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Never Completed Game Walkthrough

Never Completed Game

Never Completed Game is another challenging brain twister riddle game. Your goal is to get to the next level by answering a question. It's not as simple as it sounds, though. Good luck and have fun!

Note: Please don't post exact answers, just give hints!

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for 21 there's a hint on FB - christianity. I've tried various trinity combos, no go

@Rudi, therefore the Roman bit is XIII - I = XII

then what.

@rambler: if you mirror it, the former Lambda-like thing becomes a J., the equation becomes XIII-I which then equals XII. Get it?

Yes. There were 12 of them. Onto 22

@annaby, add your clue to mine....

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Oh, no, 22 is morse, but you need sound....

I'll call it quits for today, morse has to wait until tomorrow :-)
Thanks for playing folks, was a pleasure!

Goodnight Rudi and thanks for the company and help.

I think I'll stop also - don't get 21 and this is only going to get more obscure.
Thanks all and good luck!

Lol, and it all started so sillily (is that a word?)

Oh, and goodnight to you too annaby.

Anyone left? Raasti, Casual, are you still there?

yep, trying to encode the morse code

can't solve MISSION 19 =D

the answer without the v_ _ _ _ _


Hey Casual, I'm trying to DEcode it lol.

It's a bit quick, so I'm trying to stop and start it to get the letters. The only problem is I keep getting interrupted!!!

wow am i dumb with 20

@Paula, what was 19? I've forgotten...

@Rambler: I did it without sound! muuuuch easier ;-)

I used an online "youtube to mp3" converter and opened the mp3 file in a audio editor (Audacity - it's freeware). In that programm I jused zoomed on the audio track et voila: long lines & short dots ;-)

Ahh, I remember now. Use http://home.paulschou.net/tools/xlate/

and paste the hex code in, decode, then look at the bottom right....

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Thanks @ Casual. I'll try that now - I have Audacity...

level twelve,

for me it is contrary to or an anagram.

not passed, any tips?

what the???? I just solved the morse code and when I entered my answer I had to restart???? I just hope, I still know all the answers...

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after much suffering, passed

@Guilherme. The sentence is.....

Ar*e about face

Bugger, I just fell asleep at my computer and knocked over my cup of tea.

Gotta go to bed. Thanks for the fun all of you, let's do this again tomorrow....

ok, back to M22, but the solution I thought (the last word) is incorrect...

"cup of tea", are you sure? ;-P

actually caught up? well level 21 anyways

can't get it though. must be missing just the slightest part. I have a number and a word...

@Jo-Ann: was M21 the one with the picture and triangle?

@Jo-Ann: just remove the number and use plural

@casual yes

Acckkk, wrong word! For those following along, level 21 is the A word not the D word.

onto 22

there is a D word?

Hmmm, well apparently in my world there is lol

Man! I don't think I have time for this morse code one, kids are due home any minute!

drat, have to go

leave beard crumbs!


if it helps, there are 13 words from the morse code:


and another hint: google the first 5 words. that's enough. still don't know the correct answer though :-(

Now on mission 25 =D

ok got to 16 and game started me over

@Paula: a little help for M22, please? I figured out it has something to do with M****** J******, but what?

@Casual, yes, you are hight. What MJ was, thinking about music?

long arrested time at 16 :\

lol, that hint is too obvious. better delete that ;-)

Joined a while ago and with all your help managed to get to lvl22. Stuck!! I don't understand how to use the conversion tools you listed Casual, and I can't get the morse to make any sense at all.

Can anyone give any more hints

on 26 now, stuck...

Oh Golly! Even Paula's 'obvious' hint doesn't help me. I'm really out of it LOL!!

@Cee Bee: i checked again, if you google the first four words, you'll get a pretty good idea what this is about...(plus the recent hints from Paula and me)

A* H* C*** I***

Hint level 16? I do not understand

I dont get your pointers on lvl 19 (I have decoded) Seen the message digest (lower right) but unsure what I should enter from that???

