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B-Sensor 2 Escape Walkthrough

B-Sensor 2 Escape

Hilgreed - B-Censor 2 Escape is another point and click type room escape game developed by Hilgreed. In this game, you must find some items and solve puzzles to escape the room. Currently, there is no English version of the game. Good luck and have fun!

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B-Sensor 2 Escape Video Walkthrough

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Language barrier, but still trying

Find remote to left of calendar by TV

not sure this was posted or not before but let me know if it was posted.

I just closed the game! LMAO...when I went to open eg24...I missed and closed the browser...LOL
Where did you put the numbers, PL?

Red book behind sauna, right side

Numbers go onto the remote itself

Dang! And playing that minesweeper was sooooo annoying... No, I had not saved the game either! LOl

OK! and there is the other place for the ladder....

use step stool on right of sauna where book was to get yellow ball off top. Also use on same marks on cb below tv to get blue note

meant blue box above tv

Yellow ball!

Toss can out windo to get blue ball tossed at you... find it on floor by black door

I have to do the game before the numbers show on the remote, right?

Yes minesweeper on tv to get numbers then remote will be used
I swear I MUST learn Japanese!

What a wonderful Monday!

not sure I'm up for the minesweeper now. Just finished Detarou, so I may leave this one for tomorrow!

Any luck with the box yet? I think I am caught up...

Literal translation for headings in read book
Mini Sauna and Mini Sauna

There are temps 60 and 90 in the book ...we can't do 90 yet, do we need a key then?
The paper seems to say how to unlock, or something ....

The Minesweeper style game is not about getting it right.. more about just exposing all the bombs

Hi @andrea! help! LOL
@zoz...please don't go!

I think the LED are on the panel left of the door

Yes, looks like that, PL...but what does it say about it? lol
Where are the translators???

That is it for me....Thanks for getting me that far, PL...Manana!

Seriously the 2nd line of the note says (literal translation) HIPPO O PUNG
Bad spelling of Hippo Open? I used a Japanese keyboard to get that

http://www.branah.com/japanese and Google translate are to blame LOL

I think the calendar can be translated using the keyboard by the door and the clue from the white on blue picture on the wall. I think the picture is "8146" so the buttons could be pushed according to the calendar. But my keyboard isn't active.
Adding the yellow pipe didn't seem to do anything.

@zoz I concur LOL in the same spot and think you are correct

Gonna sleep on this one and hope something occurs to me when I wake LOL

sweet dreams @PL Barfield. I think I may give up as well. btw, i did place the green, yellow and blue balls in the bowl in the sauna. But nothing happened.

Did everyone go to bed? Anyone left for help?

you have to get the a key from the red book
see the arrow hint in the book

Sweet! Thanks @Shuchun! It's a bit tricky, but the key is there!

the yellow pipe use above the sauna to attach it yellow pipe dont forget to use ladder

wow! Thanks Shuchun!!!

I got steam from the pipe in the sauna, but I think I'm missing something. I accidentally took the balls from the bowl and can't put them back.

I don't have red ball.

another important hint in the red book
E= Erase
A= Insert

you may combine this hint with mirror numbers and the blue poster to get another numbers on the box

The balls go into the panel by the door

Shuchun. All I get is empty squares instead of characters in my book. Does it say WHAT to erase or insert?

Excellent! Thanks again @shuchun! So the wall says "erase 3, insert 6", which makes the box code 6626, which gives the red ball!

Any ideas on how to press white buttons below balls on wall panel?

Whew!! Out finally

I can't seem to place the balls in the right order to activate the buttons below.
@PL Barfield, when you place the balls (only after they've been in the hot sauna) you'll see numbers; R=5, B=8, Y=4, G=6. So once they're placed, we should be able to press the buttons like on the calendar. Which explains why the calendar only goes through 9, I think.

@PL, I think it might have something to do with the calendar. #s 1 - 4 are on the bottom four buttons. When you include the top button, they become 6 - 9?

@PL Barfield, how did you place the balls???

Panel Buttons: Press the buttons according to the ball number above and use the style of the calendar
#1-4 are shown without using the very top #5-9 use all the buttons

The balls are placed by temps/ thermometer

oh Balls are color only for placement

Aha! Thank you!
btw, there should be an abbreviation like POP, but for when we're just about to quit and somebody (Shuchun this time :D) posts a hint that keeps us going!

Oh I actually did quit LOL, but came in for a glance to see if a smart person figured things and WE DID

@zoz, how about WAM for "Wait A Minute?"

finally out - after close to 90 minutes, lol.

@Peggy, WAM is perfect! I will start using that!

I really hate being the blondest one here, but my box just sits there. How do you use numbers with it?

Yea @shuchun to the rescue...I am out too! Thanks, guys!

Box is active after you see the numbers in the mirror in the sauna, right?

@Peggy, don't worry, we were here staring at this game a looooong time before working it out.
Place the balls like the thermometer: R,Y,G,B
Note when placing them that this corresponds to: 5468
Then press the buttons below each ball like on the calendar:
top button only for 5
lower four buttons for 4
top button plus first lower button for 6
top button plus next three buttons for 8

Did you find the mirror, @peggy?

I think that's how it worked nokra (see numbers, can then enter code on box). Glad you had a WAM moment and came back to finish!

I'm stuck with a green box in inventory which doesn't do anything, and I don't have the red ball. What was Shuchun referring to when he said a mirror? I got the E3A6 right away but don't know what to do with it.

Sorry, Peggy, I thought you meant the box on the wall, doh. You're not the only blonde!

