwdriver

use sd on cabinet in up scene of kitchen

blue gem in word box in G

pink gem in Q

what's the elephant's name in room G?

wow. Three SelfDefiants in one day. I think I've died and gone to heaven! Thank you, thank you, thank you, SD!

For name elephant see paper on floor

Pink Gem in Q click ceiling lights

and out.


- green in O
- yellow in S
- purple in E
- red in D
- blue in G
- orange in L
- pink in Q

I think pink was from clicking the lights on the ceiling in order in a room. Can't remember which room, one of the ones to the right of the map i think.

First time i've caught a live one, currently 4th on the leaderboard

elephant's name is Dumbo -- Disney character

Pink Gem in ceiling light in Q. (thanks dutchie!)

ah the hint is there. its not Jumbo, it is SPODUMBOILER

@aneel72: SPdOuImLbEoR

And out!

hammer used on ball on staircase to get orange gem

Ah, tis bedroom Q. you have to click a bunch of the lights to get the pink one to fall.

Only found 49 coins but was 2nd on leaderboard

TY @casual...I had missed the pink gem as well!

Where is gold key?

hammer from G used for staircase ball in L to get orange gem

       Anonymous  10/16/12, 10:57 AM  

Sneaky coin in P, that's if nobody has mentioned it already! ;)

Gold key was on ship in H

Thanks @Hairbone I am found it!

Where is the pink gem?

Pink gem in Q click ceiling lights in an order. Only one is a hotspot at a time

Switches: H,B,K,Q,F

yeah, I'm out with 49 coins


4 in A,F

3 in B,C,D,E,H,I,K

2 in G,J,N,R,Q,O,U,V,T,S

1 in L ,M


       Anonymous  10/16/12, 11:08 AM  

Thank you all!! So many new games today! Happy, happy, joy, joy! :D

Don't forget to read the message when you submit your score.

Now I'm waiting for a new SD or maybe an asylum. Thanks SD.

The Pink gem gave me problems, but I finally found it and got out on my own! I loved the message from SD that scrolled above the game at the end. We love you, too, @SD!

       Anonymous  10/16/12, 11:12 AM  

It is so rare for me to catch a live game and a Self Defiant one too. My score was 100,974. I don't know if that is good or bad. I also found all 50 coins! I usually miss one. And I got the Sneaky Coin - thanks to helpful comments.

One more thing, there is the sweetest message from Self Defiant when the game is finished. He is thanking us for playing his games and thanking his wife for supporting his creativity and passion. Wow! That's how it works - team work! I want to thank SD's wife too. Thank you both!

4red3s you did good. :)

WOW - Three selfdefiant in one day, Tomatea, Ainars - what a WEEK!!!

4red3s - thanks for point out selfdefiant's message!!!

He is such a magnificent author of games, and I'm glad he includes his wife, too! She must be a very patient person to let him take all the time it must take him to make these fantastic, WONDERFUL games!!!

Thank you Mrs. Selfdefiant!

out with 49 coins. Thanks for the hints everyone, and also thanks to SD for the sweet message at the end!

had to go so finally im out of game now & read the Selfdefiant message ..its so sweet to of you appreciate your wife...thanks to MR & MRS Selfdefiant for all the great games ...:D & also his kids for the crystal game ..

Great game... however, as with all these SD beautiful games.. I really dont want to escape... makes our condo look very depressing! Of course, I dont have gems lying around either! But I do have a screwdriver :)
Thank you SD... always a pleasure.

Speaking of TomaTea... I can not figure out Two Blues... I cant do the left right thingy, and even after removing the cork, I cant get the key out of the bottle... and what is the fish hook for?
BTW SD... I too thank your wife :)

As always Great Game and Thank you Selfdefiant!!

Where to you place the coins - grill? Can't make it work.

In the TomaTea game - look at the bottom of the fish hooks to see which way they are pointing. Don's count the one that you remove (one of them goes into your inventory). The hook gets combined with the tip of the ink pen (I forget where that was, but you have to view it and click it first to get the hole that the hook goes into)

Hope that makes any sense to you!!

Luke - if you mean where do we place the gems, it is in room T after you pull all the switches in the rooms. The rooms where the switches are was spoiled above...

hairbone said:

Switches in B,H,K,F,S & Q.
Knife in N
White Key in K - Use knife

thanks zoe, had the swtitches, just didn't go back up there and had the grill on my mind. Guess I really just wanted a burger. Tks

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Another 5 star game from Self Defiant and Wife!! Thank you!!!!

Thank you Selfdefiant for all the great games. Every day I look at if there is a new game.
Thank on all the players who are helped me when I got no further.
I am from germany and I love you all.

Many thanks SD for all the great games over the years. Not a poor one yet, which is quite a record!

Keeps me sane!

what a nice message @SD! WE are the ones who thank YOU (and your missus and kids hehe) for all the enjoyment you have been providing us for so long. I raise my Sneaky mug to you! :-)

Thank you SelfDefiant! I love your games, you just made my day :D

Thank you everyone for the hints you posted, couldn't find that darn pink gem. :)

       Anonymous  10/16/12, 7:07 PM  

Thank you for the thank you SD! Though I still think we owe you far more thanks for making them! :)

       Anonymous  10/16/12, 8:52 PM  

Awwwww!! Thank you SD, and thank you for all the hours you work for our enjoyment!

What a lovely message - Thank You SD for all the games.

Thank YOU SD and your wife. When I check and see there is a live game, it's kinda like Christmas for me. LOVE your games!!! AND, thank you all who offer helpful comments and walkthroughs. This is a great way to start a day! XO :-)

NOT COOL writing about other games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never get to play live, but I looooove Sneaky's games! Thank you so much for all the fun and to your family, SD, for sharing you. Your games are pure pleasure!

