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Coolescapers - Doors 4 Walkthrough

Coolescapers - Doors 4

Cool Escapers - Doors 4 is another point and click type room escape game developed by Coolescapers. In this game, you must solve the puzzles to get the key for each of the 15 doors. Good luck and have fun!

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I don't know what to do with this - the clock is going backwards, and I have to find a three-letter/number clue for a key.

Happy New Year everyone.

Oops, hubbie just rang the dinner bell. Back later.

       Anonymous  12/31/12, 4:43 PM  

well, 247 and 742 are not the answer...anyone?

anyone get past one?

I tried red,one,key tried the backwards as well since clock is going backwards. no luck

don - same here. tried 113, out, maybe I'll do these two

tried using 3 for E, tried using Z for N, tried using 0 for O. Tried searching for a clue.

funny thing - it seems to be a 10-hour clock

J, you're right. The minute hand only goes around 10 times

I try my luck LOL riddles are burning my brain out...

With no other clues, it seems that might be important. But how?

I just tried hms and smh but no good....

Checked out walkthroughs on other "door" games - no help.

Anyone up for a brute force? Ha!

not 1 am or 1pm... was thinking red 1 above door?

not key LOL

LOL Leroy I can already tell you about 50 things the answer is not

ok...spoiler for door 1

CCW = counter clock wise

just tried 'not' - not that either

not 314 or 413 (pi) or 360 or 063

Thank you Hogfest!

Thanks Hogfest!

I have done doors 2 and 3 also, if you want spoilers just ask, im currently stuck on door 4 :/

not copenhagen LOL here we go again....

do it hogfest we can choose to ignore LOL

Hogfest, you are a genius. Got 2 now.

Stuck at 4 as well...

any ideas for door 4, im stuck lol

spoiler door 2:


well I think it's not temperature - doesn't convert

could it be trigonometry? if so I'm lost

im thinking door 4 has something to do with 360 degree? any ideas?? anyone solved it yet??

I was trying compass directions... ie 140=sse and 210=w?

ssew and sews dont work LOL

ive tried moon, star, 1day, mountains and countries with 4 letters, anything to do with circles and angles, n-s-e-w all mixes? im lost on this one, anyone have anything??

Or time? clock hands???

so 210=45 minutes? but doesnt work...

whoops let me rework that.... 9=270...
LOL out

To pink door 5...

whats the spoiler for door 4 then leroy!!!

210=35 minutes use 24 hour format

LOL sorry thought you saw my earlier comment

I had to draw it on paper

help on door 5, please

add lines together to get letter number letter number...

colour order for green 8??? LOL

Got it! the arrows are the hour hand and minute hand. Brilliant Leroy!

whoop!! thanks - door 6 now!!

stuck on 7. no idea

oh got it. 8 now

I have started BF on that one LOL

door 8 stuck on now lol

give fuzzel save me the trouble LOL

still at 5 keep getting C5H4

Philomena - C3H4

what's door 6 about? (colors)

for 7 look at previous doors. for 8 count ammount of colors

5=3 I think

Philomena, not a "5".

sorry, I meant C5H4 and it's not working

Oh I got it. Just now discovered you can go back

done 8, stuck on 9 now lol

same here hogfest. tried the first letters. nothing

even done the letter numbers as well...hmmmm come on we have come this far, it cant beat us now!!!!

i don't have a clue and no more ideas what to try

noooo FuZzEL - do not give up, we can do this!!!!

i'm not giving up but its 4 in the morning and my brain is not really working ;)

to tha bitter end, Hogfest!

what is #1, anyway? water, cloud, smear, blob, what?

9 is that number letter ex cloud = c bone =o

Got it....First letter cloud, second letter bone...etc. (spoiler....code)

so its Cloud, bOne, laDle, but dont know what the 4th is.....just guessed the e.

Happy New Year, everyone btw.

stupid door 7... what order?

thanks clio rose

how many rooms!!! door 11 now

at least 10 was easy

Hola clio LOL got mail replied mail

thanks clio =)

what is 13? thought a telescope?

i thought 13 was a sextant, but nope.

so what is that a pic of on 12?

12 is forceps

never mind it was forceps

somebody clue me on 7 pretty please LOL

Nº 8 = code

I tried door colour\number and way the colours overlay but must be doing something wrong

Leroy, lood back at door color,number. gold is on top then pink etc

I don't know the name of the instrument at 14

what was 13?

Sorry... Nº 9

Leroy, what doors are orange, pink, brown and red?

stupid level TY

leroy, dont forget you can move back through the rooms. There is an arrow back at the bottom.

