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Tesshi-e Escape from the Bungalow Walkthrough

Tesshi-e Escape from the Bungalow

Tesshie - Escape from the bungalow is another free online point and click room escape game from Tesshi-e. "Living the summer because it is hot so much, I came to lodge in the mountains. This place is a very cool and comfortable. Come to think of it, people management Mr. Na ... She said she had to "be careful to door closed" ending is two." Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Roberto via EG24 Chat]

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Tesshie - Escape from the Bungalow Walkthrough

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First ?

Loading ......

Hi all

slow loading...

Very slow loading :-(

Got a pot of water, a note a card and the thing I got water from vase.

Hi Sue. Glad that I'm not alown

Hi Roberto. How did you take water from vase? Have the same as you

How to get water??

got card, notem empty pot, lever handle from under bed

Use crank and count the shapes.

Used ball to get coin, now my ball with a key is stuck inside tube.

Whoa Nelly! Slow down guys. Please explain as you go...for the less than quick...ie..ME. Ive a note, a keycard, a stick which something can go on the end of, a pot and a handle.

Finally a key and another card.

OK..the crank went on the twirly-whirly card thingy under the window.

Use crank on top of machine. Spin it and count dhapes. Look for shapes positions around the room and click the 4 button box in order.

Hi guys,

used the stick to get the handle under the bed. Attached handle on the device with card suits on the table next to bed.

Oh heres everyone lol

Don´t know where to use the flag hint.

I was over on anairs jabbering away to my self lol

have water. Now I need gas to heet it.

There is a key under the plant but how to get it?

man Im way behind lol

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Hi bandy...pls fill your punch bowl..i have need of a snorkel and flippers. hahha

have ball with key that I can't open it and medal. Use medal for another Red-Green hint.

how to get key out of ball and key from under plant by bed??

Papas where did you get the medal?

Use medal to open ball.

red and green flags are for pic but can´t understand it.

Hi Clio long time, I got the roller on the box but don't get the clue ?

Second card now

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hi clio,

you need to combine the number of card suits from the rotating device and their position around the room. Click the buttons accordingly to open the box.

@evans use the ball with key to get the other ball stuck in the pipe. Fill the empty ball with water and use it to get the first ball back. Then use the medal to open the ball

seems like everyone is stuck in the same spot as me. need to find a use for the red/green hint

Ok Ill come back to this one too much for my brain, on a sunday morning lol

Thanks MissBrasil. Thing is, i dont understand the the position around the room bit. Not to worry. Im sure some kind soul will write a w/t. I will play in the morning. Have fun guys. Thank you for subbing the game, Roberto.

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heart .... diamond

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 7:55 AM  

red green for sky/sea painting.....click trombone on sill

clio_rose. there is a card symbol on each wall of the room corresponding to a button on the suit box. the top button is clubs

still don't get the R-G hint how to combine with SKY & SEA

tried the flag hint backwards and forwards in and out on that picture but still nothing.

Thank you so much RSA Momma Cyndi and Jamie Lane.

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 7:57 AM  


colors are on trombone and flag side indicates which corner

Where is the flags?
The sea and sky is written on the tuba (Sky = Red)

Clio, don`t give up!!! :-)

there is a heart painting on the left wall (or W), a diamond painted on the door to the right (E), a club ornament under the table (N) and spades in the cupboard (S). Press the correspondent button following the sequence on the box and how many times each suit appears in the rotating device.

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 8:00 AM  

flags from medal in blue thing that says "medal" RSA

boiled water and put paper in for clue for hippo box but can't find last middle hippo or knife to cut string on top box in cupboard.

Tnx DrLee but still don't get how to find out which corner up or down.

I think I have a blond moment LOL

flags are in tall green "ornament" use medal at top to see them, don't forget r and l as well as color

yea, I am soooo lost.
got a cup (?), pole, note, pot and card.

Very confuse these flags. Still stuck.

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 8:04 AM  

for flags

flag has color and side

so green on right means green of sea, so lower right corner


Have 3 key cards now

Please how can I fill the empty ball with water - it won't open

Momma cyndi put cup on pole and use it to get water from vase, fill pot with it.

Don't worry MissBrasil..i never give up. I simply be patient and wait till the cheat is posted.. hehehe.

dont have to open ball, just drag cup with water over it.

Thanks DrLee

Thanks Evans, never even considered doing that!

For the painting:

Note on trombone says that sky is red and sea is green. Sequence from medal device is g r r g r g alternating right and left. So right sea (bottom) followed by left sky (top) and so on.

btw hope you guys will forgive me for not giving a spoiler warning... :-)

Stuck again after open tall cb. Where to get gas canister?

Thank you evans! I forgot to fill the cup again, LOL

and finally we will be able to get that key from under the fern. Moving on.

stuck. i need a hippo or a blade.

