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Off To Work We Go Walkthrough

Off To Work We Go

BonteGames - Off To Work We Go is a short puzzle 3D game developed by Bart Bonte. You find a work facility on a lonely island. But what happens next, is it a strange dream or corporate reality? Work it! To play this game, you need to have the Unity webplayer installed in your computer. Use your arrow keys and the mouse to play. Good luck and have fun!

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For the people who wonders about this game and how different it is from other Bonte's works, here's a little more info about it from his blog:

Off to work we go was developed for the No Future Contest. A 'no future' game including one or several of the technical constraints included in the rules (Bonte chose "They were right: people actually can’t read nowadays: Not a single word or letter is allowed in the game") and with the theme 'Work it"

The 15 best games created for contest will be displayed on arcade cabinets during September and October in Paris in Visages du Monde.

Here you can find all of the games submitted for the No Future Contest:

Oh, I almost forget...

Good luck, Bart!!

I just installed Unity web player, but when i click the game link the same page is showing which tells me that i have to install unity web player ?

I installed it via that game page and it's working. It's a beautiful game, but sadly my pc is way too slow for Unity things.

OK inside now and thru another door...

Just wait Zazie LOL slow to load...

Well I have no clue how to open next door...

I don´t see anything loading, what should the page look like ?

It should just say unity and bar loading below it

The point of the game is to step on the different yellow blocks to make the same picture as the little robot thingys on the beach.
I'm out but didn't really like the game, kind of easy once you get it

Aha worked out the door...

Ok no loading bar for me,just that unify button and a white screen around. i have to give up...

*unity button lol

       Anonymous  7/16/13, 5:20 AM  

Where is the game? Im on a sandy island where i dont know what to do.

It is loading now but in Chrome, FF did nothing.

No probs with my FF.

Don't know what to do though - I've navigated all over the place and all round the building, but still flummoxed!

Hmm not my pair of socks....good luck everybody.

what to do ?how to start ?just moving around a island ...

to be honest this game is not for me ..i cant handle 1D game its 3D GAME ...LOL

not for me either but for those who like it enjoy

I spent some time on this yesterday, but never found any yellow blocks

I closed the game but found only briefcase on sand & click where it goes I don't know ...

and out! what a strange game. No happy ending right? Bart bonte sure takes his chances with this one but here is where artistic game developing meets against the commercial/mass-producing ones(like selfdefiant and ainars). To start the game and for people not familiar with unity, up and down are also an option. search the beach and pick up the briecase to enter the building. Inside you find the yellow buttons-platforms to step on and to solve the puzzles that open new areas.

Thanks Solo - maybe I'll give it another shot and search the beach again

It's like an existential escape game. Once you are in notice the briefcases in the locker room. You will realize the meaning of it all when you are out.

So, getting spit out by the steam is "winning"? Did I miss something, or should I just stay depressed the rest of the day?

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Not crazy about unity player, but so far it's OK. It'll get boring if it keeps being the same, though (stepping on the yellow pads). It's Bart Bonte so I'll give it a shot.

And I'm stuck at the level where you go up some ramps over a steaming pool. I can't seem to get the space invader shape, it's always too high by 1. Not seeing the pattern change each button makes.

Andrea maybe step it sideways to centre it then do the vertical step by step

Hmmm... Shame this one has so low score, i think it was a quite OK one. Not sensational and obviously not a Grand Project - but an OK little game IMHO.


Thanks Leroy, I went to lunch and came back and realized what each button does, I just had to set the left button correctly.

I liked it, frankly. Not hard, reminiscent of Portal, a little dark.

Loved this!! Quite unique I say, sort of a "Portal" feel, without the portals lol I this he did a wonderful job on this game, easy but still fun. The controls are a little strange if you're using a laptop touch pad, but other than that I liked it. And I actually liked the ending, kind of made you go "ahhh...I see!" Well done!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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