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Riddle of Anubis 8 Walkthrough

Riddle of Anubis 8

Riddle of Anubis 8 is another free online riddle game by Mishuanubis. "Finally , part 8 of my riddle is here, 30 levels (1-10 easy, 11-30 medium/hard)" Good luck and have fun!

Note: No answers, only hints please!

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Anyone playing? Im already stuck on one :(

Dkat, u're on the 1st level? what level do u want to go next?

I have been stuck on 19 for hours...any hints??

Where to put answers?????? all I have is the question and a help button

in url

oh duh

Lvl 4 :)

On lvl 4:
I know what every pic is and the relation between them.. but I can't seem to find the right answer

Nvm! Lvl 5!

Phew.. 6 required some thinking.. onto 7

Haha lvl 7 was awesome!
Lvl 8..
Am I all alone here??

No, I am here...just waiting for you to solve 19

wow.. I'll take a while to get there

Any help on 8? I'm pretty sure it's a name ending in ....son lol

or maybe tar**?

yes...that is correct...get the number for each

Didn't know there're numbers for each!
Thx deecee lvl 9 now

Stuck! :D
The "key" is about a cypher or smth? Can't find it

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Hm.. nope! Still stuck.. got the egg, the poem, but no answer

count the letters of the words in the egg...sound familiar?

I know what number they form deecee...

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And finally found the right cypher!
Lvl 10!
deecee sorry but I'm leaving.. I hope u can find ur answer :)

I am leaving for the night also..almost bedtime.

OMG already stuck in level 2 ;-(

Found out what country is pictured here, but the country's name is obviously not the solution?

Hi arbeitslooser. I used the wiki page of that country, and then...used the indicated places..then used granmaa.

im stuck on lvl 4. I can see the connection..but cant seem to get the right word.

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That was freaky! The comment i posted at 6.38...repeated itself at 6.48.

If still stuck on 4, who has theses m***s??

stuck on lvl 6 , i know the picture but someting else

What are the lines on the pic?? What does it make you think of?

Thanks deecee. I was trying discoverer's.

mh...is the name a part of the answer?

Absolutely no idea what to do on 3...?

PoP ;-)

The name you found is not part of the answer.
Another name is needed (who should be / is behind those lines)

Use this


on every name and you get the real names and then try to find the missing one.

Ty small-tool, but I already had my Pop- I'm on on 7 now...

i am totally lost ... i thought about the thief of the illusion-shape ... doesnt work =(

It should work. First and last name (no caps no spaces). Check spelling.

oh^^ ya.... ty small-tool :D, after 4 hours i can go on

lol just went from 7 to 24 while searching for some other egg ;-)

Still stuck on 19. Found three letters...but not helping. Any hints?

You need 6 letters, but not sure which ones you have.
One is by just looking at the flags, one internet related, one lake related, one what kind of countries (not democracies but), one most important CITIES, one look at the names of the countries.

Does all this apply to just the flags shown or to all the one I found?

Every flag set (there are 6) gives an egg if you find what's the relationship between those 4 countries in a set.
So 6 sets gives 6 eggs, gives 6 letters that will make your answer.
Btw. you can also mail me (click my avatar), it's hard to post good hints here without giving away too much.


No idea what 'granmaa' is ;) The last thing I need with riddle games is when people start speaking in riddles too! ;)

POP ah, SHAKE the word. Thanks.

Thank you so much..finally onto 20...phew!!!

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Back and into lvl l5!

Nini xD,
Just pick letters from that phrase now.
One letter from each word.

Sorry.. I'm at lvl 15 lol
Working on the contries

lol arbeitslooser: speak to "GRANMAA" means "ANAGRAM" it

following along! got to level 5 all by myself :)
Can't believe I got 4!

Eh... on lvl 15.. Knowing the countries gives me nothing.. tried anagramming, counting letters....

Nini xD,
Let granmaa look at the hint and then think what 2 letters do look like 2 very low numbers.

Ok, stuck on 5 (triangle). No idea where to start.

