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Josh Tam Mysteries G2 - Ester Island Walkthrough

Josh Tam Mysteries G2 - Ester Island

Josh Tam Mysteries G2 - Ester Island is another point and click adventure game developed by Tamugaia. Josh Tam sets out on a journey to investigate the mysteries at Easter Island and to search for the lost child of his client Mrs. Flores. But a mystic adventure full of puzzles and riddles await him and his gang! Good luck and have fun!

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I kept clicking through the dialogue, waiting for the game to start properly, but it seems like that all the way through.

Have grass, knife, stone, rope, water bottle. Can put grass and stone on stone slab, but stuck. Could go down the cliff but found nothing.

I am at the same place......stuck.

I found 3 stone slabs....

I`m stuck inside a cave trying to solve a puzzle.

Me too Roberto, the different buttons....

B is the clue for 3 buttons. I`m stuck inside D.

Puzzle inD makes no sense to me.

Stuck with 8 buttons....

Me too Zazie. Don´t understand the drawings on the walls.

After click a lot on that 8 buttons puzzle found a blue stone in C

How Roberto ?

Found Erico and out!

I clicked ramdomly on those buttons and found a blue and a red stone on C. Used them on B and out.

No stones for me, did so see any changes when you pushed the red and blue buttons ?

No changes. sorry!

I have the blue stone but still no red one :(

I am out too.

The stones were :
Blue : circle, small triangle, square, circle
Red : circle, square, big triangle, small triangle.

It loads a long time...

It loads a long time...

How did you all get to a cave?

Nevermind, I was missing the water. Kept trying to put it in the water bottle, but apparently a bowl magically appeared.

Put rock on brown stone, water on blue stone, and grass on green stone.

Too much dialogue and no clues for how to do anything. Just trial and error.

in some ways the game wasn't too bad. It was different from than the norm. The clues were a little bit thin. Some of the dialogue was funny. Over all, 1 to 10, I'd rate a 5 for effort and different pace.

have bottle, where is water for blue stone?

stuck in cave, find nothing happens with red and blue buttons

for blue stone it is triangle, dash, square circle.

Where is the Cave ?? I placed grass and stone ,have Water bottle cant`t place it. where is the bowl with water?? Please help.

Found it.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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