How do you vote stars on games? You've got all my votes, SD!!

Oh! haha! POP! I think I just voted..excellent.

Thanks SD for another great game

       Anonymous  10/17/12, 12:56 PM  


A - collect 4 COINS
A - take black MARBLE-1/5 bottom left of entry
A - go up
D - collect 3 COINS
D - take black MARBLE-2/5 bottom right side in pool (no goggles needed ;-D)
D - note gem in pool (goggles needed here)...
E - go RIGHT (not obvious for me ;-P)
E - collect 3 COINS
E - take black MARBLE-3/5 right of bush (grass border wave)
E - note purple gem on palm tree...
E - go 2x left
C - collect 3 COINS
C - take black MARBLE-4/5 bottom right (chair backrest)
C - note green arrow pointing down (6 o'clock) top left on wall...
C - go left
B - collect 3 COINS
B - flip wall SWITCH-1/6 between tap & grill
(Btw: nothing in grill...)
B - take black MARBLE-5/5 from 2nd drawer from top (right of grill)
B - put all 5 marbles in MARBLE BOX on table for SILVER KEY
B - go 2x right & up
D - open door with silver key & enter house
J - collect 2 COINS (totally 18 coins till now)
J - take MAP on round little table right of armchair

4 coins in A-F
3 coins in B-C-D-E-H-I-K-N
2 coins in G-J-Q-R-S-T-U-V
1 coin in L-M-O
0 coins in P
- SNEAKY coin in P (bottom right corner from bottom window)

A - bottom left of entry
B - in 2nd drawer from top (right of grill)
C - bottom right (chair backrest)
D - bottom right side in pool
E - right of bush (grass border wave)
- BOX in B (on table)

B - between tap & grill
F - above bed pillows
H - under lamp left of window
K - right of passage to kitchen
Q - above right night table
S - above plant in vase on counter

GEMS (order 1-7)
6) D - RED: in pool (use goggles from F)
5) E - PURPLE: on palm tree (use ladder from I)
4) G - BLUE: from letter box (hints in G)
7) L - ORANGE: in ball on bannister (use hammer from G)
1) O - GREEN: from dial box (hints in C-N-P)
2) Q - PINK: from right ceiling light (4x click actions on lights)
3) S - YELLOW: behind shampoo bottle on bathtub edge
- SAFE in T (after flipping all 6 switches)

B - SILVER: from marble box
H - GOLD: on ship in front of window
J - BLACK: from 3-digit box (hint in O)
K - WHITE: bottom left in couch (use knife from N)
R - BLUE: in screwed CB behind bottom right jar (use SD from V)

D - silver UP
H - blue LEFT
M - white DOWN
N - gold RIGHT
U - black LEFT


- GREEN ARROW top left on wall, pointing DOWN (6 o'clock)...

- GOGGLES outside on balcony table

- HAMMER under exercise bike
- famous ELEPHANT on right bed as HINT (name)...
- PAPER bottom of right bed on floor, with HINT (BUMOD)...
- LETTER BOX on night table (use elephant & paper hints)

- LADDER at glass door

- MAP on round little table right of armchair
- 3-DIGIT BOX on couch table (hint in O)

- STITCHES bottom left in couch (use knife from N)
(BTW: you can go UP to P, ditto in L, but not marked on map...!)

- BALL on bannister (use hammer from G)

- RED ARROW on window, pointing BOTTOM LEFT (7/8 o'clock)...
- KNIFE in block left side on kitchen counter (bottom row, 2nd from left)

- DIAL BOX on counter
- PICTURE above left night table, with HINT (circles)...

- YELLOW ARROW in circle on top window, pointing BOTTOM RIGHT (4/5 o'clock)...

- RED ARROW on window, pointing BOTTOM LEFT (7/8 o'clock) = the one from N
- screwed CB door bottom right (use SD from V)

- 7 FLOWERS above window as HINT (colours)...
- SCREWDRIVER on CB under flower window

       Anonymous  10/17/12, 12:56 PM  


3-DIGIT BOX (in J)
- HINT on picture (in O), count same sorts of circles:
Blue: 7
White/Black (outer ring): 5
Black/White (outer ring): 8
- gives code:

DIALS (in O)
- HINTS in C-N-P
G/6 - R/7 - Y/5 (o'clock)
6x-7x-5x click

- on paper:
- anagram for the flying elephant
DUMBO (Disney character)

- always a helpful tool:
(right click to open link in new tab/window)


- click ceiling lights (only one with hotspot at a time):
left, 2nd from right, 2nd from left, right

- order HINT in V:

THANKS from @Selfdefiant on top at Congrats-Screen (Final Score, Coins):
«I want to say thank you to each one of you who play each game. You are all the reason why I continue to make new games. I enjoy making them as much as you all enjoy playing them. I also want to thank my wife, she has always supported my creativity and passions. Thank you all... ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥»
(to see text again, click last sentence you see)

☺ ☻ ☺

When my wife hears there's a new sneaky out,
she sends the children off to hunt coins with
daddy so she can do Fun stuff, like
hoover and wash stuff and cook food.

But she is a Tesshi-e fan !

SD, love all your games. Thanks for the message and thank your wife too. :)

Thank you SelfDefiant and your wife too !!!

thanks SD!

What a lovely and unexpected message SD. You know from the blogs and the star ratings that we love your games, but there must be many, many more out there who don't comment but love the games just the same. Please keep up the good work!

Thanks SD for the games!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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