Help on 5 please

@EnJoy: google what you see to get 2 names, the third name is the answer...

hmm.. I tried that. Will give it another try

hehe the numbers hint was all I needed!
Lvl 16

I googled the letter/numbers along with triangle in picture and it produces no results ..

EnJoy, by googling what u have u get 2 names, google them together and fond the 3rd one

Well, I got it. But when I googled the letter/numbers my google search produced nothing. Read on another site to add "video" to the search, then I got the results.

Thanks Nini

Lvl 16: OH GOD MY EYES! They're hard to distinguish!

i am glad to see people play my 8 part
keep going!

Can't find the answer on lvl 16.
Got all letters, anagrammed, but google gives me nothing!
Tried anagramming again after rearranging the letters into words but nope..

Nini xD
Every line gives a word, those words together tell you what to look for and the first letters where.

and stuck on 7 after getting the obvious egg

small-tool I know the words.. but togother they don't tell me anything.. Google didn't help

EnJoy look at the pic's title

Nini xD,
You can guess it with the city (from first letters) and the word from the 4th line (the long word starting with A).

haha I was sooo close! Thx small-tool!
Lvl 17

17 is pretty easy!
Onto 18

Thanks Nini. now on 2nd egg

bingo.. on 8

On level 18 I got as far as finding the name of the place the hint is reffering to

Got the second egg of 12 and still no idea ... tried every "translation" of the words, almost every combination, ... what am I looking for? Or a better yuestion: What is actually meant? Is it "What is g.. s.." or "what is o..."
I think it is nothing about the literal meaning of the gu g... (= s.. o.. (h..) r..) and nothing about the ci.. itself, at least I didn't get anything in that direction,so...?

lol of course it's question, not yuestion ;-)

sry for that confusion in my post - but it showes how confused I really am *g

Yep you need the kind of translation/meaning.
Starts with B and is two words.

Now you have your cipher.

believe it or not, I don't s-t

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Go here Nini,


Level 9

can't find what cipher to use. (I miss purple hell) I am trying to use http://rumkin.com/tools/cipher/

nothing is working - surprise

Ty small-tool!
(I swear I tried that answer as well, but maybe I did only the other forms/words... anyway - now it worked)

On level 21...read the hint..but can't get anything to work...a hint please?

This is a good alternative for PurpleHell:


thanks s-t, will try

Oh found it! Thx s-t!
got the message just need to work on it

Change another (small) part of the url.
Look at the bottom of where you looked with the hint.

@EnJoy: Have you found the key? The key gives you the keyword which you use to decipher (it's one of the "most usual" ciphers that have keywords...

God! Why can't I find the right answer?? Lol!
Tried the author, music, the book, the line, the volume, the translation..

Sasbabe, no i didn't find it. Is the text on the level the key? is the key the URL?

Nini xD
Check for typos, line should work and don't translate.

Yeah, I found it...just trying to figure out how to apply it...thanks.

o.o it was a typo! haha
Lvl 19! (My eyes are betraying me lol)

@EnJoy: The key is a longer text - sth about a poem.
And this "poem-stuff" gives you the keyword you need to decipher the first "phrase".

The key (poem) is on another page, so you have to change the Url to get it...

Tried some obvious things on 14, but nothing so far... Is there any hint except the thing I shall do/find? I mean - is there a clue on HOW to find it?

The hint is in this part:
i am afraid of that etc.

alright - got it...

Missing 3 letters on lvl 19. Got the 2nd,4th and 6th

Got the 5th! Missing 1st and 3rd

Missing the 3rd one now

Nvm lvl 20!

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Can't figure out what to do with the new pics on 21..can't get anything to work...help please??

When in a formula there's a third and that's the one you need.

Lvl 20:
I thought it could be mo*** or br*****

Any help?

       Anonymous  4/14/13, 1:27 PM  

I can't solve level2, I found the places but still nothing. The colours mean some order? I also don't know how many letters to consider for the yellow region.

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You're second one is correct.

All 3 places have two letter abbreviations. So you get 6 letters to make a word.

