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Bora Bora Escape - Remake Walkthrough

Bora Bora Escape - Remake

Bora Bora Escape - Remake is remake of Bora Bora Escape point and click room escape game developed by Lotz for Lemon Grass Games. In this game, you have lost all of your money and now need to escape Bora Bora. Good luck and have fun!

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Screwdriver in B4. Key in water D5. Have green, yellow and violet balls. Key doesnt work on bungalow door and i seem to be stuck already..lol

Im at the same place BamBam.

Wrong bungalow. Key was for B2. oops

is this a live one?

have an orange pearl...

grrr..i always was lousy at tetris..and the puzzle in D7 is driving me bonkers. There is a place in E8 for the pearls..but dont know the order yet.

Finally got it, and it gave me a flashlight. I thought id use the flashlight in C7 - but no.

got it! clio let me know if you need a hint

Flashlight used in B3 on wall, shows yellow N.

Are you out, jackie? If so, what do i need to put on the circle thingy in C7?

woohoo 6th to escape!

oh,,, and hi btw..hahah.

weird, i never even went back to c7

ok...start writing....tell all.....hahaha. Not that im impatient or anything...but now now now..please.

oh hi! looks like we're the only ones around

are you stuck on the tetris still??

the first row in colors:

I just want to pretend i escaped quickly, thats why i like help (or as others refer to it...cheating...lol)

no..got the tetris to get flashlight..seen the yellow N...and NOW im stuck. Have all the pearls..but dont know what order to put them in the sand bottle.

lol, i'm always peeking at hints and walkthroughs

How do you use the key? It keeps telling me the door is locked.

Still dont have a key for the drawer in B2 either.

1054ce. The first key i found in the water...was for B4. In the bedroom there i found the other key for D6

lol jackie....well start givin' them hints to me. I cant find anything else.

i just put them in rainbow order

i don't think it showed it anywhere, i just guessed

I found the key in water also. There's nowhere to use a key in B4. There's a locked door in B2, but it won't let me drag the key to it, and clicking on the key just brings a close-up view of it.

Theres a hotspot on the sand in C5 too. I have the 6 pearls and a flashlight...and no idea what to do next.

Can't get the tetris puzzle. It's giving me a headache. I never was good at them

With red on top, orange on right of it? Done that, but nothings happened...i dont think.

i'm going back in to see if i can help, please hold

Clockwise should it be....red orange yellow green blue violet?

put yellow where north is, hence the yellow N you saw with the flashlight. then go rainbow around clockwise. so red would be west or at 9:00

Sorry...1054ce, I meant B2. Sorry.

Do you just need the key in your inventory? Do you have to drag it somewhere? I can't get the door unlocked...

Gee, im so dense. Thanks Jackie.

And out now thanks to Jackie. (im 19th..yayyyy)

here's a spoiler for the tetris puzzle:


(v=violet and t=teal.. the rest should be self explanatory!!)

You have to drag it 1054ce.

you should be able to use both keys.. i didn't have a problem, did you try restarting?

OK, got it now. Single click from inventory and it picks up the key for you. What a hassle.

The hotspot in the sand in C5 contains a diamond. There's a shovel for it in A7, hidden near the railing of the hut.

hmmm... out but I never used the flashlight, I didn't dig in the sand, and I didn't find what was missing under the hut...

Thanks smokehalo. If you put the diamond in the rafter in C7, that gives you a rainbow - the hint for the colour order that jackie kindly gave me.

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