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Robamimi - One Scene Escape 5 Walkthrough

Robamimi - One Scene Escape 5

Robamimi - One Scene Escape 5 is a new Japanese point and click type room escape game by Robamimi. In this game, you have to find your way out by looking for items and some clues to solve puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Out if anyone needs help

Can't open white box on right.

just got here

Dmojo. I have four batteries, which i guess are for the camera, but i dont know how to open it. May i have a hint please.

oops...could look at the camera's bottom too. That's where the batteries go.

opened wall safe and two boxes, can't get slider puzzle or box on right, can't charge batteries or use them in camera or helicopter

Dim tiddly de dum Clio LOL

terrible sarcasm singing leroy....lol. What do i do with the camera hint?

evans, behind the suitcase on the bottom shelf is a hook, which needs to be attached to the heli's bottom. Then you can fly it to get the tool box.

evans - place helicopter (with batteries in remote control) outside after opening grate with screwdriver. Get toolbox.

got batteries and chip in and took pic of dark box, don't understand the clue though

Stuck with you evans

where did you find the chip, please evans?

and leroy....may i add a chorus to your song..it goes like this: me dum, me dum, me diddly dim dim dum.

Chip inside 500 coin. Use screwdriver.

Very slow loading here

put coin in slot and got 500 coin opened that with SD and chip was inside

anyone find something to clean side of slot with or understand camera clue or open last box?

the chip? I took a pic of the dark box, but the camera said i dont have a microSD card. Is that the chip i need to have?

Sings No load, slow load, 42% load stop refresh 44% load stop refresh refresh refresh

Now wasnt that tuneless???

got last key, reopen box on shelf using cat pics. cleaned side and now stuck with that hint.

i used the alternative link on the page. Wouldnt load for me either, leroy.

clio rose, you do need chip from inside 500 coin.

stuck with final door code. Not understanding the hints at all.

Finally started LOl

Evans, to my embarrassment...i cant find any coin.

100 coin is in box on shelf, use position of dogs on slot machine for levers.

please someone help me with door code?

Leroy, you catch up yet?

Thanks Evans.

Nearly LOL Im just looking for 2 more batteries
Got the ones from copter remote..

need to use copter to get other two. they are outside in tool box, put wire on bottom of copter first

Got em piccy time LOL

any luck with door code?

What to do with tissue to clean side of cupboard?

You have to open white box on right to get cleaner

Nvm LOL now to clean the cupboard..

Great game! Got door code?

I can give a hint if you need it.

I still cant work out the door code.

How to clean? i tried spray on stain, tissue on stain and also tried to combine tissue and spray??

For keys, right side are ones, left side are fives.

Nvm Stupid way to do things but it worked..

View tissue then use remover.

I am not understanding the maths for the door code. Does it mean that diamond shaped key is 11, 21 or 12?

So two tines on left side of key equal 10 plus one for each one on right side of key.

get 242 for door but not right

Ty Jillydoc I just saw that LOL clue was pic from dark box

Nice game.. out!

Dang, I closed the window already so I don't remember how many tines there were on each key, but if there were two tines on each side it would be 12.

@Jilly TY for key info

someone just spoil the code please????

You're welcome Leroy!


Out... Look at left of key as 5 and right of key as 1 then calculate the value of each key...
Then do the maths... Do + last..

LOL Evans 20X7+14

I didn't realize the game was live. Thought it was out early this morning and was almost done when I figured it out. lol

Thank you jillydoc. Out now. (got my left and rights mixed up....AGAIN). That was a very nice game.


You're welcome too, clio_rose! Hope evans makes it.

LOL jillydoc i spent entire game playing catchup..

one key example:

.....and yet....you still overtook me, leroy!! ..lol

Hah! That's usually how I play, only HOURS after everyone else has gone home. lol

Gee PL, I wish I knew how to do screenshots like you and edgar.

LOL Clio you assisted me by revealing where the hook was hid... TY

@jilly, if you have a PC with a newer than Vista basic operating system look for Snipping Tool.

Thanks PL. I'm a Mac girl. I'm sure there's something similar.

Hi guys, how can I open the right white box? I don't have a key for it...

Nevermind, I didn't think to check the hint inside the camera (pressing the chip button instead of Play).

Out with your help for the math in the end.

done everything with the camera..chip..batteries etc...taken cats pic and used camera on dark box....STILL dont know how to open right white box?

What a lovely game!

What a lovely game!

im not staying here all morning....no help with the right white box then...off i go

back for 1 go at the right box opening..how does the pic of the cat help u open box then?

Big J. The chip in the camera gives the pic of a cat. Line up the levers on the box again, using the cat postions on the machine, after youve used the coin on machine. That gives the key for the right box. (hope im remembering correctly)

clio_rose..at last..thanks a lot for that

help .... where and how do I get that camera everyone is talking about?

never mind POP :)

out, great game.

What camera?

What a "low" door code. But it's possible a derivative of Murphy's law that this puppy cost me 4 tries to get the right code. D'oh.