Thank you so much small-tool...onto 22...I know what they are...now just to figure what to do with them

s-t but there's a problem: odd number odd columns

nvm--got it onto 23

       Anonymous  4/14/13, 1:36 PM  

Thank you very much, Nini and Small-tool. I found out what I was missing thanks to your help.

Of¨* columns lol!
Sorry typo

Every letter is seperated.

But s-t!! every letter in br***** has 2 columns and 3 rows.. I can separate the columns into groups of 2 but 1 will stay alone

Every third is three 1's. You don't use that, that's the seperation between two letters.

Lol saw that movie yesterday (for the 246762th time)! xD
Lvl 21

Lvl 22 ^^

Lvl 23 :D

       Anonymous  4/14/13, 2:40 PM  

I need a hint on level 4. I don't know those pictures.

On 23 and can't find a b**k realted to movie

What you have to do is download those pics and make them 4 seperated pics (a program like Paint just works fine). Then you can do Google Image search. Click the little camera icon in the search bar there and upload one of your 4 pics and Google will find it. Do with all 4 and then you have 4 names. Google those together.

You don't have to Google or so, but you're missing 4 extra letters. They're not inside where you found the other 4, but I'm sure you've seen them

       Anonymous  4/14/13, 3:28 PM  

Great! Thank you small-tool!! :) A lot!

anyone playing at all?? Not even joking, cannot figure out level 2...tried the name of the country, tried all 3 names of the high-lighted regions, tried just "red"....I don't get it...

Did you try an abbreviated form?

Stuck on 26...google is definitely not my friend here. Even tried decoding with the obvious..but d/w.

Any hints?? Please??

Stumped on 6

Finally got 26...onto 27

Stumped on 6 too. I don't know what the picture is supposed to be.

Hi Clear Laker and Puffin. I've joined you in the 'stumped on 6' club.I put the pic into paint, but have no idea what im supposed to do with it.

Hi guys. You have to get two eggs on level 6. One is a famous paint that is blurred on the background, the other is what those lines on top of it represent. When you find the two words, google them.

The hints on level 9 have been deleted. Help please. Where do I start?

Thanks Morgana- still in dark. no paint doesn't help. Have tried two of the obvious with no luck. I'll keep trying unless you have more to offer.

       Anonymous  4/14/13, 10:49 PM  

Is level 8 screen different from the others or did I do the rebus wrong?

@Clear Laker, I can't give much more, otherwise i would give the answer. Focus on the famous paint, it's really famous. And it's behins bars, so she is in ****?

@verito Level 8 is note rebus. You have to google all the words from the images and find numbers for each one of them.

       Anonymous  4/14/13, 11:15 PM  

I'm failing to do level 7 rebus then, I found one word for the answer. Maybe the answer consists of more than one word? I tried some options but I need some more hint.

On to 7 Morgana- thanks! I was on a whole different and wild goose chase. :)
Thanks for your patience.

Thank you Morgana. On to 7 as well.

I kid you not...for some of us, level 2 *IS* one of the hardest in this game.

(That's because of the reason that it's not too self-explanatory at all, it's more trying this, trying that)

You could say the same about escape games. To find a key there is also a bit trying this and trying that, but once a bit experienced, the first things you try is look below a couch or behind a cupboard etc.
It's all about getting used to playing riddle games and then the first things you try is first letters, or caps etc. And when it comes to regions, counties, states etc. it's often using the abbreviations.
Anyway, once you get the feel of it, I'm sure (considering the way you figure out more difficult problems in escape games) you will like them. And this one is made by one of the icons in riddle society :)

       Anonymous  4/15/13, 5:15 AM  

Help on level 7? http://www.escapegames24.com/2013/04/riddle-of-anubis-8.html?showComment=1366006503104#comment-5521731567649542959

On 7, first do the easy rebus.
With that answer you get an egg. Go back and look at the pic name and then Google to find a name.
That name gives another egg. Use (Google) that egg (the thing happening there) combined with the name to get a new name and that's your answer to go to level 8.

hint on lvl 10 ? ..followed the hint instruction but dont know how to go on

diedana,for lvl 10 google whats in the hint, then what you find google together, then apply to whats on the page

ger ty , 10 is done , now 12

thats where i am too, have decoded just need to find what it is, the obvious not working

Slow and steady may win the race, but for me..slow and slower means more hints to read. Thanks for the way forward to level 8, small-tool.