Andrea, see my last posts! :)

Ah such a POP! found the mirror and the ball

THANK YOU!!!!!! I looked at that mirror so many times before heating up the sauna that I forgot about it and/or figured it didn't do anything. AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!

@Andrea, see my post above at 10:22. You're erasing the 3 from the 6326 code in the sauna, and inserting a 6 in it's place.

And then,

zoz 4/8/13, 10:22 PM

Excellent! Thanks again @shuchun! So the wall says "erase 3, insert 6", which makes the box code 6626, which gives the red ball!

Yea, Andrea!

And @Peggy!
Goodnight!!! :)

Another big TY to Shuchun, Queen of WAM moments!

Yeah Peggy, I totally forgot about the mirror too!
Nokra & zoz, thanks!

       Anonymous  4/9/13, 1:25 AM  

I can't seem to find this mirror you guys are talking about. Anyone still awake who can give me a nudge? D:

not sure this was posted or not before but let me know if it was posted.

- Shuchun it definitely WAS NOT! Trust me on that. What was posted was the original B-SENSOR (with poor graphics compared to this one), and this is a sort of REMAKE. Anyways, on Hilgreed's page the publication date is Dec 11, 2011. But it got overlooked back then...


Seriously the 2nd line of the note says (literal translation) HIPPO O PUNG

You've played too many Tesshi-e's! LOL!!

カバー オープン = COVER OPEN

       Anonymous  4/9/13, 2:15 AM  

I'm gonna have to take a break from this...spent too long out of escaping from rooms (instead trying to escape from college assignments). I'm out of practice! D:

Oh well, maybe tomorrow morning I'll be able to get something going. In the meantime, could still use a hint about that mirror.

@xaq - if you come back - to see the mirror, zoom in on the right pillar in the sauna (there is a bowl on top of it) and then click the right arrow which takes you to the mirror, Took me ages to find it too!

great game, but could not have done without the "group" help.
Thanks all!

my red ball would not go in its hole so given up lol

Ugh -- I'm stuck. I have the 4 balls with the numbers revealed, but my panel next to the door is not activated. I can't place the balls there.

       Anonymous  4/9/13, 9:21 AM  

EV Games,
after playing TV game, put number revealed in remote to open CB under TV for pipe. Place pipe on top of sauna to activate panel for balls.

Thanks Premiere, I never thought that was a cupboard under the TV...

       Anonymous  4/9/13, 10:54 AM  

@Twin2 - OH! There it is! Thank you.

       Anonymous  4/9/13, 11:09 AM  

Okay, so that didn't help as much as I'd hoped...right now I've got
-A can (used)
-Green, Blue, and Yellow ball
-Pipe (used)
-Red book
-Blue box that I need the mirror to get open
-TV Remote (used)
-Piece of paper
-No clue how to use/take the mirror. D:

@xaq, find the key in the book (thanks @shuchun!). The last page lines make an arrow to show where the key is.
Use the key to get more heat and you will see the numbers in the mirror.

       Anonymous  4/9/13, 2:22 PM  

Thanks Ellie. Good grief that was a ridiculous amount of pixel-hunting for that thing...most of the time when I'd try to click there it'd just close the book.

       Anonymous  4/9/13, 2:25 PM  

WOO! I'm out! :D

Maybe a WT is in order.....

Click NEW, click skip, Go left

Get green ball and steps from plant
Zoom Pic, I don't know why...lol
Go right twice, zoom bin and take can and paper

Go left, open window and throw can at your neighbor's window, Get response! LOL

Go right twice and get blue ball from bottom right of door

Go right and click bottom right of sauna for a red book...View book and see clues you probably don't understand, then see an arrow pointing to top of book! Click there for a key!

Notice lines on floor for the steps, place it, zoom out and click above the sauna for a yellow ball

Zoom out and enter sauna, click left side to see temperature gauge
Click right side to see bowl where you can put the 3 balls...do it
Click right arrow to see mirror
Go out of sauna and click the place left of handle
Push up arrow as far as it goes, insert key and click to 90
Take back steps, go left twice and place steps at TV, Get green box from top

Remove steps, grab remote from left of TV, use it on TV and play minesweeper.... Just keep going until all bombs and all squares are exposed...what do you see? Yes, a 4 digit code!
Zoom remote and see a place to put 4 digits...do it!

Click CHECK, zoom out and open the place under TV for a pipe

Go to sauna and see steam at the top, place steps, and place the pipe there...now, steam is connected to inside

Enter sauna, and check the balls, they have numbers on them...Check mirror and see a 4 digit code
View Green box in inventory and click top, you may now enter the digits from mirror....but...they don't work!!!

Okay, there are clues that Shuchun helped us with....and Zoz says, So the wall says "erase 3, insert 6", which makes the box code 6626
Put that in the green box for a red ball

View red ball, it has no number on it...go put it in the sauna bowl, take it out...then zoom left side and notice colors on thermometer
There is the color order

Go to door , click box to the left of it and then the top of that
See places for balls....place them in the color order from sauna

Now, if you haven't seen the calendar from the TV scene, check it now...you will see for every number, there are rectangles (or buttons) below...this corresponds to the box where the balls are!!!

Here is a simple guide from zoz that helps:
Place the balls like the thermometer: R,Y,G,B
Note when placing them that this corresponds to: 5468
Then press the buttons below each ball like on the calendar:
top button only for 5
lower four buttons for 4
top button plus first lower button for 6
top button plus next three buttons for 8

The door is now open and you are free!!!!

Good work nokra!!


BTW, another 2011 Hilgreed one never posted on EG24 is this:


Presumedly another remake with originally poor(er) graphics from around 2007.

( called I-SENSOR 2 )

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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