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Happy New Year 2013 Escape - Snake Year Walkthrough

Happy New Year 2013 Escape - Snake Year

Happy New Year 2013 Escape - Snake Year is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from 10colordots. Try to escape this place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


Anyone here? Looking for yellow and pink #s.

Got it.

Is this still live?

I got past the first puzzle (look back at fence), but I'm stuck on yellow and pink numbers. I see 1 yellow kite with 6 corners, and 3 pink kites with 4 corners each, but I'm not getting anywhere with those numbers

POP! Two pinks because it's a 2-digit number!

In and out.

Okay I got the yellow-pink code (number of corners on kites), now I'm trying to figure out a color code that's greater than zero, but isn't 2013 apparently


Just1, yes it is 2013


Oh, in numerical order. Now I get the clue. Thanks Gazoline

0< is a clue to order the numbers smallest to largest: 0123

...and out

Don't understand fence puzzle.

CCJohn, there are 4 cercles on the ground with an arrow ;)

Spoiler for final code

S(b) E(y) NE(r) NW(g)

In and out.

First puzzle think 1 2 3 4 5 look on fence for the order 1st 2nd or third . Good little game . wish I knew what it was telling me

cute and easy (and logic)...

       Anonymous  1/7/13, 1:58 AM  

Hint through

To start the game, click the green writing.

Tun left. There's a blue dot on the ground, but you can't do anything with it. Go left again. Your path is blocked by a hole in the ground. Note that there are some pink kites flying. Best turn around and see what you had missed.

You see a box on the wall which has to be examined. It has three buttons along with an OK button. There's also an odd graphic next to it. You need a clue for this!

Continue back. You find another box on the wall which hasn't opened. Keep this in mind for later.

Further back your path is blocked by a fence. The palings are firmly nailed. You notice that some of the nails are shiny while others are dark. Count the dark ones and note their location. You should now be ready to solve the first puzzle.

After you have correctly entered the code you can procede. You see a yellow dot on the ground that does nothing. You also find your path has been blocked with steel bars. Turn around and start heading back. You'll see that there is another kite you didn't see before. It is yellow. Continue back to the box that wasn't open.

The box is now open and wants a yellow number and two pink ones. Yellow and pink, just like the kites! I hope you remembered to count how many corners they had.

Once you have solved this, you can procede past the steel bars only to find another weird puzzle which wants a colour code. Head back to the bars and notice that one of them is diamond shaped rather than round. Click on it and find a note. The note contains a colour code! Sadly this will not work. There is another clue (0<). This tells you to reorder the numbers from lowest to highest.

Once through, proceed to the next wall. This contains four colour dots with direction pointers. Go back to the coloured dots and compare the pointers to the compass. Once you have worked out which direction each point, you will be able to proceed.

No more puzzles, you've escaped!

Very nice! It took me a while to get started, but out without peeking! YEA!

Great Walkhrough, @rimfire!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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