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Chess Player's Room Escape Walkthrough

Chess Player's Room Escape

Gamershood - Chess Player's Room Escape is another point and click type escape game developed by Gamershood. Your goal is to gather items and solve different puzzles to get out of the room. Good luck and have fun!

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Let's test it :-)

where are numbers for green drawer?

Stuck on the orange key puzzle. I've tried every combination

@tara: you have to use UV lamp on those stars

Out.. harder than normal :-)

the number for the green drawer are on the stereo. when clicking a number, certain colors appear.

Where ist the hint for the rook ?!

Can´t find the last piece of paper hint

you will get three pieces of paper that together make up the color code for the rook. You have to solve all of the key puzzles.

Thanks, i for the hints and out!!!

zhx !!!

and out

I'm having trouble finding the other clue for the red key puzzle...help would be appreciated

@clsanders look a bit closer at the chess pieces

I'm stuck on the yellow stars. cant get the uv light to work. what am i doing wrong?

is there 2 clues on there??? that is the one clue I have found...lol

I just used my uv light on the side of the green ottoman and it worked, the correct ones light up.

POP got it lol

note that some of the squares are blank, so the one clue is all you need to solve it

Got through it all except orange.Thank @Urban for telling me my lighter was a UV lamp!

OHHHHH *blushes* thank you Sue

       Anonymous  1/18/13, 8:15 AM  

I must be blind but I'm missing the pink clue.

@Matt click on the purple wall above the yellow ottoman insert code for clue

       Anonymous  1/18/13, 8:20 AM  

Got it thanks!

Where is a clue for violet drawer? Please help

never mind, found it

Where is the clue for the number on purple wall above plant?

@ Jennifer I'm missing it too. Find it?

What is the clue for yellow key?

for the yellow key . take the time displayed on the clock.. which is 1234 and enter it on the big chest that is on the floor. it will give you the word gold which is what you enter on the cabnet for the yellow key answer.

Hello everyone! Can anyone tell me how do I get the orange key? I suppose is the one that appears as a shadow...Pleeeeeeaaaaase :)

TY, I forgotten this word

I can't find the clue for the purple key nor the one on the violet wall. Some help please?

Out... holy cow, they actually changed the game and made it better!

I saw the clue for the pink puzzle earlier but now that I have the key, I can't find the clue....help! LOL

A little harder than usual. Nice.

Found it. I had to put the number into the wall before I got the clue for the pink puzzle.

Where, oh, where is the number for the purple wall panel?

       Anonymous  1/18/13, 10:41 AM  

The number for the purple wall panel >>> click the base of the three-tiered chess table.

the number for the purple wall is at the base of the three tier chess game. click low at the base

Multi-level chessboard and purple wall # are nods to Star Trek (Enterprise call numbers are NCC-1701).

Finally they changed some puzzles, lol, nice game!!!

sugarkathy, for orange key, in the door scene click on the sofa between the tree branches

@Paula Regina I see the shadow of the key, but I can't get it...Any solution for that? Thank you anyway :-)

wow - that was a good challenge!

Sugarkathy - you need the knife for the shadow key - that comes from solving one of the other key puzzles first.

logged on after I got home from work - a Gamershood & 2 Self Defiants - bliss!

       Anonymous  1/18/13, 8:37 PM  

Been skipping some of the games as they get too repetitive. Saw higher rating on this one and gave it a try. Very nice to have a change. good game. ty

red puzzle: (key in opening scene chess board)
opening scene left chess pieces, blank should be left blank (took me a while);

green puzzle: (key on table right of the door)
press the buttons on the music system in opening scene and note the numbers and colors;

blue puzzle: (key in the plantpot beside white arm chair in yellow round seat scene)
put the iron (near the yellow round seat) on the paper on big sofa for clue;

yellow puzzle: (key beside the laptop, use glue remover)
put the clock time in the chest of door scene and get the word clue;

orange puzzle: (key in the arm of the big sofa, use knife)
use the UV light on the star marks beside the sofa in the big chess pieces scene;

pink puzzle: (key behind the plantpot in the big chess pieces scene)
get number from the chess holders from the opening scene (click on the yellow part) and use it on the purple wall beside the white-flower pot; upper hint for the upper puzzle and lower line for lower puzzle;

join the three puzzle pieces and use them on the rook in the big chess pieces scene and get key...happy escape...

@Luin -
Wow - I did the same thing!! I saw all the stars rating this a good game and after skipping some other gamershood games played this one to find out that the puzzles had changed and are now different and more challenging!
This was fun!

       Anonymous  1/20/13, 2:45 PM  

Pink Ket, The dot puzzie won't work for me. I have:
Med Lrg Med
Med Lrg Sm

What am I doing wrong?

@gayle - you are doing right if you are selecting columnwise; 1st column select med, 2nd column select large, 3rd column select med; same with the second slot...if you are doing like this and still it is not working then no idea....coz, this worked for me...

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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