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Party Room Escape Walkthrough

Party Room Escape

Mougle - Party Room Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Mougle. In this game, you are locked in a party room and you try to escape the party room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Good luck and have fun...

??? Found some stuff, did some things and suddenly out??

Yes. You can take a key and leave. I don't want to play again to find out where to put all that stuff.

Hmmm is red thing a glasscutter?

But I forgot to wish everyone a Happy New Year! :-D

Yes it is LOL

well did lots of things and had 2green 4 red cubes and then left.... I assume I have to find red ball to open drawer but I got bored... Wondr what the blue design is for?

Ooops! Out without any idea how! Accidently I got a key behind TV, tried it on every keyhole in the room. At last I tried the door -->out!

Nice try!

You can fill the bucket with water and put the cubes(4 red and 2 green) in to see circles on

I have a blue one not used

* 3 green

blue cube (found on pic) goes on drawer but missed a red

cube with circles go under tv on blue design but ????

found orange ball on tree

orange ball goes on drawer near blue cube

for 3rd green cube, return examine bucket

in drawer 2 grenn cubes, put in water and on blue design
but bug, because a green cube disappears in bucket :(
I suppose the cubes should write 2013

Strange random game.

Some of the cubes go on the pattern left when the TV is off the wall, after they've been dunked in the barrel of water - why any of this happens I don't know!

I am confused.

Found 1 key in lamp. 1 appeared when I was clicking about on the blue design. Put orange? ball from tree and blue cube in drawer and opened for cube. Got cube from medicine cabinet and pic ? above and to right I think. I removed face of clock and got a cube I think. Anyway, I had 4 red and 4 green cubes. After dropping in bucket of water green cubes were maked with 2,0,0,3 and red 0, and 3 balls. I dragged them to blue design and they seemed to place themselves in order :
@ 0 (red 0)
@ 0
2 @ 0 3

I still have unused key and haven't tried on door because I didn't want to get booted before exploring, but now I am at a loss. the blue screen is not responsive and I find nothing else I can do. What am I missing?

I LOVE Escape games. Addicted to them.
But Mougle... no thanks.
Reading the comments, made the right call.

Happy 2013 everyone!!!

Found 3 squares, key, out? Boring.

I picked up a key at frame Ago television, clicking madly and out


and out

DO NOT click on the picture ago tv until you have all the cubes, if not, get the key output

What the...? Found a couple keys, 2 cubes and out. This game not ready for release.

Weird key in tv ?_? that wasn't suppost to happen? Agree with PapaVee the game isn't ready yet for release. #fail

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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