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Red Eye Mystery Escape Walkthrough

Red Eye Mystery Escape

[REPLAY] Red Eye Mystery Escape is another point and click type escape game developed by Abroy. Try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Use 4# code from behind pic for shapes.

Axe is use below PC.

First row of sudoku:

And out...

can't find the octo piece

thanks for the clue to the shapes puzzle zazie!

can't get the top right puzzle - the four blue circles

am assuming the blue circles puzzle will give a tool for nails under the table and last hexagon piece.....

brute forced it - can't find the clue anywhere!

last piece and out

Clue for upper right circles (brown, not blue) is on the table right of door (there's an upper view and a lower view in that corner)

clue for blue circles are the vases on the floor below the red and yellow eye

I like these a good time waster for me :-) Thanks Abroy

thanks LNS - for some reason I missed that hotspot!!!

Still not seeing the octagonal piece.. Is there something to do with the red and yellow eye painting? Don't see any hotspots..

Nevermind.. I was mistaken. The octagonal piece is a lie. Just needed to find the puzzle.

The number behind the picture indicates how many sides the shapes have ie. triangle=3 hexagonal = 8 etc.

Ben and Philomena the octagonal shape is under the plant

A few hints which took me a while to figure out: You don't need any keys for the six "keyholes" in the large cabinet - I didn't even click on them in the beginning, just spent time looking for keys! Just click them...
Once you have collected all the pieces of puzzle, you find the puzzle where they go by clicking the keyhole of the door ;o)

Enjoyed this.

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Im sorry I need the one for the bars, cant seem to get it Is it the bars under those plants, if so Med Large sml smlest cant get it help please

I got out without the black bars...use pincers on nails in the bottom corner with all the wood for last puzzle piece

sherry12-the brown vases are the clue. for the bars

I need help with the Sudoko puzzle please

Excellent I enjoyed this

@ellen, I tried the brown vases too I cant get it. Can you please tell me, and Caroling I already used the pincers on the nail, Im still shy one

NVM @ellen I tried again and I got it.this time, I was looking at the wrong ones Thanks so much for your help, I finally made it. It was a good game, but for me, I think I was a little blonde Thanks you

missing second hexagonal piece (not the one from the pincers...)

Sorry... I cant foud axe :(

Axe will be given at the shape puzzle.
(the 3rd in upper row)

sudoko puzzle:

Nice game :D

@fanfan theres a hexagonal piece under the plant next to the wardrobe. Is that the one you're looking for?

Where is the hint for the black bars puzzle (top row, second from left) please?

POP! It's the brown vases...

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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