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Silk Road Escape Walkthrough

Silk Road Escape

Silkroad Escape is another point and click type room escape games by Ethnix Inc. Try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Three new games, a decision had to be made. Hope it is the right one...

Graphics are nice, hope there is no language barrier.

Oh noes, book on bookcase with loads of japanese signs in it. LB seems to be ahead...

Stuck with another hint paper in japanese. Think I'll quit. Good luck to the ones that come after me...

have cd (can't make cd player accept it), leaf (can't wet it), red stick think, cog, note in japanese and no clue what to do with anything.

and string ....

red stick goes left of cb with light on - can now take light

cog goes on underside of light - why??? can take it back also

starshape on floor has small to large triangles, but still can't make it work

am feeling very alone

took cog back from light and can now attach string

use to pull key from vase

put string on cog and use it for key from fishbowl. cd goes under large wardrobe on side of red,yellow,blue buttons, have to tape it first.
key opens desk drawer, click back again for clue for colors.

key opens desk drawer for flashlight and colour clue. Flashlight under sofa gets tape

get cog back from string, turn lamp over and place cog there. Don't know why or what it did

tape cd together

cd goes in box under purple cb - now need shape clues

Oh, this thing did spring into life. Great. I'm joining. (Luckily I've saved the game...)

shapes must come from cd player buttons but can't figure out which ones

yeap need to know the shape clue

can change amt of colors but no idea why or what to put.

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there is a yellow moon (pointingh right), on the paper found in the fish bowl, there is another one yellow but on blu cover of book on tha shelf where you find cd

also yellow moon on tap below color spouts.
tried all kinds of signs from CD player on buttons. no luck so far

I opened it (BF)!!! play, pause, circle (or the one after the circle) no idea why though...

TX OOGGRR (seem to saying that a lot today)

I managed to put some water into my beaker from tap but its gone now - what did I water?

Thanks OOGGRR!

to put the water you set some amounts on the color taps it goes inside the bottle but guess we gotta figure out right amounts of colored liquid

guess we should be translating some japanese

didn't see the switch on the side of the filing cabinet in purple cb - now further colour clue

I did that too, fudge, Think I watered the leaf, but nothing happened.

dresser inside cabinet has switch on left. opens middle drawer. some kind of color puzzle, I can't figure it out.

fudge, it is not a clue, but a panel where the colors can be set.

what colour is "L"? in GORL


lilac - i think???

no idea what to do next. need someone to translate "moon" book for us.

must dash - I am sure someone will figure it out

but if gorl is green orange red purple\lilac, how do we choose colors on the board

still don't know why I have cog on bottom of lamp either or what lamp is for?

Hm, a little thing I've found out: the water can be dumped in the bottle below the taps.

But for the colors and the GORL-thing: nada!

Gotta go, good luck to you!

Because of the 2 fixed colours - I suggest top row across - should be green, down to lical on bottom row - but fear we miss something or is the blank square really just a switch?

can someone do a walkthru plz i must be thick not getting very far

sorry guys, I have to give up. Good luck

anybody didn't translate a note and the book? it is a pity...

I tried drawing some of the characters into a Kanji translator, but didn't get anywhere with it. It plays like a Gotmail game and it'd be great to know what the moon note says. Paging Japanese readers, please help!

I didn't get the paints mixing right but I translated the note (every sentence has a color of the rainbow):

神から与えられた青 Blue
満ち足りた黄 Yellow
恋情幻想の赤 Red
太鼓持ちの緑 Green
宿酔いの藍 Indigo
新人の橙 Orange
人獣山雨の紫 Purple

I assumed that the note was giving the order for the mixing... and that the book would show how many mls to put of every color.. (as there're 7 "days" with a descryption in katakana - 1 for every color maybe?)
I tried to combine both note and book in the order given.. example:
1st is blue and the 1st day with a katakana descryption is day 2, so blue= 2ml... but nada..

Here's the book writings for anyone who wants to try decoding it:

2:二日月・既朔 (キサク)
14:十四日月・小望月 (コモチ)
16:十六夜・既望 (キボウ)
17:十七日月・立待月 (タチマチ)
18:十八日月・居待月 (イネマチ)
19:十九日月・寝待月 (ネマチ)
20:二十日月・更待月 (フケマチ)

Nini, you rock! Thanks, will start playing this again!

According to google this is
1: New Moon
2: the sun and the moon · both Shuo (キ サ ku)
3: the sun and the moon
· 7: the 7th winding
13: Thirteen sun and the moon
14: 14 Sun and Moon · Mochizuki (U-holds チ)
15: 満 months and 15 night
16: 16 nights · both look (キ ボ ウ)
17: 17 the sun and the moon Tachimachi month (the Tatari チ ma チ)
18: 18 sun and the moon · Habitat be on (イ ネ マ チ)
19: 19 the sun and the moon, sleep to be months (ne ma チ)
20: Twenty sun and the moon more to be the month (フ ケ マ チ)
23: twenty-three, the sun and the moon · bottom chord

Well Andrea.. I don't know what else to think....
Tried lots of combinations but had zero success!
Can't find any relation between the lunar phase and the rainbow colors...(Aside from what I described in the post above)