No !!! Missing a live Tesshie-e! :(
Too bad I can't play right now.. Enjoy the game for me guys!

gas canister is behind sky/sea painting. use #found there to open box in tall cupboard for screwdriver.

I am still stuck. need key for box under heart/spade thing and fourth key card and third hippo.

found hippo.

after unscrewing plank behind painting check the back of the plank for a new key.

Found another key on back of panel behind water/sky pic. turn it over.

lol. How could I missed that number? Thanks.

out. forgot to look for happy coin. :/

and Out!

Out but will replay for happy coin

Got final key but not happy coin yet!

got the key cards in the slots but what to do next?

Use note on hot water again!


had to go. Back now

Jeepers Creepers. I only just worked out that box. LOL ! (i still dont understand the position of the cards around the room but thanks again RSAMomma and JamieLane)..what i didnt do is...count correctly, so will remove my previous comment ..and also I ignored the numbers ON the box..big mistake.

thank you Roberto for happy coin!!!

Hi Roberto, how did you use the note again?

I tried the medal first (!!!) then the note but nothing goes in the hot water.

ah got it, I guess you have to unlock the door first.

Thanks for all the help again, guys. Will use all your lovely hints in the morning.

xxreboil the paperxxxx

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 8:43 AM  

got pot with water,note,card. Clueless about the flag in comments or what to do next. cant heat water cause I need gas.

heart diamond

club 5?
diamond 3?
heart 4?
spade 2?


heart, diamond, club, spade?

not for me, dont go

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 8:50 AM  

look at numbers on bottom of machine. so hit 4 (Middle left for heart ) first. then 2 for (bottom button for spade ). five for club etc. hope this helps

I see someone asked how to get medal, but if it was answered - I don't understand it. Where is the medal, please?

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 8:53 AM  

I cant find medal either marilyn, so stuck.

miss 1 key card dont know where

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 8:54 AM  

I can put card in box thing and each gives me alry but wont let me push button. don't know how to use alry

what's mean the arrows on the hats puppets over the bed?

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 8:55 AM  

I got one key card off stumps but that is the only one I have.

For medal, put your ball in the tube above the round table, it will push down the ball there, inside the second ball you will get medal.

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 8:58 AM  

Giving up. have to get ready for work. Hopefully some one will post a walk through or at least offer help. Good luck. If you have to be locked in a room it looks like an ok place.

Arrow hint is used when you have all the cards.

thank you, adivawoman. go now!!!

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Thanks, faltu for answering - evidently I'm too far behind for that - i don't have the ball

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 8:59 AM  

Darn after trying to pour water in the ball thing 100 times, I tried one last time. It worked then put water ball in curved plastic thing got medal.

And...I crashed anyway.

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 9:01 AM  

Going have to finish after I get home from work.

For ball you have to put water in the cylinder in the bottom self.

adivawoman you have to put water in empty pipe on the shelf under the box where you can put cards. From this you get a ball with a key, than you put this ball through the pipe above the "player" table and you get medal. When you are done with this put some water into the empty ball and do the trick with the pipe again to retrieve the ball with the key again.. than you use medal to get the key.

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 9:09 AM  

A medal ? A ball ??? I don't see any... I have a pot of water, a pole with a water can, a card, a paper.

I don't understand the shpe clues Under the cards after i inserted them in the machine. What to do with that?

Anyone still there?

same problem here July...

arggg frustrating..

@ pdgph use pole with water can in tube thats beside club sign

?? suddenly got a key from "card machine"

unlocked door

used paper on water again - happy coin
out - didnt use the shapes

@sue, suddenly how?

Nevermind!! suddenly got it too

clicked randomly shapes, suddenly popped out

@sue - that's what happened to me, too. I was clicking the buttons to see what they were, and suddenly a key popped out!

Once the cards are in the right order, you can't take them away from the machine any more. The first two cards spell "real player"

Tesshi-e games are always such a nice challenge! Fantastic games every time!

A bit on the shorter side as Tesshi's games go - but just as good. Thoroughly enjoyable.


thanks Tesshi-e!! Though don't understand what I did do get the door key - all of a sudden there it was.
Great game as always :)

The arrows on the guys' hats might stand for positions to rearrange them (1st, 2nd...).
That is, if one figure is 2nd, and has got an arrow pointing left, it will be the new 1st.

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 9:52 AM  

POP, I got a key enclosed in a ball.

how do you get the key once you place the cards in the correct position?

Good! Now find a way to pry the ball open.

Pop.. just randomly clicked and the key popped out

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The sequence of the picture is: 412323. It depends on the side where the flag appears.