@Guilherme: what is M16 about?

@Leroy: look at initials from text in top left box and the number. look for that combo in bottom right box and use the code after the colon.


Ungenerous Hidden Danger

long arrested time and I do not understand

@Leroy: Annaby posted this at 1:11PM

loll @Casual - I know. Copy just the string on the one line after MD5 and paste into answer box

Oh Ty casual I go look now.... I was looking at crypt which gave a 4 letter word LOL

Yippee onwards and downwards to lvl 20 Hugs Casual

@Guilherme: think of one of the most obnoxious weapons of war

I'm still stuck on M22. I tried everything I can think of...I even tried propofol. yup, I'm very desperate!

I'm still stuck on MJ - tried the song name, album, and various other words that appertain to what he was in the music world - I bet I'm missing the obvious one - as per normal LOL!

Groan Someone tell PH to pay the bill LOL

@Casual, Thanks, I was thinking so far ...

@Casual: I thought you had lvl22 ??

@Cee Bee: that's what I thought too after Paula's post...but, I'm completely out of ideas right now! I just wait for a POP or another hint.
I'm just refreshing now and then...so if anyone still needs help, I'd be glad to help!

@Paula: Can you give some more help on M22 please.

LOL @Paula Im begging as well cos I dont want go find a youtube to mp3 convertor and then open audacity...

@Leroy: you still have no idea of which person we're talking about (M22)?

I know who it is LOL but I am too lazy to work out what the morse says

it's just lyrics

that's it! I'm breaking the rules and will post a clear answer! without using "spoiler" or something else!

LEVEL 1: 4


LOL Casual lucky it wasnt 1+ 1 = ? We would have all been stuck....

LOL!! Luv it Casual..........

@Cee Bee is all about MJ, he was the K _ _ _ _ O _ T _ _ P _ _

or even an equation with a number >10
but, I have a pretty strong feeling that this is going to happen on mission 23!

in that case, I'm going to call the international court of justice in den haag.

Hi Everyone

I am stuck on 18 - the Binary one. Decoded the Binary and Saw the hint about Pi.... but still stuck

M‎28 is driving me insane!

Jeez!!!! I tried all sorts of that K.O.P/K./K.O.T.P/P.K/T.K/.......grrrr!! didn't try T.K.O.P

bless you Paula! the first word killed me.

@EnJoy: P* D*******, does that help?

@EnJoy... Decode and look at lower right box. Copy the entire code that is after MD5: it begins and ends with a 4

try the complete sentense @Cee Bee =D

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Forgot to say THANK-YOU!!!!! Paula

@enjoy: M18 answer posted here, partway down


Level 17 Says: FTYHBV, said in previous reviews about the keyboard,is that right? in what sense?

so this is what is after MD5: 1fdab4fdbaee9c4438011dd1ca715a0f

then what? nothing hitting me in the head so far

@Enjoy: the hint PL Barfield posted is actually for level 19! NOT for 18! just to not confuse you more than necessary

@EnJoy The answer starts and finish with 4

On lvl 23 what country is the first national anthem? Or doesnt it matter?

So sorry for wrong hint... hope this link for YouTube to MP3 converter helps make up for that http://www.listentoyoutube.com/index.php

@Leroy: don't know if it matters or not, but I found something about aboriginal australians and that sentence...

Interesting Casual Last 3 are titles for national anthems but not the first? Im just looking at wiki LOL

Ok, guys. I just got the answer to 18. But, I put that answer in about 45 minutes ago and it didn't work! argh

thank you for the help

and again @Enjoy: Paula Regina's hint is also for level 19 and NOT 18!

look at my post from 11/20/12 4:26 PM and tell me if that helps you or not...

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So hint us Casual LOL

@Leroy: sorry, I was just referring about my previous post to Enjoy. still don't have the answer to M23

better, I delete that post...

