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Christmas Kid Escape Walkthrough

Christmas Kid Escape

123Bee - Christmas Kid Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by 123 Bee. A small kid unfortunately trapped in this Christmas celebration place and have to escape from this place. Use the clues and objects to come out. Good luck and have fun!

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WOW a cruxifiction !!!!

I think the navigation will be quite though.

4 sticks and a gift from middle of the first scene;
matchbox, vessel? and handle? from left in first scene.
Cruxifiction was already in last year 123bee game

In window frame in one of the houses in the middle is a key; one key also in giftbox

Okay, I've been inside two different houses and have four sticks, two candy canes, tongs, three candles, a vessel, matches, ice cube and key. Seems like I need to start a fire, but must be missing something. Don't know where that second key goes.

Where is the giftbox?

Hi all!
So far: 4 sticks, gift box, christmas candy, handle, grass, potion, 3 candles, tongs, vessel, matchbox and key (used)

Placed vessel on fireplace hearth, and placed sticks in fireplace, but still can't light a fire.

Found key in gift box

In house: 3 candles, potion, candy bar, tool (tongs)

Same place - need to light a fire and find lock for second key. Anyone?

Only now i found view on the left :)

Found it...Now got the Bible....

Ah, I needed the grass. Now have a star.

In the left view, find a frozen lake, use tongs, get box, use key, get bible

I can't start fire with sticks or grass....Did anyone make it?

Used tongs in left scene twice for ice cube and box needs key from gift box. Got a bible

I can't use the tongs at the frozen lake because they disappeared after I took the star from the boiling pot.

       Anonymous  12/13/12, 3:14 AM  

Am finding the navigation impossible, keep getting lost!
Can't find the gift box in the first scene (most of the time I can't find the first scene at all!)

Tongs are more of a thing to climb in the mountains. Descriptions are messy

@gmm How did you make a fire? U don't need tongs for frozen lake, u need that other tool...

Used potion on tree left from Jesus

I only have one candy cane - is there another please?

Then used star and the 2 candy canes on tree, an angel comes. Put bible on angel and santa comes

@bat e: I only found one.
Star and on three, I am left with 3 candles and matches and bible

       Anonymous  12/13/12, 3:20 AM  

Pamarina have you got the box of matches - from the kitchen in the fireplace house

You need to do things in a certain order before actions with objects work.

For fire you need 4 stick, grass, vessel, ice cube and matsch box. First set vessel left of fire place and put ice cube in.

One candy was in left scene a little bit up I think

@pamarina87, to make the fire, place the vessel first, then add ice cube. Then place sticks, add grass and then matches.

@Urban, I've just found another in the far left scene.

Can please someone tell how make a fire/ Grass and sticks won't go in the fireplace...Or is it a bug?

Santa gives me a present with candle holder in it.

@bat: in the far left scene I can only zoom on place where box was in lake?

Is vessel a pot? My english is not that good.

Never mind, I got it...Thanks everyone....Suddenly is working...

Now I can zoom on Jesus. Used candle holder, candles and match box. Now there is a snoman with a present. Got key for snow mobile and out!

@Urban, there's a little dip between the two houses on the left, click the middle of that.

Jesus left out in the cold - could have given Him a lift.

Thanks @bat

Jesus has laser vision! Strange little game.

Where exactly to use candle holder? I'm dragging it all over Jesus...

@pamarina: zoom 2x, so you are at his feet

Thanks, didn't see that view....

for those of you who were as confused as me (lol) the 2nd key is in the gift box on the roof of the 2nd house in the two houses view.

well that was a trip into the bizarre mind of someone...i need a lie down......

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Just read all the comments above and no one said where they got grass. Anyone still here? Can't find any grass.

The grass is outside in the view with the two houses.

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Found the sticks. Wasn't looking for a tree hard enough.

This was not Minotoland.....but it sure came close!!!

Thanks @123BEE for the Christmas Magic.....
and Merry Christmas to you too! :)

       Anonymous  12/13/12, 11:59 AM  

123bee it's CHRISTMAS time not EASTER!

Jesus shoots an energy beam out of his forehead haha what.

Anyone still here? I've tried to put the vessel to the left of fireplace but it won't stay anywhere I put it. Help!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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