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El Quince Walkthrough

El Quince

El Quince is an online riddle game in Spanish developed by Evalon. There are no hidden clues in Page Source and you will have to change the last part of the URL address with the correct answer, using no uppercase, no punctuation and no space in-between words. Try to hint others without using straight answers in the 12 levels of the game. These answers are mostly common Spanish words, but the game is playable enough and with a good level of difficulty, so... good luck and have fun!

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In case someone is interested in an extra challenge with a pinch of a Spanish barrier!

Well, if this is really an arithmetic sequence in level 2, I don't see it.
It just diverges too much...

Lol, really? A riddle in Spanish!? English is already hard to understand for me.

@small-tool... no need to understand the texts in the game, use normal riddle techniques to solve the levels :)

@arbeitslooser, it's not arithmetic. Some conversion of these ASCII numbers is needed.

no comprende...lol

       Anonymous  8/31/13, 6:36 AM  

Dos cerveza por favor.
No hablo espanol.
And that's it for my Spanish.

My brilliant record at riddling solving has again reached its apex. I got level 1 on my own, and that's a win. Thanks Edgar and Ellie. I shall finish on that high..and not attempt level 2 (i looked at it and had conflaptions of the taloodlelums..hehehe)

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Well, I tried a bit but can't find anything on level 2.
All I get is ü Ç üüÇü üÇ üüÇüü ü
Wouldn't know what to do what that, morse isn't working because of the 5th one :(

hello, for me it is also difficult tracks in English damages because I do not speak. But it's easy, you just have to try to play with the same techniques that you use to play those ingés. and use the translator which is the tool I use to play your English

More for level 2, you know the numbers are ASCII.
If highlighting the page (or ctrl+a) you can see a hint for what the numbers should be translated to. Work on that.

Lol, thanks Edgar, completely forgot to look for hidden text.
On level 3 now :)

ASCII 255 is a y with 2 dots on it.

And ... about hidden text: does the stuff in the center of the graphics matter too? I can't read anything there.

Picture is not important Arbeitslooser.
There's hidden text somewhere at the bottom, tells you what to make it.

Tells me WHAT? Just see a number there, but it doesn't bring me further in my quest.
And that number won't work as solution (LOL), not even when combined with the '2' in the upper left corner of the gfx.

Man, why do people make something as crude as this in level 2??

It tells you to make it binary.
Use this site; http://home.paulschou.net/tools/xlate/
And then look!!!

ARGH binary! Thanks s-t...I'm usually not that dense but I just thought they'd not go that far
(since binary may be easy for computer science students, but not for all the rest of people)

Was escaping, back to riddling now.
Wondering if the title on level 3 is important.

Hm. I think I know what to do on level 3, but not sure how to use 0-1 ?

@s-t, if you have the right idea, don't count each step, but rather do it diagonally. Then 0 makes sense. I hope I'm not too obscure now :)

When you have the result, you might need an English-Spanish translator to get the real answer, but not very hard.

Indeed Ellie I was mixing up rows and columns.
Thanks but the word(s) that come out don't work as answer. No idea how to use the translator to make it different.

Still on level 2 :/

Is it what I assume it is?

Am I supposed to recognize something in those 0's and 1's? Sort of "ASCII art"?

Yep Arbeitslooser, Look, it's visual.

Spanish search for a tool!(level 3)

Well, the words I have on level 3 are correct for sure, it translates to a normal English sentence/words, but no idea how to go on with that.

Arbeitslooser, I meant look at the 0's and 1's it makes 4 letters (no anagram).

Thought so, just the idiocy is that other on-line tools may show EIGHT groups of 8, and not like in this tool 6 groups of 8.
It's totally random and unpredictable.
This puzzle sucks somehow.

@st maybe your translator says "office" in the first part? It's rather "job", and you have to answer the question.

Lol, you are killing me Eva :P
English isn't even my first language and do I have to Google search in Spanish.

But thanks for the riddle :)

Thanks Ellie, that did the trick (indeed, I had office).
Level 4 now.

YES! It worked thanks for your help.

You have to hit a new line after 4 groups of 8 0's and 1s each, so that the result 'art' is 5 lines in total.

And no one tells you that. It might as well have been 2 or 6 groups.
You CANNOT ASSUME groups of 4 out of the blue!! It also depends how your hex editor is set up, and what operating system you use.