I saw the year of the songs are all the same?

Guilherme 11/20/12 4:32 PM

Level 17 Says: FTYHBV, said in previous reviews about the keyboard,is that right? in what sense?

*also managed to halt on 17 , hard to understand this tip.

LOL Casual no worries...

year is not the answer though....

Now I have book released in same year called the first sunrise but the author doesnt seem to be the answer...

Up to 21 now. The triangle then getting X11 or 12. Saw the hint about Christianity.. tried 12 ap***les. More help please??

@EnJoy just the word no numbers in answer

@Enjoy: just strike the number.

had to restart, but although I made sure too keep all cookies, I still have to start from the beginning...that's the only thing what I'd criticize about this game. no real saving or skipping levels option...

going to bed now, have fun guys!

another SPOILER

LEVEL 3: 2x5 = 10

LOL Nite Casual

and with "strike" I mean "delete" or "discard". yeah, I'm not a native speaker... ;-)

good night

thanks casual for 21 hint

I Give up

Good Night


and don't forget to zoom and start from the very left...

Interesting game but I will not continue after level 22

there is no way to save the game and if you leave it open and come back later, you have to restart. I've restarted twice now and have no interest in going through it all again

too bad

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If I listen gangnam once more, I' ll suicide! Please, give the answer!!!

@doris you have the answer, try the full name =D

Anyone in MISSION 28?

paula help us with 23

Then we can help with 28 LOL when we catch up

Paula Regina, thank you, I got in later and was off the game. Now I have to start again. I'll try it, but I think I gave the hole name psygangnamstyle and did'nt work before...

ok, it was really simple. I shouldn't press space bar. If I had'nt I'd have find it from the first time I gave an answer...

Doris try what it says on the floor LOL "Gangnam style"

Oh and no the answer is not madonna loL

ahgrrrrr I got to mission 12 and it stopped. The game does'nt save progress. What if I reach 20 and the same happens again?

LOL enter all answers again... I think the game times out after a ridiculously short time...
Done too many times already

on 11 years are leap

leap what....

LOL Doris i restarted so many times I know most answers off by heart...

It seems to save progress if you connect with Facebook.

In MISSION 23, search the similarities between sentences, the answer has something to do with a date (at least it worked for me)

Anybory here???

just returned, but I only have half an hour.

still stuck a M23. I know the year, but that isn't enough...

Hi both, gonna have another crack at this.

I've got over the 'cup of tea' incident now lol

On 23 I've got the year and maybe the month, but it's not helping atm...

gotta leave now, but could the sentence "The First Sunrise" refer to japan?
quote from wikipedia Both Nippon and Nihon literally mean "the sun's origin"

and of course, there is the phrase "land of the rising sun"...

@Casual you need a full date MONTH/DAY/YEAR, after that you need another information that is within that date, this information is the answer ...

begins with s _ _ _ _ _

I thought it might refer to New Zealand. However, both countries could be indicated.

Knowing the randomness of the answers now though it could mean anything!!

Thanks Paula, onto 24 now...

@Rambler You're welcome, mission 24 I needed help, so far I'm not understanding the answer

MISSION 24: hint:
Theory, experiment, conclusion

I see what's hidden, but that doesn't work or help.

Gonna ponder a bit, but feel free to throw me a crumb....

@Rambler I'll be hard to give you a crumb without giving the answer lol, but I'll try... let me think !

Well I've tried all sorts to do with the scientific world so far, but no go. Bell's Theorem seemed good, but it wasn't right.

Seek the right crumb for me lol

@Rambler Did you see my comment at 12:02 PM?

MISSION 24: hint:
Theory, experiment, conclusion

Yep, that's why I've gone down the scientific route.

I have seen some tips on other sites, but many of the missions have changed, so has not helped much

You mean they've changed the 'questions' ?