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Level 23
I do not understand that I have to do with these numbers ... any help please?

Look down (in real life).

I had looked down ...
But I fail. I was not that way

You need 3 letters Pichi and with 3 letters you know where to use it in the url, right?

Thanks small tool, but I can not get it, I can not understand how I get out those letters

Every second number of a pair is the row.

oh! Now if I understand, thank you very much small tool!

I have been short ... I have no password to open the ****

Picture is important.
Google it with what you want.

Finally! Thanks small tool

It's all about getting used to playing riddle games and then the first things you try is first letters, or caps etc.

Looks you have a point here. :) It's somehow like a thing that's entirely obvious for us escapers, i. e. looking under each bed and left and right of each cabinet. If you played an escape game the first time, you wouldn't think of that too.

So yes, seems I need a riddle game cookbook for beginners *laughs*

Having trouble with 10. I've googled the hints and googled them together and came up with a math sequence? Not sure how to apply that to what's on the page.

Puffin, now just pick letters from the words (one from each word).

Got it. Thanks!

Level 24
I deciphered the text, I get a picture?
I'm lost here

The first 5 (7) words you deciphered are very important.
What did you just (or for you actually about 1,5 hour ago) found?
So instead of look down in real life, now look up a bit and you know where to go to find that picture.

Please some help in 22

I know that they are p*********s but that doesn't fit as an answer...

Hello guys!
I'm back and onto lvl 24!
I think I found Mi***An**** pr***** at f*******
But no images there!

You are close with p*********s, but in fact these are called different. Starts with S and ends with P.

Dopermans... It's how someone called it.. (this kind of p*********s )

Nini xD,
Maybe you hhave to log in. Then go to his a****s.

Great! Really? Just cuz I don't have one..
And I'm not sure I'd create one just to solve this level

Mailed it to you Nini.

Thx s-t :)

Hm.. I know the answer to the riddle the pic shows but it doesn't work as the answer..
Adding "ne**" or anagramming gives me nothing useful


WHAT??? I swear I tried that a million times!!!
LOL lvl 25

Oh!! Thank you guys I got it! Now on 23!!!

yay! stuck again!
Any hints for 25? I replayed the levels and took note of the answers
googling all together gives me nothing
I tried anagramming the initals and finding the error in lvl n*** but no luck

Well .. it's time for a lil break!
Brb ^^

Back! small-tool save me once again!

Lol, you got mail, once again :P

wow.. I was totally overthinking.. Thx s-t got it

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       Anonymous  4/15/13, 5:20 PM  

I'm hitting a brick wall with level 6.

I get what picture it is and what the stripes represent, but all Google's showing me when I search the two terms have to do with a certain video game series, and nothing I try related to that (which, given I'm not a fan of that series, leaves my knowledge of what to try limited) seems to work. Am I on the wrong track here?

       Anonymous  4/15/13, 5:25 PM  

Ah. Never mind, got it...used the wrong term for the 2nd part.

xaq maybe u don't know what the stripes represent?
Where is she?? Google the place and her name
For me it was the 2nd result when I googled both

       Anonymous  4/15/13, 5:43 PM  

Okay, made it up to 9 no problem, but now I'm stuck again. D: I have an idea of what kind of cipher it is, but I don't have a clue how to find the key.

xaq have u gotten the "key"?
put it into URL

Btw: Finally made it to 30!! Last lvl OMG

Came back, tried the abbreviation for the country, tried the abbreviations for the 3 regions, poop. I give up, was never very good at these URL-riddle-type-games. Still giving it 5 stars for being challenging :)

OMG finally!! Doneeee!~~~~~

EvilIrishPixi abbreviatte all 3 regions and then go to graamna

Stuck on 13. Am I the only one that can't get this one?

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