Pfew, stumped again on level 4. Saw the hidden text and translated it, but no idea how to use that on the mirror. Tried backwards alphabet would make Q a J, but gives gibberish :(

@st, for lvl 4, mirror is the way, rather than backwards... your question is what to mirror... don't walk too far away from where you already are.

@arbeitslooser, I agree it was hard to know about 4 columns in that level. My converter did it automatically. If not, I would have been the one complaining lol.

Hm. don't see anything when mirroring QIUJI, YW and wouldn't know what else to mirror.
I'm afraid the language barriere is too much for me here to get ideas out of what I see :(

For the mirror, keep using what you used on the previous level.

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s-t, I agree this level has its flat notes...
For mirroring purposes, let's say matching letters are T-Y; G-H; B-N. Move from there.

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Hello guys.. I'm trying to play this one.. but I'm stuck on lvl 3... I tried searching for passages but no luck so far.. dunno what to do with 0.. picking letters isn't working either

Oops, I see my mistake now.
Level 5 now, thanks Edgar.

Look down Nini xD
0 would be P
And have to go now, will try to get back later.

... duh .. thx s-t!

Good for you. I cannot get past level 1!

Take the middle row, if G and H mirror each other (as I told you they do, in my previous post) shouldn't J be mirrored with F? You are not getting any F.

The thing is, use the keys under the numbers (move diagonally) and mirror them that way. 1-0; 2-9; 3-8, and so on.

Anyway, this level in particular could have been less confusing than it came out with a better clue or a more 'real' mirroring method, I think.

LOL, it took me too much to write my last post and now lots has changed! Will leave it anyway for the ones coming behind.

I get a page "commencemos". To begin, I suppose.
But how do I begin?

Jef click "commencemos" and u'll be redirected to a page.. tthat's your 1st level

To move on, just substitute the last word on the URL for ur answer

On level 5.. Almost 6.. already found the right path :D

Had some time left for dinner and tried a bit more.
I thought I had the answer on level 5.
A 5 letter word starting with C and ending in O, but no go. Maybe the hidden text is important, but wouldn't know how to aplly that.

Lol, level 5 was an anagram.
Yay me I did an anagram in Spanish :)

lol s-t... maybe we need to do something with the hidden hint as well?

heh lvl 6 now

found the website on 6

The website!?
It's just Coldplay and their album XandY, but the album pic is different, no idea what to with it?

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Nini: When I click "comencemos" I get a page with a tekst "Vueltro con otro jeugo"...and I can't click anything there.

Jef do u see letters written with a different color??

Lvl 6.. almost there!!

lvl 7 now

@Jef, the page where you are is actually the level 1 of the game. Use what you see there to solve the level and, when you have an answer, write it on the URL bar of your browser, replacing the last word.

It would be like:

Great find Nini :)
Level 7 as well now.

Well, nothing with my first searches with illuminati dollar code.
But really have to go now.
Good luck guys :)

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See ya s-t :)

I got "pagina non encontrada" now. Is that level 2? :-) Molto complicado por Jef. :-)Dos cervezas por favor!

haha.. I'm brazilian so I understand almost everything.. "pagina non encontrada" = page not found.. sorrry but u're answer is not correct

LOL Jef, if you add "Hola señorita guapa" and "Aléjate de mi esposa!" to your vocabulary, then you won´t need much else for your basics Spanish.

So... Edgar.. any hints on lvl 7? Illuminati gives me nothing as well xD

heh .. POP I guess

Did you actually get it Nini? 7 is a hard one.

A try to make you all feel encouraged. This game was released yesterday around this time, and currently is still live in the Spanish-speaking site that originally hosts it. I think the leads are on level 10.

Way to go!!!!!!!!!

No idea on 8 so far.. The obvious isn't working

@Nini, wouldn't be more obvious to think Spanish?

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Also found this: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%ADnea_H12_de_la_Red_Ortogonal_de_Autobuses_de_Barcelona

but Barcelona does not work

Get stuck on the original pic.

I could use a hint for level 7.
Can't find a cipher or so for that one.

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Thanks Nini, but what after that, the letters/word I get is not the answer. Do I have to Google something now?

Yup s-t.. u just got a 3 word question :)

Edgaaar!!! Lvl 8 is killing me! I can't think of anything.. besos ? asientos? no idea..

@Nini, JUST google-image it.
I mean it, that is just what it takes.

I did it already Edgar.. Found nothing :(

I think I'm gonna give up. This is too difficult for me with Googling for a Spanish word.
Tried mochuelo because that seems to be the symbol.

@s-t, you are very close! The answer is 3 words.