On my level 24 I have this:

I think it is hidden
It is hidden

@Rambler if you copy and paste these three words on Google, appears another word that has to do with the answer ...

@Rambler No, it's been a while, this riddle is a bit old ...

Are you talking about 'Hy**th***s'?

@Rambler Mission 24 is exactly that, you're right, do not worry ...

Hmm, I see. Then I'm on my own then.

New Mission 24 lol

@Rambler YES, is a two words answer...

Wait, I'm confused now. I'll wait for you to post Paula....

can someone give the answer for mission 12 please? I'm gonna start for 3d time...

@Rambler 'Hy**th***s'is part of the answer, you need one more word

@doris. 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 etc

Does that help?

Thanks Paula, I'll try a few variants.

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I think you better delete that Paula.

Thanks though, onto 25.

Some of these answers are very random to say the least.

sorry Leroy, I just got in again. Leap years

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@Rambler I said this would be difficult crumb lol

Rambler, it's not about numbers. It needs words. I tryed "this sentence" which is written backwords, but nothing. This is the 3d time I m playing all way and stuck there...

Now I need to go, if someone get to M28, let tips


@doris you already have the answer ...

if anyone here i need answer not a hint of lvl 18

@doris, which way are the numbers going?

@raasti, email me and I'll help. click on my avatar and use the link...

need answer of that binary ,pi mission 18

cant mail you..just give answer here & then delete it ..

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duh i tried this but did not put S in the end

Good girl :-D

it still not working wht is the problem ....?

Have you used a space in between the words?

thats the problem, after space it works ..so annoying

Ahh, okay, there are plenty of clues and hints for level 19, so I'm going back to level 25, good luck...

i think i should quit ..now stuck on 19 .there are so much num# hate maths

hint on 2o needed

well not needed now on 21

raasti, A=1, B=2....

I'm on 26 now. 25 was a bitch

ok need hint on 21 ..

leaving ..good nite

I'm back =D

@Raasti the image is reflected in a mirror, so you have to reverse, think about "Christianity"

Goodnight @raasti, I think we'll still be puzzling this tomorrow lol

Hi Paula, I think I've made a breakthrough on 26, I'm working on Fi******i squares...


Onto 27 :-D

Gawd, more maths (maybe)

@Paula, I've joined you on 28 now. But I'm a bit jiggered so I'll retire for the night.

If you get it, you know what to do - BIG CRUMBS lol

thanks for the help at M23!

now stuck at 24, but what else did I expect?

I know the H********S word, but what's the other? a hint on how many letters and if it is before or after H********S, prettly please? ;-)

M23: is it something like the H********S is correct/proven?

I don't think so, tried every possible adjective of cornfirmed, correct, proven, etc...even before and after H********S.

I just don't hope, it's a singular/plural thing again! I only tried singular...

@raasti, about M21: if I write anything here, what could you call that besides a comment?
And when I delete that "comment", it's "one" "comment" "fewer".
just use synonyms and substract the letter "s" from the last word and you should have your answer..

got it?!

@Casual I'm stuck on 24 as well.
I've tried t*e h********s but it's not the answer.
Any more hints?

please, help ftyhbv what is this????

i dont kno why my progress is not saved ..i hav to play from start 2 times (not in a mood to start over again) ...thanx for the help casual i got the answer but now not playing it ...its mission impossible for me good luck to all you riddlers :)

Hello everybory...

@Casual, you are very close to the answer on M24, remember to type in capital letters and spaces between words.
The word comes before H ********* S, and it's a singular word. Try again one of those words you quoted in your's 11/21/12 5:20 PM comment =D

@doris This is the MISSION 17

Look the letters on your keyboard (assuming qwerty keyboard)

@raasti I think the game only saves your progress if you are logged in using Facebook

Got M28!!!

Now in MISSION 31...

Got M31, now in M32

Improving my math lol

Hints for 25 please?
Do I have to decode that number?
In what way?

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