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Red VIP Bedroom Escape Walkthrough

Red VIP Bedroom Escape

EGL - Red VIP Bedroom Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by EscapeGamesLand. In this game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Looking for the place to use the SD...anyone here?

OK...white cube goes on the guitar....use SD there for a triangle

And...that thing on the window sill was the pulley for the zipper on red bean bag chair....LOL It could have been anything!

VCR and computer give angles clue

The left TV clue is used from top to bottom

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       Anonymous  3/20/13, 10:29 PM  

Hint on 4 digit code?

laker ,count blocks on left tv

laker ,count blocks on left tv

So I'm seeing people talking about the blocks on the left TV (when using the 3D glasses after turning it on) being used for the 4-digit code. But that drawer requires a square. No one has mentioned the square.

Does anyone know where it is? Because I can't find it, no one has talked about it, and the code doesn't do anything without it, apparently.

I don't know how to solve the other two drawers, but those shapes are already there. So I'm stuck without a hint.

@ DanManX
I think it was in the top drawer or middle one.

to get the square no one mentioned lol
you have to type a word in middle drawer
what is on the sword
this gives you usb for computer
which gives you the angle hint
get key and out...x

typing word on second drawer nothing happens

Aha got it and out thanks for the help DanMax

thanks for the zipper pull @nokra!

and out essy

and out essy

So easy! :D

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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