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Kinjitou Escape Walkthrough

Kinjitou Escape

Gensou - Kinjitou Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Gensou. Try to finish the game by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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I'm in :)

8768 not working for 4 dig puzzle

got a cup , red pen n stuck !

Got cup, key and spade amulet

Got lighter now... E-Addict how??

POP! Not 7 but 1

it's spoi8168ler !

Used cup again on pot of sand and got paper

Painted key red and now can go through door

paper ? where from ?

Used lighter on thread and turned wheel

E-Addict use cup on vase filled with sand

Got water on empty pot now. Used cup to get it and melted clay sculpture (got club amulet)

used it n got a blue spade !!

Wet paper....

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Got blue spade, green club, lighter, cup, red key, crayon, burned and wet paper..

use lighter on middle vase

Where is key and pot of water?

Thx Megi! Need only clue for diamond now.

cartmansis key beside pot on the left (sword view)
water comes after u turn wheel (use lighter on thread)

there's a trap door in the room with the sword !! still cant get the paper coz i cant use the damned sand cup on the machine again !!! u didnt help a lot nini did u ?? good luck got to go anyway !!

the key is on the left of vase in the room with baseball on the wall

I told u what to do E-Addict.. not my fault if it's not working... (I tried several times till it worked)

you can empty the cup on the sand-floor

After using sand on machine use cup on sand vase..

Soo.. anyone found hint for diamond?

dont get the paper clue ....any ideas

Nope.. maybe it's telling us where to put what when openning coffin

nvm ....just needing hint to get the diamond

bruteforce?? xD

LOL me too Nini

Tried everything.. nada.. we have to see hint 1st.

well i give up ...i will consider myself out///as i have the four pieces on the coffin .....even thoug it wont OPEN....

where did you get a lighter?

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evans left side of stairs.. ting ting.. how did u get diamond? I couldn't bruteforce the code.

left side of the stairs evans

nope not working here :P

I've got diamond - don't know how :lol
first was saturn, second and third don't remember - just clicking like mad

well maybe not sun but planet :0

moon star saturn - every game different

Maybe I didn't do something.. cuz I've tried every combination already

did anyone get the diamond?

we have to click diamond Nini

your right MegiPoland
sorry about that
moon star saturn

Oh duh!

Now I got it :)

thanks for the help, placed all four, but nothing happens, anyone out?

Coffin opened!

Nini please leave a hint if you find out how to open coffin :) need to go good luck

No way to use mug more than once to get paper.

Guys when u get paper, burn it and then wet it. U'll get the "map" with the shapes scattered around the rooms. Match room pic with map shape.

2 endings: leave with spade or sword

The paper is the hint for the coffin. Each amulet corresponds to the symbol of a room. The map shows which amulet goes with which room.

Everyone is doing colored pencil games....lol

Roberto, empty the mug by "using" it on the ground.

evans do u have paper? Use lighter then use cup of water on it. U'll get squares that represent the rooms and inside those squares the shapes (clubs,diamond,spade,heart). Match every square to 1 room and then see what picture that room has.

Thanks Nini. out now!

Guess there´s a glitch in this game, cause I can´t get the paper. Tired of trying.

Roberto use mug once on sand-filled vase. Then use that sand you colected on device. After u did it, go back and use mug on vase one more time, u should get the paper

I did that but don´t see any paper.

Ok! Restarted the game and found the famous paper.

Sorry roberto then I don't know.. keep trying or restart.

Gratz :)

Obrigado Nini!

Boy, I'm so far behind still! (but trying hard to keep up lol)

Where did you guys find a thread to burn thru?

(lighter/cup(E)/red pen/painted key/burnt paper/spade/heart)

@arbeitslooser - there's a trap door in the floor of the sword room. Upper right.

im stuck with only 2 of the symbols, i wonder where the other 2 are?

What a Click Fest....out

But by trying every possible avenue!

I'm sure if we knew Japanese, it would make...

Perfect Sense!

thanks gmm

Hmmm...I wondered what do you actually need the paper clue for?

See...since you will find each playing card symbol in one of the rooms, it SHOULD be the case that you can just assign each symbol to the wall symbol of the room it was in (e. g. diamond --> sword, as the diamond was in sword room)

However, this didn't work ;)

... because the card symbols actually MUST NOT be assigned to the wall symbol of the room they were originally in. The clue makes it so that the assignments are shuffled around once more. Heheh...sneaky.

LOL, forst time out I took the shovel and left the sword. *Headslap*

In the room with clay doll (cup on wall), on the left side of wall there is actually a spot where you can pour some sand on. That is where you get the code to unlock diamond medal.

Some interesting esoterica here - the card symbols are matched (on the coffin) with the tarot card suits they originally refer to. Thus hearts = cups (water, love and all that), spades=swords (air), clubs=clubs or wands (fire) and diamonds= coins or pentacles (earth). Kinda cool, wish it was a better game but too much random guesswork. Glad for all the above help!

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