FINALLY FOUND THE SOLUTION to the shape puzzle!
I was just such a dunce...

a) wooden table + seats
b) letters on "card machine"
OK here goes!
Look at the bird's eye view of the table with the seats that have letters:
P-L-A-Y-E-R from 6 o'clock position, counterclockwise.

Machine says:

now it's just connect-the-dots :)))

R-E-A-L gives a square (2nd)
P-L-A-Y-E-R gives a hexagon (3rd)
PEA gives a triangle with the tip down (4th)
LRY gives a triangle with the tip up (1st)


thanks arbeitslooser ... was wondering what the solution was

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 10:10 AM  

Hello - anyone still there? I can't get the pencil (?) from the hippos. Am using the arrows from the four green men but no luck.

me too (LOL)

smarties: don't use these! you have to use the ones from the sheet of paper

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 10:13 AM  

Oh blimey! Had forgotten all about that note! Thank you!

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 10:15 AM  

Ahh and I've just noticed the zodiac signs on the cards.

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 10:17 AM  

Which it seems are irrelevant... lol!

ok if anyone here ..i have cup ,pot ,note & stick ...what to do ?kindof stuck ...dont kno how to fill cup with water ?

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 10:21 AM  

Nope. Completely stumped by the shapes under the cards. Have read the explanation above but still don't know what order to click them in.

raasti ... you have to attach the cup to something first ;)

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 10:23 AM  

raasti - use the cup on the vase to fill it with water. Should be able to just click it on top of the vase for it to work. Fill it three times, once for the pot and once to get the ball with the key and once to get the original ball.

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 10:24 AM  

Oh yeah, and attach it to something else first... (thanks arbeitslooser!)

how to get that thing which i can attach to cup ?i cannot find anything now ..just going round & round

Arbeitslooser explained perfectly what order to click those shapes a few comments above.

Btw. the hint for how to put the key-cards in the correct order is the arrows and double arrows on the puppets hats.
One arrow to the left means first from left (or most left). Two arrows to the left means second from the left. And the same for the right arrows.

Yes - cup alone will be as useful as a bucket without a rope at the side of a well ;)

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raasti ... can't see the wood for the trees?!



       Anonymous  6/30/13, 10:28 AM  

I'm sure it is perfect and I'm being dense but have followed the 1st, 2nd, 3rd... and nothing happens.

ok IM blind or playing some other game ..cannot see any rope ..where it is ?give me exact location ...

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 10:31 AM  

No rope raasti - just the stick! :)

Lol, no rope Raasti, look at the trumpet, you can take something there.

Hint (spoiler) for Suit/4 button box. Turn handle on thing to left of box and count how many of each suit. Now when using the number code on the box just substitute the suit for the number. For example, if there are 4 hearts you will push the heart position button when you see the number 4 in the code. Not push it 4 times. The position of he suites on the buttons is how they are found in the room. So when you are facing the code box the clubs are in front of you on shelf (up). The diamond to your right on door, the spade in cupboard behind you (down) and the heart to left in picture. So up is club, right diamond, down spade and left heart.
4=heart and heart=left so 4=left.

ok so dumb of me i hav that stick in inventry ..i had to first open stick & then hav to join cup ..im doing in other way ..:)

So when you are facing the code box the clubs are in front of you on shelf (up).

And THAT IS WHY the clubs need to be declared North!!
Thanks so much Bayars.

Well, even without knowing this you can solve it, because there is 4 directions. So in theory, you could tilt the thing by 90 degrees, repeating the sequence, until you've gotten it. (That's how I did it, since I just couldn't find anything that would define any compass direction without wildly guessing.)

Opening scene, note club under table
Take note under pillow

Left to
Take stick from shelf by Mr Birdies
Note first part of clue for picture on trumpet on shelf

Left to
Note spade shape in bottom of green cupboard
Take pot from bottom of green cupboard

Left to
Note the diamond shape on the door
Take VIRGO card from wooden stools on right

Use stick to get handle under the bed
Use the handle on the box which is top left on the shelves
Note the number of hearts, diamonds, etc as they go around
Use the clue from the right hand box for the middle top box to get a cup
In ‘about item’ put the cup onto the stick

Use stick/cup combo on vase to left of green cupboard to get water
Put water into the pot and get another cup of water

Put the water from the cup into the cylinder on the bottom right of the shelves to get a ball.

Put the ball you just got into the curved cylinder on the left of the room to get an orb with a medal in it. Take the medal out of the ball and refill your cup to put water into the empty orb to get your water/key filled orb back out of the curved cylinder.
Your medal can now open the water/key filled orb for the spade shape key.

Put the medal into the blue ‘ornament’ and note the red and green flags.

Use the spade key on the drawer for the ‘LEO’ card
Use the combination of the trumpet and the flags to remove the picture
Take stone and note number

Use stone on potplant to get the club key.

