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Humbug 2 Walkthrough

Humbug 2

PixelContinuous - Humbug 2 is another addicting and challenging platformer style puzzle game developed by Pixel Continuous. Ziggy Fraud wants the crown. He will do anything (and I mean anything) to make his dream come true. Even if it needs a little cheating. Good luck and have fun!

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Humbug 2 Walkthrough

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I'm not a big fan of platformers, but this was great. It twists and turns like a twisty-turny thing. Awesome...

****For Blue Diamond****
In level thirteen, the soldier tells you "Funny joke I've heard, why did the thief go to the restaurant? He heard that there is a diamond in the menu", that hint means, that you have to click on a brick indicated by an arrow on the very first menu of the game (over the "WANTED" sign), and the diamond will apear behind that brick.

****For Red Diamond****
In level four, note the sign "Don't be a chicken Play Humbugger", if you play that game you will notice on a level that the number for the machine is "5369", pull the lever after type it ,,, WAIT a moment and the diamond will appear.

****For the Grey Diamond****
On level twelve, the diamond is invisible and is placed on the sky on the top-right corner, for reach it, you have to PAUSE when you knock the tower to grab two bricks on its left, UNPAUSE a little to let the tower to fall a little (ensure don't let fall away that bricks), once you are over that falling tower with the help of the bricks, jump to that corner.

****For Green Diamond****
You have to go to level sixteen. in the very beginning where you are placed, there is a brick with a crack exactly over you, Hit it repeatedly with the head by jumping.

****For the Bat****
Note that in level five there is a soldier that tell you "Do you want a bat? They are playing bridge until noon", then you go to level thirteen and you set the moon to be noon, in that exactly moment you have to PAUSE and pass the bridge before it get down, finding the bat still inside.

****For the Cookie****
On level six the recruiter tells you just before ending the level "you can do it better soldier!", that means you have to march like a soldier moving at time centered on the free space that soldies make, that with the ax in your hands of course, then the recruiter will give you one.

****For the harp****
On level eight, note that when you change the channel for the one that have the balloon, the soldier tells you "I've heard you can fly to heaven with a hot balloon, But I'm sure no living creature can do that", then take the balloon BUT, when you are flying set your strength to zero for die, you will fly really far away.

>>>>For a HAPPY END<<<<
After obtain all diamonds, the bat and the harp, the bat will rescue you from falling the tower on the final level and bring you to a cloud, knock the door three times at medium speed and will appear a "S" on the screen, then knock other three times at slow speed for "SO", and other three times at medium speed for "SOS", then you will get toilet paper, that is, your wings. Place the diamonds, and happy ending

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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