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Front Room Escape Walkthrough

Front Room Escape

Gazzyboy - Front Room Escape is another new point and click type room escape game from Gazzy Boy. In this game, you got locked inside the house. Your objective is to escape from the house. Good luck and have fun!

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2 crown symbols put into drawer and stuck with an empty inventory.

Nobody playing ?

hi zazie! have one symbol - and need an eye test!

Third crown from number drawer...

also have a blank paper - 2 bits taped with selloptape

Lol, where did your symbol come from ?

Put paper over lighted lamp and put number on clock

used the numbers from the calendar for 4 digit code

And out after using key.

what lighted lamp?

One of the table lamps has a switch.

Ok found the lamp

out now!

could they make those numbers any smaller!
nice playing with you!

Thank you, there are two other games out but i have to go now :( Have fun...

wow, not so helpful guys again! I have one crown symbol from drawer, where did you get all the rest of the stuff?

Typically terrible Gazzyboy. Random clickfest. Don't waste your time.

need the second half of the paper. anyone still here?

there was a paper under the table cloth

and a symbol in the left hand speaker

I think there was another in the books - or maybe that was the tape - don't have the heart to play again! or the eyesight!

Third symbol from changing clock to the time on the paper.

You don't need the number codes or the keys that it looks like you need.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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