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Egyptian Queen Escape Walkthrough

Egyptian Queen Escape

123Bee - Egyptian Queen Escape is another new point and click type escape the room game by 123 Bee. Your lover is trapped in the one of the old Egyptian palaces and you will have to escape from the palace by finding objects, hints and using them accordingly to escape! Good luck and have fun!

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going in

1st bug: mute button doesn't work...

This is a bit different.

My mute button works.

Found a spanner/key for the complicated-looking lock.

there is a key behind the picture at the right of the main door

Found a key, candle and now knife.

Oh no can't do slider puzzles


I think it is a hammer not a key...

I did the slider, but don't know what happened...

Where is slider ?

I have hammer and key, but don't know where to use them. tried to smash the vases, but that's apparently wrong...

POP found it..

slider right of corridor with vases

Amazing i done it but still don't know what it does

use key on the box left of the main entrance
use hamer on beagles later together with the basket

Hope there is only one slider puzzle in this game !

where did you use the hammer Zazie

thanks @eppie12! completely missed that view

Can't do that kind of slider...

got bucket, 2 tourches and skull with fire os somthing and a hammer dont know what to do next

Did also slider, it says Feb-14

Oh no a slider puzzle :(

I did not use the hammer yet and where is the key ?

put tourches in the hands at the main entrance

Found key behind right picture, opened first chest to the left for sword.

Put sword in door for another sword for other door, got new key and a lit torch.

my key won't open any chests... I can zoom in on the first left chest and the middle right chest but the key doesn't open either

and out, ty eppie 12, tried that without zooming now it worked

Light torches with candle.

Where is the hammer ? Got 2 torches, lit skull, bucket and rusty key (used 2 others on the boxes).

Found key in main entrance in the little picture on the right

Both keys worked on these chests Jo-Ann.

Oh, oh, rusty key is the hammer....

emmes it is a hammer not key

what to do after catching and smashing the crabs/bugs?

do I need to light the torches with the candles before opening chests?

Used bucket and hammer on bugs now what ?

No Jo-Ann

@Jo-Ann: no.

POP! pixel-hunt for crab/bug.

good question zazie

ok, I have key, skull with candle and a basket. Found two chests that are locked but key doesn't work in either.

I did solve the slider *pats self on back*

were is the hammer pls?

after you smashed the bug with hammer, pick it up (pixel-hung in zoomed view)

@Amber: hammer in corridor with vases (left side)

Jo-Ann, the hammer looks like a (rusty)key. The keys for the chests are golden, you have to drag them to the chests in zoomed view. After that click top of chests, they will open. Which bugs to use the bucket and hammer on ?

This is bad !! I finally got this damn bug, do not activate the back button, the pixel is just above a little.

Thx @casual. That room is way too dark for my monitor but I'll find it!

I am out too...

gun and puzzle piece from room with slider (place bug). don't know what to do next.

POP! puzzle piece on slider

After putting the two torches in the hands of statue light them and the door will open, the bugs are there on the bottom.

shoot, take 3 bugs and place them on left door in main entrance. out.

Doh, was using the hammer as a key.... sorry but it looks like a key. Could the game maker not find a better graphic?

I was so desperate for a live game I decided to play a 123 bee game. I usually avoid them like the plague

thx Zazie.

And out good game

Honestly can not find the right pixel to use the 'hammer' that looks like a key

will not finish this game. In my opinion, a terrible game.

Yes way too much pixelhunt !

thanks everyone for the final bugs and pixels


-take the spanner key from bottom (little left);
-use it on the door;
-inside take the skull with candle;
-click on the right skull picture beside the big statue; take the key;
-go left; use the key on 1st box from left for the knife;
-go right twice; take the hammer from floor (bottom-left);
-put the knife on the door to open it (put it and click again) and get another knife;
-go left 3 times; take one bucket;
-zoom the door on left, put the knife and take a lit torch and a key;
-go right; use the key on the middle box on right and get another lit torch;
-go right; zoom the big statue, put the torches on it hands and lit them with the skull candle...BANG...some bugs (beetle) will come out; put the bucket on them, one will come alone, use hammer on it and take it;
-go right twice; zoom on the 4-bugs (left); put the hammered bug in the black bug hole (left in zoomed vision); click on the bugs' panel and get a gun and a puzzle piece;
-zoom on the puzzle FEB14; make it properly and add the last puzzle piece there to open a door in that room;
-see the girl-friend is stuck there with many bugs; shot the things on both sides of the girl that is tying her; she will fly; note your gun hurt 3 bugs;
-come back to the room with giant statue; zoom the left door; put three wounded bugs there and open the door for happy ending...:)

slider = automatic 1 star

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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