Looks like a surveyor's transit but that doesn't work either

Philomena, what was 13?

13 = theodolite

thanks philomena

       Anonymous  12/31/12, 6:45 PM  

Well, not feelin' too smart. These are just as bad a the URL changing games for me. *heavy sigh* and *pout*

Gimme a good old POINT-N-CLICK!

so, anyone recognize the thing at 14?

Thanks Philomena for 13.

you are welcome. Now how about that 14?

14, ukelin

now, should we push the red button??

ukelin LOL

hey, google pic search for old string instruments worked, I sure did not know it

Thanks pat for 14.

neat! A sort of bowed zither made between the 1920s and 1950s. I wonder what it sounds like...

I'm stuck at 10. Some help please...

that's how I found it too Pat


what do i need to type in???

isa, whats the question on 10?

you can change the letters LOL

Door 10: the next 2 prime numbers

pressed the button and got a nasty message LOL

see clio rose hint at 6:34

and im out, anyone need any help?

Prime numbers, I think, Hogfest

tried open, unlock, key, and also merely removed not...

yeah Leroy changing it to 'Press this button' doesn't work

door 15m, you can delete some words

1719 isa

15 what needs to be typed??

That was fun!

anyone still stuck?

delete 'do not' then press button, it works and you are then out

don't type, Leroy ERASE

last one is nice =)

deleting "do not" worked for me

Thanks just1 and Hogfest

Happy new year everyone, thanks for a great game :)

LOL as simple as that? TY

doggone it didn't work the first time but does now!

Thanks all of you for playing my game. Happy 2013 to all.

And out. Thank you everyone. For 15, some words can be removed.

Happy New year to all!

Thank you Roberto, and Happy to you!

Thanks Roberto, great game :)

btw it looks like the ukelin pictured there is an early one, by the first company to make them, the Phonoharp Company. It was called a 'Bosstone ukelin'.
Later there were guitarolins and banjolins as well!

Thanks Roberto. I really enjoyed that. Happy New Year to you.

I love these games. TY so much and HAPPY 2013

Very weird stuff. I miss those old Coolescapers ones...

I am soooo stuck on lvl 11 .I have been at this all day, I keep coming back hoping someone left a clue can anyone help :)


Think periodic table of chemical elements. You have to find the metals that are between Co (cobalt) and Cu (copper).

Same with rhenium and iridium.

HINT for lazy people:

First stands for a metal that is same as French slang for "perfect, proper, immaculate". Use abbreviation.

Second is what Windows and Linux are.
(-ing -ems). Use abbreviation.

SPOILER door 3


Loved this.

I'm not lazy.


need help on 11 please. I cant fiqure out (arbeitslooser) hint.

@sherry12, from arbeitslooser:
"Think periodic table of chemical elements. You have to find the metals that are between Co (cobalt) and Cu (copper).
Same with rhenium and iridium."
So, google for a periodic table and find these elements.
A little more help: between Co and Cu is Ni (number 28). Now, find the 2nd one as well...

@jollyplay I tried to google it , nada Can you spoil it please, because Im not going to get it. please

@sherry, rhenium is number 75 and iridium is number 77 in the periodic table. The one you are looking for is number 76: osmium. The abbreviation is Os.
Your answers will be:
see the answers in the periodic table.

@ellie, I looked at the table, and if I saw it right , it should be 76, must be wrong , because I cant get the key. I have been on this door 11 for over 2 hr. I just cant fiqure it out

@ellie I was using the # instead of the letters, thanks so much finally, now im on #12 Thanks so much, I was about to give up, im so tired of using the little of brians that I have left Thanks to @jollyplay also

1- CCW (Counter ClockWise)



4- 16:35

5- C3H4



7- 3561



10- 1719

11- Ni Os

OK, following along, I got frustrated with 13 and 14 after legitimately getting 12, but am here to say that level 15 is pretty clever. I got the answers via image search.

Answers, in rot13 with padding:

12: kksbeprcfk
13: gurbqbyvgr
14: kkhxryvakk

Rot13 encoding is just a simple substitution cipher, a->n, b->o, c->p, which is its own inverse.

what is the solution to level 15?

@Morgana -- part of the red text is editable.

Room No. 12 there is a picture, it's a private Medicine Obstetrics
But the answer is incorrect why?


I thought #12 was salad tongs, but its forceps


12- forceps

What about 13 ?

13- theodolite

Thanks for the help arbeitslooser for lvl 11 the periodic table it never even crossed my mind and know it seems so obvious big slap to forehead lol

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level 6 isn't working for me

level 6 isn't working for me

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what is door 6???

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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