@Nini, the pic you will find with google images might differ slightly (no lips). Maybe if you don't look at the images, but the links you get when you google it?

Already tried all kind of ojo de etc. but nada :(

s-t: the owl has a longer name...

And I just have to say something... google image search was the FIRST thing I tried.. but I didn't scroll down enough to see the website I needed.. and between brower crash, internet dc and everything I am finally on lvl 9 .. But I'm leaving.. good luck all!

Ok thanks tried with atenea but not with that one.
Level 8 now.

Make that level 9. 8 was indeed easy with Google images :)

Oops missed Nini leaving, bye, bye, see you soon :)

And playing all alone now :(

Well, I guess on 9 I have to Google image all those symbols and hope they will give me something.

Nope images are too small to find them and I don't recognize them. :(

@st, not all of them give any search result. I cropped the last one (square with dot and line) and that one took me to what i needed.

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@s-t, the next part is hard, because of the language culture involved. The group you need is/was from Spain and its two-word name is made of the item you see in pic and half the 1st word from the language/font name you just used.

Is a 80s spanish band.

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Ok found the answer by looking at Wiki Spanish bands. Thanks Lucia.

You are all too clever, I'm still stuck on level 3, and none of the hints above are helping, "do it diagonally", "look down" etc...
Are the hyphons minuses?

E Presto,
Look down in real life.

Well picking numbers from the card names on level 10 is probably the wrong track. The first name isn't even 8 letters.
I guess I'm asking for a hint. Again :(

For level 10, start by figuring out about that poker hand.

I know that poker hand, Edgar (although in Wiki with different colours) but that's not the answer and trying to pick letters according to numbers or colours gives me nothing.

Oops on 11 now. Thanks Edgar :)
Didn't see a hint about the first one or inventor or was it nickname, lol.

Lol, what did you get me into Edgar?
On 11 I can't even translate that hint: s?iomcam iuabe daoneoa

Btw. how many levels more do I have to suffer?

Only 12 levels s-t

Now, the complete hint is "Sl s?iomcam iuabe daoneoa"

The pic and the hidden text tell you how to decode it.

Small tool, I'm a bit thick, when I look down I see my lap!

Hello! I'm back and into 11 :D
Trying to find a sc***** decoder

Lol, look a bit higher up E Presto.
Btw. why not visit us you know where?

oh ok, is it important to have qwerty?

Hi again Nini :)
What's a sc***** decoder?

I did with qwetry E Presto.

No decoder needed.. :) Now need to find the answer to that question

s-t.. the name of that thing in the pic..

Lol, how Nini?
I can't make 24 letters into 5 columns!?

s-t.. count the spaces

Thanks Nini. I was doing the pic letters in 5 columns, but it's the text.

Now help me lol.. what is the hint reffering to? And what about the last 4 letters? Are we looking for an organization of some sort?

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Yep I messed up.
But what shield. The inventors of that code thingy, the Greek?

No idea s-t.. I was trying to look for organization which acronyms were AAAA.. no luck so far..
Also.. there's a website of some company called scy**** and their symbol is § .. dunno what it's called tho

I think I'm totally off the right track

Lol, come on Edgar, I know you want us poor souls to finish this. What are we looking for.

Btw. I think I'm gonna make a riddle now all in Dutch and then I will see all of you guys suffer like I do now :P

Back again.
Those final letters confused me big time as well. Ignore them. If they are there for a reason, I don't know what it could be.

Focus on the item in the pic. Its name should lead you to the owner(s) of the shield(s).

Something related to Dune?

I know it's an Escítala, but all I can think of is the Greek who kind of invented it.
Pfew, it's so hard to Google between Spanish, English and Dutch and hoping to find the right answer somewhere :(

Hm. tried the Spartans, but pegaso isn't working :(

Oh! Spartan scytale! On to the next level :)

Warmer s-t... but why Pegasus?

Say what!? How!? Please

LOL Nini's got it.

s-t.. they have shields right?

Lol, ok got it as well now.
Pegaso because it was on their coat of armor. But it was literally on their shields, but didn't really look at it because it looked like nothing to me :P

Allrighey! Almost done s-t! :)
So.. on lvl 12 (btw.. I can't see the lvl number so I'm not really sure I'm on lvl 12 lol), I can see 5 highlighted letters.. they don't anagram tho.. also, tried picking letters but still nothing

Lol, "almost done". Speak for yourself :P
I do see the 5 letters, I see the numbers and a load of text that is very poorly translated by Google.
GUess it's gonna be a long night. Why o why did I start this?