Oh and I found this website as well, maybe it helps :)


I put my CD inside flashlight.

red blue------
------- blue blue
------- yellow yellow
red red-----
colors on a rainbow if you understand

@ Angelika

Thanks that gave me a doll that from his head gave a key to the water cabinet but the inside has me baffled now can't pick up the thing in drawer . This game does lots lol

small lamp on a sofa, a chandelier on a floor

What is that brown thing on the sofa? I don't think it was on it before , My lamp won't go on sofa

Ohhhhh flashlight on sofa ;)

excuse, this is the translator translates, and I don't know English....
and further to me not to solve a code

Angelika :-)

You're doing fantastic , wish I could read your mind a little , I'll keep trying things and let you know

new game?

whoo, still nobody out after 2 days?

BTW, Andrea...
It plays like a Gotmail game

Interesting you were the only one to notice that. Plus, the valves are EXACTLY same design as in the 'Little Hero' game recently published. Moreover, the arrows are same shape as well (introduction).

anyone still here?
hard to play and finally get up to the STAR part...
and then stuck



Seems all related to Gotmail~

HEHE, good investigation Lottie! :)

Yes I'm still here, but I'm way behind you guys.

If the "flashlight" is the big thing with the stout grip, I can't get it switched on.
How did you manage that?!

with help from A' san in a Japanese Escape Discussion board


However, you don't give me the impression that you really intend to let us know how too...

all you left here was a "out with help from XYZ". Amazing team spirit, I must say.

actually I'm still dealing with the replaying process...And I stuck at the colorful solution LOL

Hungry, have dinner and back soon.

@everybody else

Solved my "problem" in the meantime. There are MULTIPLE ways to "look under sofa". The tape is under the leftmost sofa. No wonder that I turned the flashlight around and around looking for some hotspot to flip it (to put batteries in or summin' ;))

@Lottie well OK, then have a good one! =D I know the situation that the brain will sooner or later run on 'Reserve' if there's no food coming ;) It may even make you feel dizzy then...

Back to the game for me...

BTW, if you ever watched a CD emitting light on a bright summer day, you will know why it makes sense to put the CD in the flashlight!

It will turn the flashlight into a "rainbow maker". That's what has to be done here :)

Ohhh SNEAKY hotspot!! When you zoom on the lamp, there's another hotspot that shows the power outlet. The lamp has to be plugged in first, or you need to find an extension cord.

Where is the outlet or the extension cord ? My lamp is standing in front of sofa.

Zazie insert the tube rack and place it before bed

Zazie: the "lamp" I referred to was the lamp on the cabinet, next to the fat vase (or fish bowl, if you insist)

BTW can anyone please describe me EXACTLY where to use the red bar?
The explanations above did not help me at all TBH.

I used red stick to push red cb and release lamp. Is it? I`m stuck after place lamp in front of couch.
tygrys comment at 5:52 (insert the tube rack and place it before bed) is confuse to me.

The drawer I opened using key from doll´s head has a yellow box with a white thing inside, but can´t do anything with it or pick it up.

tygrys comment at 5:52 (insert the tube rack and place it before bed) is confuse to me.

Totally. Maybe referring to another game. We've got a sofa here, no "bed" (though it may be used as a bed ;))

Can't take white thing either.

What "red cupboard" do you mean?

Right side view where you can see outlet. There´s a hole in red cb.

YESSS! Thank you so much. Glad you came, because I think 90% of the previous comments were only barely helpful.

You don't push the cb sideways, but TOWARDS YOU!!
And you do that by jamming the bar in between the gap NEXT (!) to the outlet and the cupboard.

arbeitslooser I'm sorry to English

red cabinet


tygrys thanks, got it now. :)

Hope you can tell me now next step after place lamp on floor. ( in retribution) :D.
Angelika mentioned a chandelier on floor. Where?
Maybe chandelier=lamp?

If you need
some explanations have been added...

I have the lamp placed but how to light it ? I don´t have any cable and the red tube is between cb and wall since an eternity...

Finally out, with the help of WT, Thx Lottie !

Thx Lottie!

神=かみ み=3

For that OMG color code
Update a bit in YT annotation as well

Thank you Lottie.

You people are amazing. I looked up some stuff last night and noticed this game is a Droid app also.

GEEEZ, oh so complicated!

But well-mastered, my deepest respect.

IDAC has been making Android games for a while now, maybe 1.5 years? They ported a bunch of their older flash games at first, and now they're releasing new ones sometimes strictly for mobile, sometimes both Flash and mobile platforms. Sometimes free, mostly paid.

@Andrea There's also one (recent) for Android by Tesshi-e which was never converted for PC.

Ooooh, I'd download a tesshi-e. this game didn't say idac, but ethnix. i had no idea it was connected to idac/gotmail.

@c-moon FYI, I think Tesshi's Android game was called "Mr. Birdy's clock" or something...

Got it, thanks @arbeitslooser! And it's free, unlike idac/ethnix. I liked this game a lot, but I could never have played it without everyone else's legwork. I'd have been disappointed to have paid for it as a phone app.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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