Use the club key on the top doors of the green cupboard
Take LIBRA card from package on top shelf
Put number from behind picture into 3# box for a screwdriver

Use screwdriver on screws behind the picture
Take gas cylinder
Turn the board you unscrewed over for the triangle key
Place cylinder into gas stove, place the pot full of water on top, click on pot to make it boil, place paper (that you got from under the pillow) into it for a code

Use triangle key on the box on the bottom left shelf for a hippo

Place hippo next to the other two on the hippo box and use the clue from the hot water paper.
Take box cutter
Use box cutter on present in top right for CANCER card

Note the green men and the arrows on their hats for placement of the cards
Place cards in card machine on top left shelf and randomly push buttons until the heart key appears




Hearts, diamonds, etc box

Clubs = 5
Hearts = 4 ….. diamonds = 3
Spades = 2

Therefore: 425332 = Left, bottom, top, right, right, bottom



The trumpet says that ‘sky’ is red and ‘sea’ is green
The flags are green, red, red, green, red, green
Bottom right, top left, top right, bottom left, top right, bottom left
(hope I didn’t stuff that up)


Hippo box
Centre, left, right, left, right, left, right, left


Card placement
CANCER must go two right
LEO must go one left
VIRGO must go one right
LIBRA must go two left

Therefore it is Leo, Libra, Cancer, Virgo

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 10:37 AM  

Yes I was being dense (as expected). Have finally pressed them in right order and I'm out. Thanks all.

smarties - I'm having a HORRID notion...
You were not dense but just mistook my hints as an ORDER...

I remember that you can read hints about buttons TWO ways (always)

I'm trying to point this out again
R-E-A-L gives a square (2nd)
P-L-A-Y-E-R gives a hexagon (3rd)
PEA gives a triangle with the tip down (4th)
LRY gives a triangle with the tip up (1st)

That means (HERE)

R-E-A-L gives a square (2nd button from left, press first)
P-L-A-Y-E-R gives a hexagon (3rd button from left, press second)
PEA gives a triangle with the tip down (4th button from left, press third)
LRY gives a triangle with the tip up (leftmost button, press last)

I make a bet that you first pressed the triangle with tip up (rightmost button) because I wrote '1st'.
However, what I mean was 1st BUTTON not 1st button TO BE PRESSED...sorry for the confusion.

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Addition to RSA Momma Cyndi Walkthrough:

After placing all 4 key cards in the machine, don't click them randomly but use the method Arbeitslooser explained:
Look at:
a) wooden table + seats
b) letters on "card machine"

After using the last key on the door, don't go out, but look at the note with arrows and star again (not sure if you really have to put in the boiling water again, because it said the paper is dry now) to see it's changed. Use the new arrows and star on the hippo's to get the happy coin.

thank you for all hints & help ...

many thanks - it is always good to know how I did stuff by random luck :) Tesshi-e doesn't normally work without a definite clue and it is good to know why it worked this time

Finally out. Good puzzles. Thanks for hints all. There should be enough to get you through, if not just ask.

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 11:36 AM  

Yep, that's what I did.

Great game as always. One of these days I will be able to do these on my own without help, hopefully :)Thanks for all the great hints everyone. Good to see small-tool on here again.

Sara, sometimes it's simply the physics that block your way :)

e. g. this ball-tube stuff. I was so sure I would have to blow some air thru it (as necessary many times) but WATER?! Seemed too simple for me to get that idea...

       Anonymous  6/30/13, 1:14 PM  

Couldn't have made it through this one without you all. Thanks! Special props to Momma Cyndi.

can someone please explain how the club symbol could indicate that its position on the panel is North ??!! Tesshi-E rocks anywyay .. thanx !!

can not find triangle key

@ E-Addict......when you look at the room, north is up, then west to the left (heart), east to the right (diamond) and south(spade) in the cupboard

I got totally stuck on the cards in the machine...after putting them randomly, couldn't take any out....did not see the clue for the way to push the buttons....so ty ty ty arbeitslooser for the button order....and to small-tool about not leaving for the happy coin

yeah makes sense Thrynn doesnt it ?? :-) i read MissBrasil's post earlier but now i get it !! thanx anyway !!

Thank you for the w/t RSA Momma. This one had me completely stymied. Thank you everyone for your hints and explanations - not that i necessarily understood. However, I'm finally out...and that's good enough for me. Thank you all again.

how many beautiful tesshi-e's games in a so short time!
thank you so much tesshi-e!

and many thanks for your happy coins!

wish you a lot of happiness and sweet things, too

       Anonymous  3/11/18, 9:14 AM  

caught this one from the random section

thx for all your creations, Tesshi-e ☺

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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