Fantastic game, as usual.

i couldn't get into game. all i saw was a white screen
went to alternative site link on that page and finally got in

hope someone does a walkthrough
don't see clue for cat and levers on camera and chip
don't see how anyone figured out to have the left tines equal 5 and right tines equal 1, maybe a guess which is okay
can't find other batteries still
so i will come back later
got so far so sad

what was the point of the helicopter & camera?
all i could do is get the batteries from the helicopter and put the micro chip in the camera
i used the number sequence you used to unlock door but never used batteries, camera or helicopter.....


I can't play the game. I only see a white screen where the game should be.
Anyone else have the same problem?

Thanks Robamimi - great game!! (wasted a lot of time trying to get just 2 batteries in the camera)

wow had to replay to finally find the hook behind the suitcase!
now i understand the rest of the clues
camera i think is in the suitcase

Can somebody help me please?

Had trouble loading the game too, managed to get it done after a few attempts.

1. Refresh the browser a couple of times if needed.
2. Try opening the page using a different browser.
3. Clear cache if it's not loading. Search the internet on how to clear cache for each browser.


Click left of slot machine and pick up screwdriver , note stain on side of machine.
Use SD on vent and get key 1. Use key 1 on suitcase and get helicopter and remote. There are batteries in the remote but don’t take them yet. Close lid of case and click above case, get hook. Use hook on helicopter.
Use helicopter/remote on open vent; helicopter will bring toolbox, get batteries. Now remove the batteries from the remote so you have 4.
Click on tissue box and take tissue. Continue to click on tissues and note the color pattern (white and pink between the blue).
Click on lever box and see lion card – check the positions of the lion on the slot machine and open the lever box for coin 100.
Open the white/pink button box for key 2.
Use key 2 on left white box for camera.
Use coin 100 on slot machine and get coin 500. Use SD on coin 500 and get microchip.
About item camera. Microchip goes in slot on side and batteries go in the bottom. Use camera on hole in box on floor. About item the camera again and click both play and microchip buttons. One gives you the clue for the key puzzle and the other shows the slot machine cat.
Go back to the slot machine and note the positions of the cats, use on lever box for key 3.
Use key 3 on right white box for nail polish remover. Use polish remover on tissue, use tissue on stain on side of slot machine for key clue.
Examine your keys and use the 2 key clues to get code for door.

Lever box Lion: TMMBM
Lever box Cat: TTTBM
Pink/white button box: WWPWPWWW
Key code: a bar on the right side = 1, a bar on the left side. So the equation is 20 X 7 + 14 = 154

Click "Play This Game"
Scroll down on newly opened page to
"Alternative Site" the game loads faster there

Zoom vent near floor, see a key outside.. need SD

Zoom Slot Machine, notice something at left behind it...Yea! Take SD!
Notice the side of machine need cleaning

Go to vent, use SD and get key

Use key on the suitcase on floor, get remote controlled helicopter, check it out and see it has a place on the bottom....for what? See you can remove the batteries but leave them in for now

A HINT BUTTON is always here on these games...if you use it now, it will tell you to "Search The Bag"
Assuming the bag is the suitcase, click all around until you find a Hook!

Attach the hook to helicopter and let's find something to get ...Look out the door glass and see a basket...looks good! Zoom the hole, USE helicopter there and watch it go!!!
Take batteries from Basket

Well, now we need to look at all the other items in the room

Tissue Box, take a tissue...take some more...hmmmm, they are different colors, this could be a clue

Zoom box to the left, use clue, get Key

Use Key on Box with same design for a camera
Inspect camera's many views and see that it needs batteries...the 2 you have is not enough, but...there are 2 more somewhere...

Open Remote and take batteries, Put all 4 into camera...It works! But there is nothing to see...let's take a picture!

Keep trying to use it on many things...until, you see a dark place in a box....It worked, now, see what it took a photo of! Press PLAY for a clue
Guess we don't need that now, we should do some more inspecting...

Hmmm, Slot Machine needs money, we shall find some
Maybe the figures are a clue for something

What is that box next to the Tissues?
Click right of it and see a pic of a lion
I just saw that lion....lol...use the positions to open it for a coin

Use coin in Slot, Push Start...Yea I Won!
Take Coin, notice a slot, will it open?
Use SD on it for a Micro sd for the camera

Put in camera and see a pic of a cat....
Well, I guess that box has something else in it
Go and get another key!

Open corresponding box for some Nail Polish Remover
OK...Maybe it will remove the marks from the side of machine
As all of us who polish our nails know, Leroy, You put the remover on the tissue, then use it! LOL

Look! A clue with the key tops to go with the clue with the key bottoms!

Let's go back to the camera to refresh....
a piece to the left is worth 5, a piece to the right is worth 1
Let's do this amazingly simple math...lol

20 X 7 + 14

Use it on the door, Click handle


What is rare, is beautiful.

This one is very hard!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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