OK, a bit of help is here.

No number in the level, but yes... it's the 12th and last one.

Those letters do anagram into something. Actually, the name of the cipher you could use to solve it.

Oh.. the text is talking about "freaks", people that dress up/like "unusually" (paraphrasing the text)
I don't think the contents are important

Starts with B....

Oh.. found it thx Edgar

wow! they key is the whole text!! haha
Finally done thx Edgar and s-t :)

YW. Going to bed. Good luck.

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Lol. nvm. Had to use a keyword(s).

s-t what about the "book" part?

Thanks for all the help Edgar, Ellie, Nini, Lucia and Eve.
And thanks for posting Edgar and for making Eve.
Not sure if I will ever do a riddle in Spanish again. It was struggling, whining and begging all the way, but then again, I had fun :)

Cmon s-t.. if u think back it wasn't THAT hard... I've played worse riddles lol

Lol, Nini, you have no idea at all how hard it is to play in your 6th or 7th language :P
Btw, we're really done now, right? That new page is some kind of congrats, right? Please do say yes :)

I guess so! ahah (Although is wierd that there's only 12 levels since the game is called El Quince lol)

I do not know English, but I wanted to thank who have played

Lol, your English is way better than my Spanish, but thanks again for making Eva. I had a lot of fun playing, but could never ever have finished without all the great players here.

Hi! Some already know me from other times, just say thank you for playing the riddle of Eve.
By the way, we also play yours riddles in English, without knowing the language, so I understand a small-tool very well, as we suffer! ahahaha.
I said: Thanks

Hi all, I'm already stuck on level 5.

Oh, I got it, however I couldn't find one of the colours. (A) I guess the logical answer to the level was another colour.

And now I'm stuck in level 10. I hope there's still someone around to help me. I went as far as getting D.... P..... for those cards but I don't even know if that's the right path.

@Verito, I don't know what your D...P.... stands for, so probably the wrong track.

As I posted before, do some research about the history of that famous poker hand... or should I say 'infamous'?

Oh, I see it's a bad luck hand... I know nothing about poker rofl, got it now. Thanks a lot, Edgar!

Hello still in level 2, any hint?

For level 2: Use this site; http://home.paulschou.net/tools/xlate/

Put all the numbers together in the bottom box, the ASCII DEC / CHAR
Decode and look at the 1's in the binary box. They make the shapes of four letters.

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any hint on lvl 3?

Lvl 3: pairs of numbers. Look at your keyboard. First number is the number on your keyboard, second number is how many rows down (a bit down right). But only works on a qwerty keyboard.
You get a question to answer with that, but look at Ellie her comment about the translation of the first word.

Lvl 5? please im delayed

find the 5, any idea for the 6th?

for level 6 that is a certain code the band on the right leads to an album wiki will help from there

Ok, I have the words 'EL QUINCE' on the screen, and something written in Spanish.
I pressed 'start' but nothing happens.
It's not looking good, I can't even start the game! Lol!

look for something that stands out

mtatt100 still here? nothing to do. i cant see lvl6 solution. (Hard for me but i like it)

@plank, what you need for level 6 is to decode those colored squares into letters. The cipher you need is called just like the band's album. Google for it.

@edgar :) thanks nice and hard game.

i quit :(

No plank! Can I help? D:

That was a very good game that kept me busy. @Edgar, I hope you keep posting these.
@Eva: Estuvo muy bueno, lo disfruté y también el helado. Está bien hecho, se nota el esfuerzo. Ojalá que hagas más. ¡Muchas gracias! (<<<Good game, thanks.)

Level-10 the famous hand D*** M**** H**** don’t go, I saw that there is a game too, and also read a small-tool hint about "inventor" but didn’t understand, any strong hint please?

Go to the wiki page of that hand and look for the "Old West" folk hero, lawman and gunfighter. His name will do (without the third part of the name).

Thank you very much small-tool, I'll do that

You all guys are geniuses in escape games and also encryption. Made me laugh Edgar’s hint: "It's the 12th and last one". It would be better in spanish (I'm brazilian too), and after three hours searching a decoder and the USA declaration of independence, I understood the malicious sentence, thanks Small-tool and everyone who gave hints, without it I wouldn't end

Thank you for your help, but I need one more hint for solving the number 12.

Can you give a hint for number 12?. I cannot decode the numbers

Tras mucho sudar conseguí mi helado

Finally I've reached my ice cream.

Thank you very much, everybody.

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